"Divine Guidence" by Doreen Virtue


I an currently reading this book and all I can say is "WOW" Ive been doing rituals to help me communicate with the divine, but I dont think Ive been doing the right exersizes. I think this book will help and I cant wait to get a chance to try some of her techniques out.


I have heard a lot of good things about this book. What do the rituals involve?

Also, I have never read anything by Doreen Virtue. I would be keen to here what others think of her writing style.


Basically she gives advice on how to find out which one of the clairs (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentinence, and claircognitive) you are most receptive too and tells how to open up those channels. She makes it sound so easy too...like if you simply ask "God" and the angels to help you heal your fears regarding recieving divine guidence then you will start recieving.


It sounds like an interesting book!!

I have read a similar book in which the author made it sound very easy... he stated that one only has to open oneself up to the influence of the angels for them to begin to work their magic.


I can't remember the author's name though. LOL.


Centaur said:
It sounds like an interesting book!!

I have read a similar book in which the author made it sound very easy... he stated that one only has to open oneself up to the influence of the angels for them to begin to work their magic.


I can't remember the author's name though. LOL.

It wasnt "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch was it?


Nope... it was by some guy who looked as though he were made out of plastic. I will have to find it out!!!


Centaur said:
Nope... it was by some guy who looked as though he were made out of plastic. I will have to find it out!!!

Was it James Von Pragh??? I used to watch his TV show, Beyond, and really liked him but....he does look a little bit.....unreal sometimes, LOL!!! :p

:) Luna