

In these forums people often speak of communication with their guides. To be honest, I have often read these comments with a great deal of interest. I hope you don’t mind if I ask a few questions.

How do these Guides communicate with you? Do they speak so that you actually hear their voices? Do you have visions? Are you describing the inner function of just knowingas the voice of a guide? I know people use language in different ways.

Today I own to a feeling of skepticism which has been shadowing me for quite a while. But my experiences and my skepticism are clearly not universal.

I genuinely would like to know so if you feel like sharing about this, please do. I really don't know whether guides exist or not. I have tried to believe but have not had any major or minor revelations. Faith is hard work but skepticism is also difficult. It would be good to know what is actually being said when someone comments "My guides told me............"



I have been speaking to my guides since I was a toddler. The best way to describe the way they come to me is through telepathy. I dont hear or see them, but I know they are talking to me.

Even though Ive been speaking to them since I was a little wasnt until I was an adult that I truly understood what was going on. When I was a toddler I thought they were my sisters. But when I got a little older and my mom freaked out because I was still talking to my "imaginary friends" and told me they werent real...I became confused. I started thinking there was something wrong with me.

When I was a teenager I started studying psychology and mental diseases and I also started reading about Angels and spirits. I studied all the mental "diseases" that I could possibly have and was able to rule them out. I still wasnt 100% sure. By this time my guides were comfortable with telling me exactly what they were...but I still had my mom telling me I was probably crazy.

Then when I was about 19/20 I had my first professional psychic reading. The woman looked at me and said "You can speak to your guides cant you...I see them with you" For some reason that was the assurance I needed and Ive never questioned it since.


How do you explain guides to a skeptic without them thinking perhaps you are crazy?

Hearing voices in your head, isn't that a sign of madness?

Some people actually physically see their guides and speak with them.

Spirit guides are spirits that work with someone, they can work with more than one person. Quite often when family members pass over they stay around to look after their loved ones. Hence, they would be called a spirit guide.

I actually find it hard to explain to someone who is skeptical, because the concept is, well, quite esoteric.

Sorry I couldn't of been more help. XTAX


I have asked myself whether I am skeptical because I do not have consciousnes of Guides myself.

But then I thought Perhaps it would be good to find out what people actually mean when they speak of their guides.

See...... someone might call a strong internal voice "A Guide". But I might call it a strong internal voice coming from the unconscious or sub-conscious accumulated wisdom.

So we might be experiencing the same thing but just using different lanaguage to understand it.

I am a questioning skeptic who wants faith :)


Its really really hard to explain.

Since Ive been communicating with them since I was so little I couldnt really tell you how to tell the difference between your sub-conscious and your spirit guides. But for me, I just know. I dont exactly hear the voice but its just a knowing sense that its not me.

Temperance Angel said "Hearing voices in your head, Isnt that a sign of maddness?"

YES thats exactly what I thought. I thought I was schizophrenic, or that I had multiple personalities.

However with schizophrenia....its usually voices of paranoia or granduer...the messages I am recieving are usually neither of those. Sure sometimes they deliver a warning or they give affermations...but never to the level where they can be considered paranoia or granduer. And usually with multiple personality disorder...when one of the other personalities comes lose time and you cant remember what happens during that time. That never happens to me.

I can tell you this Moongold...the fact that this has been kind of heavily on your mind is telling me that they are trying to communicate with you. You know, it doesnt matter if you believe it to be your sub-conscious or an actual spirit guide...the message is still important either way.


You're doing fine ms apples.

I have studied religious experience and mysticism and grew up reading lots of stuff about Catholic saints. Some of the great ones like Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross also had visions and communciated with God in exceptional ways.

I have read their own words about this with a great deal of interest. They lived in the 16th century of course.

I am just curious to know how this manifests in ordinary life. As I said earlier, I myself have felt the strong internal voice of premonition and, yes, of love on occasion. Just have not been re where it came from. Assumed it was some internal knowledge.

I very much appreciate your sharing this much with me. People who have grown up with these kinds of experiences often assume that others simply understand and the reality they often don't. :)


I feel my guides communicate with me not through words or telepathy, not through cards or other divinatory means (although those help), but through the feeling I get.

I get a feeling of "right-ness" inside, when an idea forms. And I have taken up the habit of waiting for this feeling to come before formulation any statement.

All in all, I think the method of communicating is and is not universal - there are as may forms of communication as there are individuals. We hear, feel, see, sense or even perhaps smell the messages from our guides or intuition in the form that is most accessible for us. So if you are a very visual type, it is most probable that you will see, and if you are "nasal" ;), the probability is higher that you will "smell the rat" rather than hear it.

Lots of love


Hi Moongold.

I believe I have a spirit guide and I call him Max. I totally understand your question, as it is very difficult to differentiate between a guide, an angel, your subconcious (Higher sElf), or even your concious. For the purpose of this post, I'm going to collectively coin all forms of the above mentioned as guides.

I became aware of Max through a series of coincidences (if you choose to believe that coincidences exist). It started with reading a book about spirit guides and angels. I had just finished reading a section where it explained that guides are all around us, and that some folk are oblivious to them. So, they do things to try to get our attention, and it listed about ten of these. One of which was a slow dimming of lights (like a sudden decrease in wattage before a return to normal light). I thought, ah, I wonder if anybody is trying to contact me.....and within an instant, the bedside light dimmed for a moment.

On its own, that wouldn't seem very exciting, but as I read more and more of the book, things starting manifesting. I had a vision of what this guide looked like - we met under a pier.

Then I went to school fair and was fossicking through the second-hand book stall and found a book on channeling for 20 cents. Bargain!!! I thought, wow, I might be able to channel Max. As I was walking out of the book stall, my eye was immediately drawn to a photographer's stand. And there before me was a large glossy photo of the underneath of a was exactly like in my vision. So I bought a copy.

And his name, well, the book had said that you will receive many signs that will show his name. The next day I came across six Max's. I don't really know if that is his name, but that is the name that I know him by.

The light dimming and electrical clicks happen to me quite frequently. Like I'll be putting makeup on in my bedroom just before leaving for work and I'll hear the electric blanket click to remind me that I haven't turned it off yet.

It's so cool when I'm in the middle of explaining to a friend the light dimming phenomenon and the light dims to prove my theory.

I can definitely feel his presence. I have never heard an external voice, though I do hear him inside my head. Having a conversation with him is different to when I am just thinking. I have seen visions of him in my shiny purple paper too.

Once I challenged him to reveal himself in a physical form. A very dear friend (whose teenage nickname was Max and I only discovered this the day I met my six Max's) had given me a leather friendshp bracelet that used to go twice round my wrist. At night I would take it off and place it on my dresser, and it would lay in a curled ring, as though it were still on my wrist. One morning, I lay in bed and set Max the challenge to appear at the end of my bed. Then I got up and stripped the bed so that I could wash the linen. I remade the bed with fresh sheets, then went for a shower.

When I returned to the bedroom, I found my leather bracelet stretched out (not curled) on the end of the bed. I was the only one home and I have no pets. There was no physical explanation as to how the bracelet was now on the end of my bed. I could not have dropped it there the night before, because I'd just changed my sheets.

He's even helped with doing things around the priming a pump when my water wasn't pumping. By that I mean, I stand there saying....I don't know what to do....and then this idea pops into my head and I do it and it works. Believe me, I am by no means mechanically minded but I got that pump going.

When it is all said and done, this whole thing could be a total load of hogwash. None of what I have said is conclusive that he actually exists. So it boils down to faith.

I feel that Max is there to guide me on my spiritual journey and I feel somehow protected. Even if it is only my subconscious I feel better by this special guidance.

Hmmm, it's all very interesting.




Thats a very interesting story purple_scorp.

I had a similar experience to the lights thing except a little more dramatic. We have this touch lamp in our room that is very touchy and it goes through 3 different levels of dimmness. It turns itself on and off whenever we walk across the floor because its very sensitive. Well the other night I got into one was walking on the floor...evewryone else was sleeping and no movement was going on in the room. All of a sudden as I was laying there...the light went from off to the highest setting and kept blinking between off and the highest setting for a few minutes until my it woke my boyfriend up and he hit it and it stopped. The only thing that made me know that it was a spirit doing it was that it didnt go through all the levels of brightness like it usually does. After my boyfriend went back to sleep my main spirit guide Samantha turned to me and asked if I was afraid. Apparently she was testing me because she is trying to get me to not be so afraid of spirits so that I can communicate with more of them.


Wow, purple_scorp, that's interesting. And it makes me think of what happened back when I moved into my appartment (about 12 years ago now).

There was a being around me, I always saw him out of the corners of my eyes, but I thought it was a "ghost" who did not find his way home. Now I look at it a bit differently: maybe it was my guide trying to make himself known?

I had a few manifestations, too. Not lights dimming, but once, I had the visit of a friend, and I told her about my ghost. We were sitting at my table, chatting together, and the cat was on my lap, so nobody was moving around. But at the moment I told her of my ghost, a whole row of books fell over on their shelf, books thad had sat perfectly stable there up until then.

And then, this was around Christmas that year, I went to visit another friend of mine. We were sitting there, and I told her about what had happened with the books the other day, and at that exact moment, a ball falls from the chistmas tree and breaks. We were sitting on the other side of the room and nobody was near that tree and she had no animals at that time.

He even told me his name, Raymond, and I sent him away, but now I wonder...
