Do you keep your Tarot doing a secret?


I wouldn't exactly call it a secret really. It's more like I have no reason to disclose it. It's my business, and no one else needs to know it unless I feel like sharing it. We all have things about ourselves that we keep in our own confidences, which is a good thing. We can't go telling everyone everything. This would just cause problems. I used to be of the mind that it is inauthentic to not share things that are important to oneself, but then I just had continual pointless repetitive problems. If someone is prejudiced against something, and I know this, it is just causing drama to reveal it to them unnecessarily. That's different than being in denial about it. If the topic comes up and they were to be calling it evil, I would present my side of the story, but not really indicate my full involvement or interest. I will just leave them to wonder and make their own assessments. They have a right to their own opinions, but so do I, and I don't need to open myself to senseless problems.

I feel the same way regarding tarot and all my spiritual practice.

I happen to share my tarot practice when I feel like it, even if they agree or not with my point of view. In the end, we are entitled to our own opinions and in this field, there is so much subjectivity that one way could work for someone whereas other people need different methods to make things work for them.

It depends so much on intuition, sensitivity and even experiences throughout our life that can make us accept certain aspects of the people we are surrounded with. This might be encouraging or an obstacle for our tarot practice. Anyway, if we respect them, hopefully we will also be respected during our tarot path.


That's really mean! I can understand how some people don't like or understand that tarot but to throw out someone else's belongings? Ugh, that makes me so mad. And considering how some people have vintage and hard to find decks, they could be irreplaceable.
Yeah, she has a stellium of moon, mars, uranus and pluto in her 4th house Virgo. Our synastry is one of oppositions. When the door opens, I'm out.


Hm, thought I'd answered this one before, but I guess not.

No. I am completely open about it. I do sometimes wear my TdM death t-shirt. :p Not to work, because it has slit sleeves, so not appropriate.

My family was very supportive when I got interested in tarot, my dad even helped me buy my first deck (age 11). Probably because I started so young I don't even think twice about it. I don't shove it up people's noses, but I will mention it when they ask what I like to do.

I even did a tarot display at work once, from a historical to modern perspective. It was quite popular.

I only had a couple negative comments one from a very religious staff member, and another from a guy who was a televangelist on a local cable channel who promoted mail order brides because they were more what God's ideal woman would be. <shrug>

My husband's family had no issues either. So - eh. I guess I'm lucky.

Edited to add = I work at a large public library, and have been reading tarot for 4/5ths of my life.


My partner and kids know and they're cool with it. I haven't told my parents. They're atheists, but they'd just think it was crazy, silly and a waste of time, and that I should have better things to think about :D For the sake of peace, I don't see a point in telling them, when we're all getting along so well.

It bugs me that there are so many of us who have people with such strong feelings about it though. What is it we all say around here, all the time? 'They're just cardboard and ink with pictures on them!' WHY does this threaten people so much? :D


I don't keep it a secret per say...but I am selective of who I tell so I don't advertise it on facebook or anything...only because there are a few people that I know if they found out I do it, I would always get hit up for free readings...and not that I am opposed to giving free readings, but I don't like when people assume that because I am on their friends list they can get what they want from me...
Once I go pro, then I will be more open about it...until then...shhh lol


As a Sunday School teacher in a conservative Christian church, I need to keep it a secret, or else it's Inquisition and Pagan Persecution all over again. I'm pretty aware history has a knack for repeating itself.


I don't keep it a secret, but I wouldn't need to anyway.
Some people in my family are into esoteric stuff like cartomancy, astral travel, astrology, etc.
Most if not all people around me are atheist and don't care about other people's spiritual beliefs.
In other words, where I live it's totally fine to read tarot in public and people related to me either see it as something interesting or simply don't care about it.

I find it so sad to know that some people have to hide a big part of who they are to family members and close friends :( I guess I'm lucky I don't have to fight to express myself like I want!


Some friends and family know. I'm part of an esoteric meditation circle and we've been learning tarot together and reading for each other as practice. I've read for some of my other non-spiritual friends too who are curious but mostly treat it as fun as opposed to anything else. My husband definitely knows as he's seen the steady stream of parcel deliveries. He's fine with it, just disinterested :) Other groups of friends or social acquaintances I haven't told and won't do unless they ask me a direct question. But that's highly unlikely as I doubt it would even cross their mind I might be into tarot, and they'd most likely not understand and could even be concerned about it. I see no point in discussing it with them, it'd be more trouble that its worth. I mostly read for myself and am less interested in fortune telling and predictions that what tarot can tell me about my current situation, options and emotional/spiritual state of being. So for me it's a largely private and inward looking activity.


I don't keep it a secret, but I wouldn't need to anyway.
Some people in my family are into esoteric stuff like cartomancy, astral travel, astrology, etc.
Most if not all people around me are atheist and don't care about other people's spiritual beliefs.
Off-topic but... I've always wanted to learn to astral travel.


Most People know I do tarot. Sometimes they notice a pic I post, a book on the shelf or even see my cards. Some people are against it but if they are then that is that we don't bring it up any more.

I have had many people ask me to read for them. I make it a point to tell them that I'm not reading the future,not going to know when they will die or how. That it is simply a guidance tool. Even the skeptics get the chills from it sometimes.

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