Do you know your significator?


What the title says.

Do you know your significator? Has it changed?

I have 2: Queen of Pentacles and Knight of Wands. They frequently show up in self-readings over a span of several years and show up around different times. I relate to both because sometimes I'm acting or feeling very Queen of Pentacles, and other times, I feel very Knight of Wands-like! I have felt like most of the courts at one time or another, but these 2 show up for me the most.

So, do you know?

Le Fanu

I have no idea what "technically" my Significator is (however it is calculated), but I do identify enormously with the King of Swords...


I tend to come up as the queen of pents (I am capricorn) but also the queen of wands a lot... I think actually out of the two I would consider myself more wands than pents tbh ...


I have no idea what "technically" my Significator is (however it is calculated), but I do identify enormously with the King of Swords...

I don't know about calculated significators either. I assume if you identify with it, and it shows up for you a lot, it's your significator for whatever span of time it shows up for. :D


I tend to come up as the queen of pents (I am capricorn) but also the queen of wands a lot... I think actually out of the two I would consider myself more wands than pents tbh ...

I am Leo, with heavy Capricorn and Leo emphasis in my natal chart, so I'm always baffled why Queen of Wands rarely shows up for me. Then Tarot will mock me by turning up a Queen of Pents, lol.


Queen of Swords... from the Thoth! })


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Laura Borealis

I did a Myers-Briggs type test that told your significator just yesterday. Let me see if I can find the site... yeah, here.

It gave me the Queen of Cups, with Knight of Cups as a second. Neither one would I normally pick for myself. But what I pick (if I bother to use one) varies according to mood.

P.S. I'm using significator in the traditional sense, as a card chosen to represent the querant. If a card that represents me turns up in a reading, I don't call it a significator.


It used to heavily be the King of Pentacles and Queen of Swords. Lately, the King of Cups. Not sure why the Kings... these are what would come up in readings for me though, I didn't choose them. Though the King of Pentacles (to me) is associated to Taurus, my zodiac.


Seven of swords. Sneaky little jack of all trades, but with not a single cruel intention in sight. That's how I see the card, and that's how people would describe me.


Fun test! I came out the Knight of Rods, which is certainly one of the cards I'd have chosen for myself if I used a significator (which I don't).