Does anyone know the meaning of this symbol?


Hello everyone!

I don't know if this is the right place for this...or not, but I can't think of anywhere else to post it!

I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what this symbol might be...or if it is anything at all?

It's been following me, trying to get my attention! :D

I first saw it in a dream, a few nights ago...while specifically asking my Guide for direction.

Then, yesterday, I saw a picture of it, inscribed on some kind of plate, in a photo of an Asian acupuncturist!

Last night, I dreamed again...that it was inscribed in gold on a stone, that came in a bag of stones. All of them had symbols on them...but this one stood out...because I knew I had seen it somewhere before!

What the heck is this?
What does it mean?

What kind of message is my subconcious trying to tell me about this??

I tried to research it on the internet...but unlike a keyword...I can't really figure out how to find it...

I really hope this symbol exists somewhere...and that someone here can help me!



  • symbol.jpg
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Thanks Sulis!
that is a great resource!
So far, I haven't found anything quite right though...

It reminded me of the Om symbol as well...which is why I think it has to exist somewhere!


In Usui Reiki this symbol is called "Sei-He-Ki" and is used for emotional healing and passing attunements.


Wow. Thanks WhiteRaven!

I feel as if someone just hit me upside the head.'s a Reiki symbol?
that explains a lot.
I keep getting synchronicities to look at Reiki as a possible new avenue of study.

I want to heal myself...and I keep getting messages that this is the right and proper time to do it.

I have a book (and oracle deck) on Archetypal Reiki...but there is something in there about how you can't get the symbols unless you have been attuned or something like that...

I should dig it out and see if there is more there about this particular symbol...

Thanks a lot! this really helps!


Oh ...and thanks again, Sulis!

That site is great!

Wow. I don't know quite what to think!

it's clear that this is a powerful symbol...and I should know what it means...I have been getting messages from other readings and things about the need to let go of something...

Im just not sure exactly what it is! LOL!

Or maybe it's linked to my dealings with soul memory?
I have been delving a lot into past life readings again...(and doubting everything!)

Thank you both for the help!


Chronata, there is no clearer indication that Reiki it trying to get your attention. They say that Reiki will find 'you' when you are ready for it.

This is the symbol for mental and emotional harmony and is given in Reiki I attunements.

So, perhaps a new path for you??? :)

You know it's odd because I recognised the symbol before I read Whiteraven's post, and I was looking through my journal for the name of it, as I knew I had scribbled the symbol in there along with some others. Along with a page of symbols is your name and address from a trade... way back. I had forgotten it was even in there.


Yes, you do need Reiki attunements to be able to could probably find a Reiki Master Teacher in your area or you could go for the distant attunements as well...

Here are a couple of good sites to check out in regards to Reiki...

Ascension Reiki

Usui Reiki

Hope this helps some :)


How exciting that you are being shown this symbol. Good luck researching for a Reiki Master in your area.