Does this sound like a healing crisis?


A little while after I attuned my father (which was something I had been struggling with, due to our past history) on Saturday, I became sicker than I have been in quite some time.

The interesting thing is that it seems a virus started in my chest (yep, right at the heart chakra area) and settled there for a few days before working it's way up and out. I finally got my voice back yesterday.

Also, my mother saw a very large smokey colored spot with a white lining on my aura over my solar plexis and heart chakra, which spanned my entire chest.

I am also in the middle of a 21 day cleansing cycle, question is: Does this sound like a large block clearing it's way out? Is this what's known as a healing crisis?

Curious to see what your thoughts are on this. :)

Love and Light,


i've never gotten sick from doing an attunement, only when receiving one.

i think, just my thoughts here, that you took on some of his yuck.......that perhaps you didn't cleanse the negativity from yourself and ground yourself really well after the attunement.

throat chakra...........needing to talk about something.

in light,

ps no i don't think it's a healing crisis.


i agree w/ jade. i don't have her experience w/ reiki but i've done other types of healing attunements. i think you accidentally took on some of the stuff he was getting rid of during the healing. a very easy thing to do if you aren't well grounded before and afterwards or if there is any kind of weakness in your aura. since this was your father, i'm not surprized it happend in your heart chakra. why not do a meditation and just ask your higher self what happened. i've been known to pick up the pain of other ppl. i ask myself if the pain is mine and if it isn't then i ask that the pain be recycled and healed in the light and returned to earth as cleansed healing energy.


What you both said makes sense...

I took extra care to protect myself before the attunement, but I didn't spend a lot of time grounding and cleansing myself after the attunement....I'm sure that I will be more careful next time!

Truthsayer, I tried what you said, and I could immediately feel myself being cleansed. Thanks!

Thank you both for your tips, it helped a lot. :)

Love and Light,