Your personal heroes


I was on the bus on my way to an Enlglish lessn (Yes, I actuallywent to it: I really do have courage don't I? ;p ) Ayway, I got to thinking about who has most influenced me, and who I most admire. I thought for a long time about all those famous martyrs, good people, famous people, but I couldn't actually say they had directly influencd me. I respect them, but I don't think they are my personal heroes. So, because it was quite a long bus journey, I thought some more. The I came across the answer. The people around me, in real life and on the web, have all influenced me in some way, some more than others.

When I finally become a Philosophy teacher, I want to teach just like Mr Findley, my current philosopy teacher. He's funny, cool, kind, and respects everyone's beliefs, no matter what they may be. When dictating notes to us, he puts on different accents, such as Sean Connery, Irish, American voice over, pure-bred English... And he always find time for a bit of a philosophical chit chat with me after the lesson. There is no student who I know who doesn't like Mr Findley, and I hope I can gain that much respect and love from my future students.

When I become a mother, I want to be a mixture of my own mother, and Jade. Whenever you talk about your children, Jade, its as though they are the most important thing in the world, and you seem so caring, kind, and supportive of whatever they do. You not only cultivate their intelligence and growth, but their spiritual awareness and the knowledge that love towards others is so important. I've always wanted a mother like you.

One day, I want to be able to pick up a pen and write like Talisman does: Witty, funny, yet straight to the point. Your writing is so familiar to me now, and its warm, and always enjoy reading what you have to say.

I want to be as dedicated as my Father, Tarotbear, Solandia and a deceased friend of mine, Bill. My Dad is a very prominent member of St John Ambulance, and he spends so much time helping them, providing first aid for the public, teaching other members and the public first aid, ambulance aid, manual handling, patient handling, fire fighting and prevention.... He organises everything for the division. All unpaid and voluntary. Bill was the same. He was also dedicated to photography, and trying to teach me semaphore. I was 8 when he first tried, and I still haven't managed to learn it all. But until the week he died, he was still trying to teach me... Tarotbear and Solandia... Nuff said!

to be continued....


I want to be as unbiased as Meewah, who, no matter what the dispute, can always see both sides of it, and will always add a little light to it.

I want to be as enthusiasitc as Pollux, who is always having good ideas, being involved with this community, and being downright cool! :* :* :* ;p

I want to be as down to earth and thoughtful as Major Tom, who's God is everywhere: In you, me, this cup of tea I'm drinking.... And who's Tarot project has become a big thing for us forumites, who seem to be clamouring for his attention to be in a card! Oh, and long live the Demon Cat!

I want to be as unfraid to question as Ramses who's thought provoking and challenging posts have all but taken over the Spirituality board, and who one day will write a really good book.

I want to be as truthful and challenging as Mojo, who does his own thing, no matter what anyone else thinks.

I want to be as full of light and care as Diana, who will always send her love and light to those who need it, and to some who don't know they need it!

I want to be as willing to help as AquarianGoddess, who will regularly tell everyone what the planets are up to, and willingly dish out astrological advice to anyone who asks.

I want to be as courageous and determined as Nexy, who followed her dream until she got it.

I want to be as accepting as Malachite, who, whilst still finding his own path, will never condemn another's.

Everyone on here is my personal hero, and the list could go on. But I haven't got the time, space, or memory to fit everyone in. Thanks, guys, for making me who I am today, and for making me want to be better than I am now.


:* :* :* :* :* :*


Hmmm...this one got me thinking. I had to spend some time deciding if a personal hero meant someone who I merely admired or someone who I strived to "be like". There are several folk I admire, but I wouldn't strive to be like them. So, I decided that for me, a personal hero had to be someone who I continually learned from, and in that way, strived to be like. Now, before I go on, let me just say that when I say "strive to be like" I am not saying that I want to be just like them, but rather, that I admire what they have done & that it encourages me to...well, to be courageous.

So, in that vein, my choices would be my mom, my step-mum, and my sister.


Well, let me recover from this wonderful surprise... So you consider me among your personal heroes, Kiama: that's foul play, because I told you hundreds time, and you DO know you are one of my personal heroes yourself! :D

Well, I can't but think of anyone, at the moment, that helped me up my spiritual stairs... And, therefore, I'll include people from Aeclectic of course (maybe exclusively! :D ).

A person I admire and consider my hero is Alanis Morissette, and this not for the things she's done or her life or I-don't-know-what-you-are-thinking-about else. Just because in her songs she is so clearl and pure, so deep, and I still haven't found a song of her that I don't identify and agree with... Apart this last album, I still have to listen to it carefully :) She's a hero of mine because she expresses her spiritual side in everything she does, and I have difficulties oin doing this instead. I adore and admire her, SO THERE!!!

Then, there's the people form Aeclectic... :)

Solandia - so patient!!! She is still bearing us crowding her Forums and creating problem and it all!!! And she is so generous and giving and available and... WOW!!! She embodies my idea of Generosity and Availability.

Meewah, Tarotbear, Jade - they are my most important spiritual guides, I guess; even though I never met them in real life, II don't care: what they have given me in these years is beyond memory and awareness. Come to that, it IS awareness!!! :) Their wisdom and advice have helped and supported me in several ways... REALLY THANX!!!
(I write them as a distinct group coz they are THE OLD-TIMERS... they also deserve this, dudes! :) )
They represent to me Wisdom and Teaching.

Kiama - of course! You are such a vital and wonderful little creature! So wise, so active, so consciuos, always ready to debate, so confident and with such strong opinions and fortitude... I've always been impressed with you, and, as I told you, I really can't believe you are just the age you are!!! You are a little sage, companion on my road to ilumination :)
Kisses to you too! :* :* :*
Kiama embodies my idea of Will and Vitality.

AquarianGoddess - I can't but have the highest respect and admiration! She's gained it! She is so helpful, and wise, and available... and she always shares with us all the moveent of the planets... And she's been so nice to me, helping me personally in gloomy and cloudy days! ...and, if I think of all the times I played with her name! :D
She can't but represent Knowledge and Helpfulness.

Then we have Diana and cayacia, very special creatures indeed ;D !!! The Mother and the Virgin!!! (we only miss the Crone !!! :D ). They are an enjoyable company and I like working with them (if you don't get what I mean, don't worry, they will do!). Diana is so generous and available at sending light and love in every situation needed... and cayacia is so enlightened, so aware of herself, her spiritual guides, the community she lives in... What I like about them is that they embody my idea of Harmony and Spiritual Consciousness.

Who else? ... I don't remember!!! :(

Oh YES!!! This is mostly a new entry in the Forums, but I've been so lucky to appreciate her throughly and enjoy her wisdom, humor and personality. I'm talking of Liliana - a great companion on my journey too. Maybe she's the one I've been "talking" to for the shortest time, but I feel so bound! I really love her way to instill humor everywhere - I like to think she's the feminine version of Tatobear!!! :D - and she's demonstrated me to be a deep and worthy person too: her very own doubts and uncertainties, her longing for a better, brighter day... I dont' know, I think it's tender, and I like her a lot too. I do consider her a hero of mine. :)
A kiss to her... :*
She is the best example of the "Fool Journey" I can think of (it is in the positive way, Lili, beware! :) ). The voyage of the soul through life and experience for growth...


I was going to pout in a second there Pollux, I thought you forgot me hehe. Polluxis definately my hero too, I like his ability to say what he means and if hes not happy, well, he lets you know it lol. Tarotbear, tho i didnt get to talk to him really, was definately one of my heros too, he hadsomuch knowledge :) And Maor Tom ispretty talented, asis kayne, to beable to create artlike his would rock. I also forgottomention IadmirePollux's English, you'd never know he wasnt native, oh and I admire his butt on his FACT card heheheh (So IS it really you? ;) ) I also thank Pollux for making me look at my message total, just about had a heart attack lol, last I looked it was 53 hehehe, Im over 200 now I dont know how that happened ;) Thats in 2 months, does that mean Ill be over 1000 in a year? Scary hehe


Hmmmm - my personal heroes? Well, for well known people my heroes are Salvador Dali (proving that insanity and an over-active imagination CAN get you places), and Martin Luther King Jnr (because he had the courage of his convictions, and was so passionate, never gave up).

I really admire my Aunty - she is the support post of our family, although she has many many burdens to bear herself. I wish I could talk about her more indepth but that's not fair on her privacy. Since my mother died two years ago, she has been like a surrogate mummy to me, even though she lives overseas. I love her very dearly, and I'm getting all choked up now!

I also admire myself, because for a lazy, procrastinating person, I've done OK (could do better, but there's a whole lifetime to perfect that! Can't be bored in my old age, eh?!) :p


OK - that is weird - the above post was entered at the time of 19.41 - this is my mum's year of birth!!!


Quote:Liliana (03 Mar, 2002 08:35):
(...) oh and I admire his butt on his FACT card heheheh (So IS it really you? ;) ) (...)

Well... a small poetry, sort of magick formula:

Will I say it once again
for all of the Forums to see
that butt is just of another man,
and does not belong to me!

Lili, you'll have the whole Forum believing it's me!
Hm... I must plan a terrible joke for you... }>


my personal hero is mother teresa of calcutta. she allowed herself to be led by her intuition or what she considered God's calling to do something greater than she could have if she had not listened to her inner calling. she managed a great cause while learning the delicate balance between caring for others and taking care of herself. she stayed humble despite the admiration of the world. she never considered herself superior to the ppl she helped. she learned about love and life by seeing thru the eyes of the ppl she helped. if i can manage to do even a fraction of a fraction of what she did w/ her life i would feel satisfied that i lived a good life.


There are a great deal of Writers that I admire, and I feel that alot of you people writing on this forum can serve as role models by my defintion.

I should mention one special person I read trough this forum that really got to me.
Learning about what Mehrdad went trough in his post about his vision affected me in a very special way, as I could feel the truth behind all of his words.
So if you *mehrdad* reads this, I simply wat to thank you for sharing.

I admire the creators and evolvers of the Kabbalah, as it is simply the most beatiful system of thought I have encoutered thus far.
I admire my mother, for her tremendous work with me, helping me trough a lot of abuse that I have faced.

I admire the teachers of school and life that I have encountered, I especially recall a very benevolent man named G?ran, who could still the class I attended without any force, but with tender care.
There are lots and lots of more, but there are so little time, so I?ll think I?ll stop now.
