Doreen Virtue decks??

Sweet Irish Angel

daily guidance - I have yet to see this deck anywhere!

Deborah Johnson

I have all of these cards - I love them and use them all regularly - they need more intuition than tarot mind you as they don't really tell a full story.

The daily guidance deck are just beautiful - they are very light energy - which I think is a great way to be. They are very supportive and wonderful as 'daily guidance' which now that I think about works out well :)

If I was doing a reading with these cards, I would tend to use two different decks as I find that they support each other very well and build on the message they are giving to you.

If you have any questions about these decks I would be happy to discuss them with you.



Okay, I guess the Daily Guidance Cards and book were just released, according to I have never seen daily Guidance Cards in the stores, though suppose they'll be around. I have most of her decks, except the one just before this one.


I just saw the Daily Guidance cards in the stores a week back and they are quite reasonable. They looked pretty nice. But I need a break from Doreen Virtue now.. ;) Guess I'll buy them a little later. :)


I went ahead and linked this thread in the INDEX, since the deck is confirmed as published now.

Sweet Irish Angel

I got to get me to a shop to get the daily guidance deck asap haha cant wait to see them :)


ooooooooooooooooooo....guess what i have just found in the UK issue of "spirit & destiny" magazine?

an interview with the angel lady herself! :)

AND if you ring up hay house on 02089621230 and quote "spirit & destiny doreen virtue offer", you can get the "daily guidance from your angel oracle" for just £9.99 rather than £11.99!

it also says that she is visiting london in july 2007, so perhaps there may be some workshops being organised?

jue xx


hi there

I personally have Healing with Angels and I bought a friend of mine Messages from Your Angels. Personally I like the Messages deck better... the angels are sassier. Have not heard of the others though.

knowledge seeker

i also heard that next year she is releasing 2 more decks, i think one of them is called 'divine magical guidance' or magical guidance, something to that effect. i can't remember what my friend mentioned the other one was, but neither of them are angel, faerie or 'animal' themed. i can't find any info about this on the web (haven't done a big long digging search though...) anyone else heard this?


I just bought this deck about a week ago, I found it to be very acurate. While looking through this deck i discovered that i have a repeat card, this card is called family, do you guys think this happend because there is a message for me on this card or it was pure coincidence. I have to admit that i do have family problems.