Doreen Virtue has moved onto Fairies

Dee Ell

Well, according to the description, she hasn't *strictly* moved on from Angels, since apparently: "fairies are magical Earth Angels who help you fulfill your earthly needs."



It's Fairy Nuff, one might say, a most prominent fairy.



I knew it :D :D I said some time ago, once she had run out of ideas for Angel tarot themed decks, she would move onto fairies:
Wasn't she doing fairy oracles and fairy affirmation cards years ago?

I'm sure she's lining up dolphins. Or would be, if they hadn't said to her "So long, and thanks for all the fish."


Fairies are Earth Angels to her? Does that mean dragons are Fire Angels and Pegasi are Wind Angels? No seriously, I'm asking this because I find the impetus to create a deck involving fairies to be incredibly reaching. Her Angel Brand has whitewashed the angels from Judeo-Christian lore, but to paint fairies with the same brand seems even more ridiculous.

Fairies are traditionally creatures associated with trees, forests, meadows, and they have wings. Is this why they're Earth Angels? I take it Doreen's ignoring all the folklore about fairies as mischievous and even evil creatures who cause misery for people, including taking lives.

Demons and Dragons are traditionally creatures associated with fire, and they have wings. Are they Fire Angels? Pegasus is a winged horse, is he an Air Angel? Or is that an Earth angel because he's a horse...ugh, headache.


Wasn't she doing fairy oracles and fairy affirmation cards years ago?

I'm sure she's lining up dolphins. Or would be, if they hadn't said to her "So long, and thanks for all the fish."

Yes, I remember receiving one of her fairy decks years ago (like 2000) from, I think, her sister in law (somehow related anyway) who was in a class with me.


God help us all. :/

The artwork on her cards isn't bad--she's like the Thomas Kinkade of Tarot decks. It's just that there are So. Damned. Many. of. Them. That and the viewer may go into diabetic shock from all the supposed sweetness and light. *sigh*

I'm actually rather surprised there aren't more fairy tarot and oracle decks. Lord knows they've got dozens for everything else.


God help us all. :/

The artwork on her cards isn't bad--she's like the Thomas Kinkade of Tarot decks.
Oh good GOD you're absolutely right!


Thomas Kinkade is a guilty pleasure, his paintings do seem to "work" and are undeniably beautiful. Virtue's decks, on the other hand, seem garish and have a post-nuclear apocalypse glow to them that is quite unsettling.

Dee Ell

Her Angel Brand has whitewashed the angels from Judeo-Christian lore, but to paint fairies with the same brand seems even more ridiculous.

Fairies are traditionally creatures associated with trees, forests, meadows, and they have wings. Is this why they're Earth Angels? I take it Doreen's ignoring all the folklore about fairies as mischievous and even evil creatures who cause misery for people, including taking lives.

Exactly. That was what I was implying with the word "apparently" before quoting her and then putting a face with a tongue sticking out (some of the emoticons on this forum aren't the clearest)... *winky face* ;)

It's just so absurd and on top of that insulting, in this attitude that everything - which would include other sentient beings like faeries - is just here to serve humans (in that they're here to "fulfill [our] earthly needs.") Just. Wow.