Dream and scrying


Hey all! I would like some help interpreting a dream. Before I went to sleep, I was thinking about my friends who are in relationships and I thought, "What's wrong with me?" And then I thought, "There's nothing wrong with me. It's just about divine timing and being in the right place at the right time. But how can I be in the right place?" So then I had this dream:

I was with this girl who identified as a puritan. She was very quiet, polite and demure and we were doing a psychic activity in a class with other students. The activity was to pick up on others' energies. I was going to use incense (I don't know why) but I couldn't use it and I said, "I can't use it to pick up the energy off of your backpack" so she pulled out a crystal necklace and said I should try scrying. I wasn't able to do it though because our activity ended. When our activity ended, this student gave her opinion on something and started swearing. My activity partner was shocked and told her to have some respect.

That was the dream. It was very odd.

I was wondering if anyone could help me make sense of it. I feel like it's related to what I was thinking about before I went to sleep but I'm not familiar with scrying. I think it's a technique used to find things? *begins to google it* Is the dream also telling me I should pick up scrying? I've had dreams before about my chakras, specifically my crown, third eye and sacral chakra. I've had dreams about crystals. But never about scrying.

Thanks a lot for your help!


Hey all! I would like some help interpreting a dream. Before I went to sleep, I was thinking about my friends who are in relationships and I thought, "What's wrong with me?" And then I thought, "There's nothing wrong with me. It's just about divine timing and being in the right place at the right time. But how can I be in the right place?" So then I had this dream:

I was with this girl who identified as a puritan. She was very quiet, polite and demure and we were doing a psychic activity in a class with other students. The activity was to pick up on others' energies. I was going to use incense (I don't know why) but I couldn't use it and I said, "I can't use it to pick up the energy off of your backpack" so she pulled out a crystal necklace and said I should try scrying. I wasn't able to do it though because our activity ended. When our activity ended, this student gave her opinion on something and started swearing. My activity partner was shocked and told her to have some respect.

That was the dream. It was very odd.

I was wondering if anyone could help me make sense of it. I feel like it's related to what I was thinking about before I went to sleep but I'm not familiar with scrying. I think it's a technique used to find things? *begins to google it* Is the dream also telling me I should pick up scrying? I've had dreams before about my chakras, specifically my crown, third eye and sacral chakra. I've had dreams about crystals. But never about scrying.

Thanks a lot for your help!

I'm certainly not an expert on dream interpretation, but here is my take:

You were thinking, "How can I be in the right place?" for a new relationship. I suppose you could try scrying, but I believe the crystals/scrying is symbolic of trying something new. In your dream, you automatically wanted to use incense, which could be a symbol of your "usual" method, something tried and true, your familiar modus operandi for trying to connect with someone to initiate a relationship. Yet, you say "I can't use it"; your usual methods are not working. So, the images of crystals and scrying are simply trying to nudge you in a different direction. Maybe it is time to step outside your comfort zone in order to find a relationship. Do something you normally wouldn't do.

Also, the people in our dreams often represent different aspects of our own personalities. So, the opinionated, swearing student could represent the part of you that is upset and angry with yourself for not being able to establish a relationship. The shocked activity partner who wanted a more respectful response could represent the part of you that knows you need to be patient about the situation, and possibly more patient with yourself if you find it difficult to step outside your comfort zone.

Hope that helps. :)


Since you were wondering about scrying, it is the art of looking into a crystal ball, a blackened mirror, or a bowl of water to see images that tell the future. :)

Other than that, I think RiverRunsDeep had a pretty compelling interpretation of your dream! :thumbsup: I do believe that every character in our dream is an aspect of ourselves.

ETA the backpack may refer to some baggage you are carrying around - since it is related to the Puritan girl, perhaps some aspect of yourself is very traditional, and quite reserved; but that seems to be a burden, and one that you are not able to interpret, since you could not use the incense to crack it. Her giving you the crystals to scry with might be saying loosen up a bit, and learn a new way (as RRD said). Be more daring and more modern. And don't (perhaps) be so shocked at the darker aspect of yourself (the swearing person).


I'm certainly not an expert on dream interpretation, but here is my take:

You were thinking, "How can I be in the right place?" for a new relationship. I suppose you could try scrying, but I believe the crystals/scrying is symbolic of trying something new. In your dream, you automatically wanted to use incense, which could be a symbol of your "usual" method, something tried and true, your familiar modus operandi for trying to connect with someone to initiate a relationship. Yet, you say "I can't use it"; your usual methods are not working. So, the images of crystals and scrying are simply trying to nudge you in a different direction. Maybe it is time to step outside your comfort zone in order to find a relationship. Do something you normally wouldn't do.

Also, the people in our dreams often represent different aspects of our own personalities. So, the opinionated, swearing student could represent the part of you that is upset and angry with yourself for not being able to establish a relationship. The shocked activity partner who wanted a more respectful response could represent the part of you that knows you need to be patient about the situation, and possibly more patient with yourself if you find it difficult to step outside your comfort zone.

Hope that helps. :)

This is so interesting! I never would have thought of it this way. It's funny because I use incense a lot but just to clear my space. So it is a regular thing for me. I've been trying to go to meet ups and group hangouts that I find out about through Meetup.com and there's one today that I really wanted to go to but I'm so nervous about it...I might not even go...And I feel horrible for being like this but my social anxiety is kicking in something fierce. I originally wanted to go to another group so I may just go to that one instead. But I'm terrified and angry at myself for being so anxious and afraid. So your interpretation makes a lot of sense. Thank you! :D

Since you were wondering about scrying, it is the art of looking into a crystal ball, a blackened mirror, or a bowl of water to see images that tell the future. :)

Other than that, I think RiverRunsDeep had a pretty compelling interpretation of your dream! :thumbsup: I do believe that every character in our dream is an aspect of ourselves.

ETA the backpack may refer to some baggage you are carrying around - since it is related to the Puritan girl, perhaps some aspect of yourself is very traditional, and quite reserved; but that seems to be a burden, and one that you are not able to interpret, since you could not use the incense to crack it. Her giving you the crystals to scry with might be saying loosen up a bit, and learn a new way (as RRD said). Be more daring and more modern. And don't (perhaps) be so shocked at the darker aspect of yourself (the swearing person).

This is so on point too! I am carrying around a lot of baggage that I'm afraid turns other people off. But I've been working on it in therapy for a couple of years and going to support groups. I am quite traditional in terms of romance and I think that's why I've never dated anyone before. I'd like to go slow but so many people go so fast and with my past it's too triggering for me. But then there are times when I wish I could go that fast. But it's just not me. So two sides of myself are in conflict with each other constantly. =/

I'm actually going to try scrying just to try a new type of divination, haha. I mainly stick to cards so it'll be fun. Thank you for giving me the accurate definition for it and for your interpretation! =D


Good for you to try something new :) when I scry, using a crystal ball, (I use one with many inclusions, not a clear one) I just contemplate the ball and slip into a meditative mode. I slightly unfocus my eyes, and I let the swirls and shapes in the ball feed into my mind. My mind then sees the symbols the shapes make, and I then use those symbols for my interpretations.

(i,e, if it looks like a dog walking through a doorway to me, then I will view that as a friend may bring new opportunities my way, in regard to my question; if it is a star or clover shape seeming to form, I can see luck ahead; and etc. I think you can look up online symbol dictionaries, like for reading tea leaves.)

Sometimes, images that I don't see in the swirls come, and I then interpret what those might mean :)

Have fun with it! It really is an interesting process. You may want to check out the divination subforum, as there have been several exercises here (usually run by CelticNoodle, I think) last year about using crystals to scry with. And GotH also posts often in the divination subforum, using melted wax in a bowl of water, or crystal balls, to scry with. It will help you get a good idea on how to go about it, and what to expect :)

Good luck with scrying, and in finding love, too! :heart:


I've been following this thread too since this morning with great interest. I love how RRD came up with the meaning for your dream and it looks like she hit the nail on the head for you too! Good job, RRD! :thumbsup:

I'm also glad you're going to try scrying. I would also recommend you take your time with it and remember this VERY important step. If you are scrying and you begin to feel eye strain or a headache coming on, STOP. REST. and begin again another day. Scrying can give you a doozy of a headache if you're not careful.

And, as Padma mentioned, enjoy it! have fun with it! You can also scry with anything, anything with a pattern is best to begin with. Your floor tiles if it has a pattern in it. The ceiling if the same, a picture or a crystal ball, bowl of water or whatever! :D

GotH and Sunchariot are two of the BEST scryers that I can think of off the top of my head here on A.T. with threads here on A.T. So, if you feel the need to read through some scrying threads, search for theirs.

I also like your symbolism for a friend walking through the door to you, Padma & you bring up a great point too, with that. Remember that sometimes messages come to us symbolically. Dogs are symbolic of friends, so this makes perfect sense!


Are you in the bible belt states? Or some type of conservative or religious comunity? I have a feeling that everyone around you is telling you to use reason and practicle past experiences but you are waiting for love. Senses are used in the way how we are atracted to people but in your dream you were not successful to use your standaRd ones. The suggestion to use scring is saying to pay attention to your intuition. Pick a partner with your heart. Reason is, no matter how pure and proper the person can look, inside they can be a devil incarnate. Use your intuition, 6th sence and you will see right into people and see their true nature. My guess is that you know that the relationships your friends are in are empty and fake? Don't settle!


I've been following this thread too since this morning with great interest. I love how RRD came up with the meaning for your dream and it looks like she hit the nail on the head for you too! Good job, RRD! :thumbsup:

Thanks, CN. :D

I'm so happy my interpretation made sense for you, KnightOfTheCosmos. Good luck!


Are you in the bible belt states? Or some type of conservative or religious comunity? I have a feeling that everyone around you is telling you to use reason and practicle past experiences but you are waiting for love. Senses are used in the way how we are atracted to people but in your dream you were not successful to use your standaRd ones. The suggestion to use scring is saying to pay attention to your intuition. Pick a partner with your heart. Reason is, no matter how pure and proper the person can look, inside they can be a devil incarnate. Use your intuition, 6th sence and you will see right into people and see their true nature. My guess is that you know that the relationships your friends are in are empty and fake? Don't settle!

First off, thanks to everyone that responded! I've gotten a lot of great feedback and I really appreciate it!

Bluelagune, your feedback stood out to me. I'm actually not in the Bible Belt states or in a conservative community. I'm in a very liberal state haha. I'm waiting for love but I'm the one who believes that I should be out there experiencing things. I feel old-fashioned in the sense that I'm waiting to meet someone who I can have a deep emotional connection with. I can't be in a superficial relationship. I need something solid and loving. I've never been in a relationship. Well, I was in one but it was long-distance and wasn't fulfilling. Very heartbreaking actually. But besides that I've never dated and never been in a legit relationship.

I have noticed that the people around me (not my friends, just my generation in general since I'm young) don't seem to have fulfilling relationships. They just seem to settle and I can't do that. It's interesting you said to pick a partner with my heart because the crystal my study partner in the dream gave me was a rose quartz crystal, somewhat similar to a rose quartz crystal necklace I own but it was a tumbled crystal, not polished.

I just had a situation where I had liked someone a bit and thought they seemed really cool and nice and ambitious and had the qualities I was looking for in a person. I was rejected but I'm glad I was because she wasn't who I thought she was.

Thanks a lot for this! :)


Your dream is about connecting with someone's energy, and your partner advises you to not stop trying. I think that's pretty solid advice.

I do think characters in our dreams can show a little bit of insight of what goes on in our heads. You might feel some tension between how you're "supposed" to behave, and how you feel. And you know, we all feel that battle every once in a while. And we all feel angry at times, so there's no need to be shocked by your own feelings.