Dream Last Night


In my dream I was a contestant in some sort of contest that I shouldn't have been in like a beauty pagent (im a male).When it was my turn to do the talent portion, a friend of mine in the dream gave me a note to read while I was up there.However when I get on the stage I instead go into a rant, and when I make eye contact with my friend I sense she is majorly disappointed.So as I am about to get kicked off the stage, I decide to pull the note out and start reading it outloud.While I am reading it I wake up.

Any ideas?


Was it the same friend from the last dream? Who ever this friend is, if its the same one, - well I hate to say it, but it sounds like she needs to be your wife. She has your best interest at heart, looks out for you, no matter what situation you tend to get yourself into, she loves and supports you and is always there for you. I believe your subconscious is speaking volumes to you. I hope I have the same person, didn't you have a dream were everyone was against you, and you were being charged with something and she had the machine that tallied up the charges...or something like that?

If so, then it sounds like you are being guided in the right direction, maybe the friend in the dream is your guardian angel- or helper who is sticking by you time and time again. Take a little time to listen and maybe show gratitude for who ever this spirit, or person is.


Yeah it was the same person.The ironic thing is she has called me an angel on more than one occasion.


Wow- try to do your best by her. It really seems to me that your subconscious is egging you on. Telling you to pay attention to her.

Otherwise the dream is pretty straight forward, she has given you some good advice, maybe even taken it further than giving you advice - by going the extra mile and writing it down and in the other dream doing the research. Sounds like a real help mate to me- maybe soul mate or twin flame, someone who really understands you and your needs. (maybe better than you do)? But you getting up there and doing it your way indicates that maybe you want to do it on your own. Maybe you wanted to impress her? Maybe in the end you realized that you didn't want to disappoint her after all. You have to figure out why you choose to disregard the note on the paper- and you also have to come to the conclusion concerning how you felt when you looked out and saw the disappointment on her face.

But you know what, sometimes, doing it on your own - can mean a lot of things. Doing it on your own could mean aking the right choice about what is best for you.
Men (I think you are a man by your post) --- choose a wife- and this is something that is a way of life in almost all cultures, a man prides himself on his choice of a wife. That is the smart way to look at it, the harder way to look at it is to think that you are allowing yourself to be vulnerable or dependent on other person.

The best of luck with it all. You have had a couple of beautiful dreams- I hope things turn out as beautiful in real life.


It may well be the Feminine side of you that is getting your attention. Maybe you are too macho and ignoring that side of you that represents the female within you. We all have to balance the two sides masculine versus feminine or vice versa. Wikipedia C. Jung.

Beauty is for everyone, a dimension of life we need to see and feel and delight in. If she was very beautiful then she is telling you that you are beautiful as well but wants to be accepted and acknowledged.
You should never meet another person better to you than you are to yourself. Unfortunately we don't all see it that way. It takes some doing.


I am quite the sensitive male, so i don't think its telling me to be more sensitive.I am at times stubborn, so maybe its telling me I need to be less stubborn and more open to trying other peoples suggestions.As for why it's her, maybe it's my subconscious way of telling me i can trust her because she does infact have my best interest at heart.


I think you can safely assume that she has your best interests at heart. I think you had the dream to show you the beauty of your being. In a way your dream character was coaching you. You did not accept it but "ranted". How did you feel about seeing her disappointment ?


I was upset so i tried to do right by her and read the note afterwards.


memries- makes a good point, traditionally most characters in our dreams are reflections or aspects of ourselves. I glossed over that because with me, most of the time when I dream of specific people, the dream plays out in real life with those real people or in the lives of someone else.

So I would go with the idea that this person represents some aspect of yourself that you should listen to or pay attention to or even be more sensitive to. (Unless you have premonition type dreams.) It is certainly important for you to focus on your feelings in the dream. Sometimes more than the events that take place its the feeling that you feel that's speaking to you. Are you afraid to disappoint someone or --yourself if you "be your self"? You are working through a lot of stuff in that dream- and you know it, which is why the dream stuck with you like it did. The other dream was about disappointing people and or the criticism- judgments of other people as well.


Maybe it is showing you that there is someone else in your life trying to help you or guide you but you are refusing. The dream is not trying to criticize you but help you on your path.

This dream could also be guidance on your spiritual path. It is simply telling you to pay attention with love. Also, why would you rant ? About what ? Is there some topic you are really hot about ? If so, then that might be the subject of the issue. Don't answer my questions just think about them for yourself.