Dream of being bit by a snake?


I was doing something in the dream I can't remember what, but snake jumped at me and dogged it a few times then I was bit on the wrist. I remember it was green the snake, not like a garden one, more like different shades of green and bigger. Anyway, I was soo afraid of getting cancer from it? And that I was going to die. I so ran everywhere for help, but no one seemed to care. Then I went to this animal place where this man and lady were in a glass cage thing and they had snakes with them and I asked them and they said that you could die, I asked what about the cancer, they said it was better to get that because you will be fine. The man said yes I got it. They did not seems concerned but encouraged me not to worry. Could this mean I am making a big deal out of nothing?


DevilishAngel said:
I was doing something in the dream I can't remember what, but snake jumped at me and dogged it a few times then I was bit on the wrist. I remember it was green the snake, not like a garden one, more like different shades of green and bigger. Anyway, I was soo afraid of getting cancer from it? And that I was going to die. I so ran everywhere for help, but no one seemed to care. Then I went to this animal place where this man and lady were in a glass cage thing and they had snakes with them and I asked them and they said that you could die, I asked what about the cancer, they said it was better to get that because you will be fine. The man said yes I got it. They did not seems concerned but encouraged me not to worry. Could this mean I am making a big deal out of nothing?

Have you been studying 'The Lovers' card lately? You asked about apple dreams in another thread, in which I mentioned Eve and the Tree of Life. And in this thread you are mentioning green snakes, which also futures in the story of Eve and the Tree of life. Both these aspects (The snakes and the apples) appear in the Lover card :)

It sounds to me like you are experiencing a phase of 'helplessness' in some way. That you are trapped and unable to achieve your waking dreams. I would say it may be to do with knowledge and desire (The apple is desire and the snake is knowledge) perhaps you are looking for some help that you just can't seem to find or understand, or perhaps you just wish to reach a new level in some area of your life that has been at a standstill.

Just some idea's


Die in a metaphorical sense. Last time I had a dream of snakes biting me, mind you they were Serpents in mine, I was going through a transformation in my life. ;) There seems to be change coming for you and you must be open to it.


Just as with the previous dream you shared:


You seem to be being asked to reach higher, beyond your fear, beyond the obvious to let go and accept a higher wisdom. Dying to this life, fear of dying and fear of illness need to be overcome. The snake, a green snake, (green the colour of new life, new growth) is the gatekeeper of the tree of life. Last dream you had a shakey ladder to the apples on the tree but you feared it would collapse, this time you have the guardian himself challenging you.

Are you ready? Do you have what it takes to accept the challenge to face your fears, trust and let go? The prize is divine knowledge (the apple).

If this were my dream, I would take it as a good sign that you are being called upon to become everything that you can be.


Hi DevilishAngel,

There is an old saying that when you dream of a snake you have an enemy.

Blessed be,
Lady Marian


This all makes sense. I am going through a transition and changes. But I want them to happen, maybe deep down I am somewhat afraid even though they are good ones. Afraid that it won't be like how I hope it will be.
LadyMarian- I definitely have an enemy :laugh: I did like of that.
TarotGirlUK- I do feel helpless in trying to achieving somethings in my life.
Thanks all :heart:


Hi I think there are overt sexual meanings to both dreams, the apple is the forbidden fruit and the snake is....well you get the idea I am sure. Is there some reason you are hesitant to entering or desiring a passionate relationship??


saleeneh said:
Hi I think there are overt sexual meanings to both dreams, the apple is the forbidden fruit and the snake is....well you get the idea I am sure. Is there some reason you are hesitant to entering or desiring a passionate relationship??
No, actually it would be the opposite. I'm waiting on a guy to make his move :D


Well that could be it also... Either way it is on your mind


DevilishAngel said:
No, actually it would be the opposite. I'm waiting on a guy to make his move :D
Maybe someone wants to use this "forbidden fruit",to try and "poison" you.
It happens.