Dream of death...


I had a terrible horrible dream. I was in a very dark room. I heard my bf voice over a radio say 'he's dead, he's dead...Kurtis is dead'. I could not believe it, I was devastated. I begged my bf to see his body and I did. I saw his body lifeless lying on the floor. I wondered why I had a dream of this person. Kurtis is my best friends boyfriend. We are not particularly close. I know death is about transformation. I feel like this is a message for my friend about him. Or perhaps I have something in common with this man that I do not see?
My friend was very upset when I told her this dream but I assured her its not about literal death. Any insights?


If it were my dream, and I had a dream of someone that I know..or of someone that I really don't know that well, a dream of death, dismemberment and other shocking bad things are very, very common themes of a sort of rite of passage that a potential shaman must go through if he or she is called to be a shaman.

Does your friend have an interest in the healing arts, or teaching or doing spiritual work? The reason I ask is that, for many years I had very disturbing types of dreams in which my limbs were being torn apart or I was being torchered or was dying. Looking back, and doing a little research, I fought my calling to be shaman. Even though I have had many mystical types of experiences, my logical mind..thought it all was rubbish and BS. Your friend could be fighting his calling.

It's like the Death or the Moon card, one has to pass through those two towers to get to the light. Before you get to those towers you have to pass some uncomfortable or scary things, a wild wolf for example in the Moon or a amored skeleton in the Death card. However, if one does go down what appears to be an unpleasant path, like in the Death and Moon cards..that road might lead to where your true passion lies.

Understand not everyone is called to go down that path. And those that are called, many will fight that calling like I did. Death, dismemberment, being torchered..these are all common dreams of those being called to be a shaman. Like in The Matrix movie, not everyone is ready to be unplugged.