Dreaming of names?


Have you ever had a name come to you in a dream, and was it accurate? For a while now, I had been curious as to what a neighbors name was as we had not spoken. Well last night I had dreamed that I was rummaging through his garbage, trying to find his name, and I had come across his medical records. But the confusing thing is there were two names!!!!!! Steve, and Gary. I thought maybe the dreamworld was actually telling me his name, but I was given two names. Maybe this is just frusteration of not knowing his name. But then in another way, I'm kind of drawn to one of the names.

What is even more interesting is that I just looked up the meaning of the names Gary and Steven. Gary means "Spear Carrier" and Steven means "Crown". When this guy comes up in my tarot readings, he is always the King of Swords. Do you think this is just a coincidence?


Well, since you have posted this, I figure it means I should post this!

I don't know if it's accurate because I dreamed a name too, and Googled it, but I haven't found out anything yet.

I woke up one morning last week with a name in my mind (the sound of it), not connected to any dream as far as I can tell.

So here it is: Jesse or Jessie Kendall (male or female)

If anyone knows Jesse Kendall, please let me know!

In the meantime, Azarial, please let us know if your dream was accurate. Inquiring minds want to know!


I'm sure eventually I will find out if it was accurate or not. I wish there was a way to figure out his name without actually having to ask him myself because I freeze up completely everytime I see him.

Haha, anyone good with the Ouija board want a tarot reading in exchange for asking the Ouija board what his name is? lol


wouldn't it be really neat, if his name turned out to be Gary Stevens? :laugh: hey, ya never know!

do let us know when you find out his name. maybe both are connected to him even, like Stephen, son of Gary? or something like that. if his name did turn out to be Gary Stevens, then I'll be really amazed at how it came to you!


Celticnoodle, that would be hilarious! I just started laughing when the two names combined ended up being the King of Swords! I will report back when I figure out his name.