Dreams and Perspectives


Dreams, Nightmares and Perspectives

I find it very interesting that often the metaphysical or spiritual perspective on certain types of dreams can be close to, or at least a great complement to, the psychological perspective. I enjoy looking at both and comparing.

Here's a link re the more psychological approach, which was surprisingly close in some areas, to spiritual links I have seen. Just thought some might find interesting to compare. I especially liked the part about recurring dreams mean we haven't gotten the message yet or acted on it! IF YOU SUFFER from RECURRING NIGHTMARES, check out the IMAGERY REHEARSAL THERAPY!

Would love to hear all thoughts and perspectives.



All I know about dream analysis, comes from psychological sources... okay, honestly, just one :p a book called Love's Executioner by psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom. The book tells the stories of his cases, and he makes frequent use of dream analysis in his therapy work. I highly recommend it, it was a very enjoyable read.

And personally I think... perhaps psychological and spiritual are just two different angles of looking at the same thing. :)

Thank you for the interesting resource you linked!


:) You are most welcome, Violet!

I do often think spiritual and psychological have much in common. I just think scientific or psychological viewpoints just haven't completely caught up with the spiritual yet. There are some areas though where I see much common ground and that is dream analysis. That link made a lot of sense and was one of the easiest ways to explain some common questions people often ask. My favorite being that if you have a recurring dream, it's your subconcious trying to tell you something or a problem or issue you have that you haven't yet resolved.