elemental divination spread


I have created a new spread based on the 4 elements. I was thinking of a generalised spread and decided that I wanted 4 different aspects of my life filled with advice or rather how should I go about things in that respect.

So what I did was this

I shuffle the deck 4 times casino times, then shuffle old grandma side by side style, then cut it 4 times. Then I draw the top and bottom of the deck and have those as my general advisable sigbificators or what the 4 elements nay be referring to that I should work on. Then I cut the deck 4 times and put them in each corner, and draw the top and bottom of each pile and put them in the corners like so.


1,2 are the shadow and conscious level issues/or circumstances that should be prominently meditated on at this moment

3,4 are the shadow and conscious aspects of air. So what is it you're doing or thinking that could use improvement? For instance I received death and the 8 of pentacles. Perhaps I should change the way I think and start focusing more on developing new or existing skills.

5,6 are the shadow and conscious aspects of your feelings and intuition. For instance I received the lovers and temperance. Understand I have a choice between things but keep myself balanced? It connects to my devil significator so perhaps it refers to the relationship I currently have (I draw the devil for her and I all the time). Don't be afraid to make connections to cards that have come up previously for you :)

7,8 are the shadow and conscious aspects of the fire element. The things you are doing, the actions you take. What your body does and where it takes you and how you act. I received the 9 of pentacles and the tower. Clearly I need to do things differently on a conscious level, shake things up so to speak but at the shadow aspect I am content of who I have become and possibly should act so, which I don't always. Always too serious.

9,10 is the earth, and the things that keep me grounded and secure with life. It is last because I feel it incorporates a lot of the other elements and completes the story. For this I got the sun and the kinfng of pentacles. Clearly I am on the right path deep down, so I need not be anxious about my future (not like I am) bit consciously of is saying I need to be more grounded with an outward focus. I take this as a sign that I must be the rock that others grasp on when climbing the wall of life.

Yes I pretty much gave myself a reading and told you guys about it, but I hope that by showing you how I read my cards can be a guide for you guys to read this spread. If you do it tell me how it goes Im very interested :)