General "Your life now" spread.

Marcus R

Hi All,
I'm looking for a spread to use for people who have no question and just want a "general" reading. I'm thinking of a kind of "State of the Nation" type spread.
I found while trying to do a general with the CC, that some positions seem to have no "power", seem to give nothing to the reading, I feel like perhaps that card and position is irrelevant to the querant at that time. The CC works best when a query is posed, then all the spread is related to that question.

Any recommendations for "general" You now spreads?


A four card cross works.

Where the positions are:
1) Now
2) Obstacles/Advice
3) Recent Past
4) Outcome

Have fun!


Depends how much depth you are looking for I suppose... There is a great Past, Present, Future on You are supposed to split up the deck into each Minor suit and the Major cards. Wands = Work and Ambition, Cups = Emotions and Relationships, Swords = Mind/Struggles and Pentacles = Health and Wealth.
Basically you take three cards from each minor suit (for the past, present and future in the area represented by the suit), then 4 advice cards from the major cards one for each area.

HOWEVER I recently tried this without splitting the deck and got more interesting results, it can give clues into why things are going well or badly in each area from the past and the advice for how to make things better in the future is also very helpful in my opinion.

----------WANDS----CUPS----SWORDS---PENTACLES--(areas represented by suits)
PAST: xxxxx[1]xxxxxxx[4]xxxxxxx[7]xxxxxxxxxx[10]xxxxx
PRESENT: xx[2]xxxxxx[5]xxxxxxxx[8]xxxxxxxxx[11]xxxxxx
FUTURE: xxx[3]xxxxxx[6]xxxxxxxx[9]xxxxxxxxx[12]xxxxxx
ADVICE: xxx[13]xxxxx[14]xxxxxx[15]xxxxxxxxx[16]xxxxxx(From Major cards in original spread)

Hope this helps
Sha x

Marcus R

Thanks Darkmage, that could work for a quick read.
EmpressSha, Yes that's what I'm thinking of, thanks. I think I will not split the deck either.

I found one in a spread book called "The Gypsy Method". It uses 21 cards seperated into past, present, future on 7 subjects of life (can't recall off the top of my head... love,career, family etc).
I will be using both of your recommendations, thankyou.


Ooh I forgot there is another really great one but I'm afraid I can't remember where it is from off the top of my head (it is written in a notebook somewhere which I will try and track down!).

Basically you choose a maximum of 7 areas of your life which are most important to you, or which you would like to devote more time to (my personal choices were health, work, money, friends, family, romantic relationship, education/personal development) and then you have an 8th card for something new (Note: you don't have to have that many if you don't want to). You take a significator which doesn't have to be a card and arrange the cards in a circle around it (Decide which position represents each area).

Each card will give advice or a summarisation of that area and what you could do to balance everything. It is a really great spread, I wish I knew who created it originally! The "Something New" card is my favourite, it shows something you really should be doing or thinking about :)