Emotional state and reading outcome...


Can your emotional state effect the outcome of a reading possibly causing a reading to come out incorrectly? If you are very upset over something someone did and you do a reading on the situation can your state of mind and emotions effect the outcome causing misinformation?


I wouldn't say that one's emotional state would affect the outcome, but I can definitely see one's emotional state affecting how one interprets the cards. Ideally, readers should do their readings from the perspective of a disinterested third party. If the reader is emotionally involved in the reading, it's more likely that misinterpretations will occur. So it's not so much affecting the outcome but seeing the cards through the lens of an interested party.

Hope that I'm making sense....



I think if you're upset over something, you could be dwelling on it while you're shuffling, so the cards could reflect that. Besides the fact of misinterpreting the cards because your mind is elsewhere, I've learned I may not get the cards that even pertain to my intended question even if I'm trying hard not to think of another matter. Same as if you're desperate for a certain outcome. I've also learned not to do a reading when I'm sick, have a temperature & just feel miserable physically. Doesn't work for me.


I find it harder to read for strangers when my own head is significantly messed up (in 2002 I retired for a year because of this). I always find it hard to read for myself or for people I have strong feelings about like family or friends, because I can never tell if what I'm getting is real intuition or just my own thinking about the situation - I'm not clear.

Definitely, being calm (even being excited-happy is not good) and reading for people you don't have any particular loyalties to or antipathies towards, helps get a deep, objective look at things.


Crunchies4me said:
Can your emotional state effect the outcome of a reading possibly causing a reading to come out incorrectly? If you are very upset over something someone did and you do a reading on the situation can your state of mind and emotions effect the outcome causing misinformation?

I find when I am emotional and I try to read I get nonsense cards. The powers that be that send the answers do not seem to want to encourage me to read in that state. They only cooperate when I am calm. That is the only case for me when the right cards won't come up. So, for me, I learnt a long time ago not to try when emotional. But even if the right cards did manage to come up, I couldn't read them at all if I were emotional. For me reading is connecting to my higher powers and listening for the answer. The way I read does not work at all unless I am perfectly calm.

That can also happen when you keep asking the exact same question repeatedly, where you get nonsense cards. But I learnt not to do that a long time ago, so I never do....


Basic Elements

Yes absolutely. However it is important to note that your emotional state is less likely to effect the actual cards drawn as it is to effect your interpretation of those cards.


Word to all those above! I think it's very hard to get the objectivity needed to listen to the cards when you're in an emotional cloud. Certainly, it's impossible to read helpfully for yourself.


I would like to add that I think sometimes when we ask a question, the cards aren't necessarily answering in the way we THINK they are.

I have used this example a million times, but it's a good one: co-worker asked for a reading about the sale of her house (would it happen soon) and all the cards were Cups. My take was that the cards were expressing the impact the sale of her house was having on her emotional state and relationships. It was what she needed to know about the situation, if you catch my drift.

In that instance, I just looked at her and said, "These cards are not so much about the sale of your house, but about how it's affecting you. You need to find a way to channel your emotions because it may take some time to sell."

I believe that when we are reading for ourselves, frequently the cards are speaking directly to us and trying to help us. They want us to know what we NEED to know, which may be, "You're really hurt. Whatever X did or why X did it, what's important now is YOU. How YOU feel."


Basic Elements said:
However it is important to note that your emotional state is less likely to effect the actual cards drawn as it is to effect your interpretation of those cards.

see I wonder about this because when I am really worried about something and shuffle and shuffle for advice or what will happen etc. I tend to get the 9 of swords, or 4 of swords making me feel like they are saying you are worrying too much or go to bed and leave it be. etc. so I feel like it does affect the cards being pulled, no idea why or how because technically that shouldnt really happen but I feel it does. still to this day i have no idea what the answer to this is. I do know that when I am a mess I can not read and dont get an accurate reading, advice or answer so I try not to. :(

Glass Owl

Pao said:
I tend to get the 9 of swords, or 4 of swords making me feel like they are saying you are worrying too much or go to bed and leave it be. etc.
Same here! Often times they will show up together and then I'll look at the clock and realize that yes, it is way past my bedtime and that I really need to put down the cards and get some sleep.