Exercise: 3 Card Daily as a Motto


Justice (Tourmaline Quartz)
Five of Cups (Charoite)
Five of Swords (Pearl) R

Your personality is not balanced right now, which is causing you to not live up to your own expectations and causing bitterness and frustration, which will only lead to more stormy weather and weakness down the road.

tell me about it

Robin Wood

Queen of Swords Reversed
4 of Wands
Page of Cups
Be not a shrew, and ye shall find your love; your muse.



10 of Cups - High Priestess - Justice

Does this say:: The secret is--

Happiness is its own reward or

Happiness is a two edged sword


LaurelRae said:
10 of Cups - High Priestess - Justice

Does this say:: The secret is--

Happiness is its own reward or

Happiness is a two edged sword

Maybe it says:
Only by seeking inner balance can you obtain the highest love...
You must love yourself before you can love others...

But mostly, it says whatever YOU feel it says :).


Mythic Tarot

Eight of Cups ~ Five of Cups ~ The Fool

We thought it was over...but wait! We can begin anew.


Solleone Fiorentine Minchiate

Gemini - Air - Temperance

"Some days, the best ideas come merely from maintaining the status quo."



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Haindl - 6 of Wands - King of Swords - 9 of Wands

"A fair mind will make the difference between confidence and overpowering stubborness."



Five of swords, Four of swords, 10 of Cups

"surrender yourself to the joy and happiness of being alive"


The World (Watermelon Tourmaline)
Seven Wands (Zoisite with Ruby)
Justice ( Tourmaline Quartz) R

In order to have the completion and the reward I want, I need to fight, I just make sure that in my fighting I do not become too severe or consumed with what I'm fighting for.

*whew* I needed this reading today...

tell me about it

Robin Wood

The Star Reversed
The Magician Reversed
7 of Cups

If I stop being sloppy and lazy, I can embrace the choices before me.