Expensive decks you just don't want


But it is strange how LONG they sat on shelves unbought - especially the Ironwing. All the people saying now how much they want it - most of them were around long ago; here even - why didn't they buy it then ? I was here already when it came out, so it's not as if it was unknown - I read about it here; that was why I decided to get a copy. And at that time while not CHEAP, it wasn't TERRIFYINGLY expensive, that I recall.

Exactly! It's as I said further above (about OOP decks generally); they weren't sought after when they were available and that's why they stopped producing them. THEN everybody wants them. :rolleyes:


Ironwing is the one deck that I think of when I think of tarot. It was the only deck I read with or studied for years, and it's still the one I turn to when I need a reading as opposed to just wanting to read.

I know a lot don't get it, but for those who do, it's a hugely powerful deck!


Re Ironwing - I was fortunate, finding it when still in print. I have treasured it ever since because it makes sense to me.

However, back to the ones we don't want or need, I have to agree Le Fanu - Granny Jones; never have been a fan of naive art so this one doesn't tick any boxes with me. Just personal preference I guess.

I'll go first - Granny Jones. Nope. No need to own it. My collection doesn't crave it. I certainly wouldn't read with it. Does that mean I have $350 extra to spend on champagne and expensive underwear?

Laura Borealis

It's like the cult movie phenomenan, where a movie doesn't attract much attention on release, but word of mouth generates interest and eventually it's widely recognized as a classic. Like Harold and Maude :)

I got interested in the Ironwing via Wu's interest, after it was OOP... I'd love a copy but honestly I'm content with my set of scans.


People's tastes change, as well as people's financial circumstances.
And people can take a break from tarot and/or buying decks.
There are so many reasons why someone would not have bought a deck when it was more easily available.


People's tastes change, as well as people's financial circumstances.
And people can take a break from tarot and/or buying decks.
There are so many reasons why someone would not have bought a deck when it was more easily available.
Excellent points. And I have experienced them all. There are certainly decks that I am quite sorry that I did not get when I easily might have done.


And of course, there are those of us who didn't come to Tarot while such wonders were still available. I can see many reasons why people didn't pick up limited decks while they were still for sale. Some of us also don't have the money or the space to pick up every deck in existence, or even a tenth of them.

I'm just glad that so many of the currently coveted decks aren't to my taste at all. Of course, based on the examples of other folks I've seen here, I fully expect that to change over the years... :joke:


I don't know many expensive decks (because I don't know unless I look to buy them) so mainly going off the decks said in this thread.
Daniloff - just looked at it due to this thread and no.

Greenwood - I used to want it just because it was so expensive. But I'd had a look at it properly on the internet and actually, it just doesn't click. Sort of the same for the Wildwood, I used to want that because of the connection with the Greenwood then I actually got my hands on a deck and nope. Just nope. Nothing.

Bohemian Gothic and Victorian Romantic - Ugly.

Ironwing - I haven't even looked at the pictures. Googled it and saw "connection with shamanism" in the description. Nope, nope, nope and nope. I try to avoid buying anything with cultural appropriation in it. (I don't want to derail this thread so if you want to know what I mean, feel free to PM me and I can provide links that explain my viewpoint but I'm not looking for a debate about it.)

Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot - I've seen this one raved about on here and when I looked it up, it was going for about £150. I don't like cats, I'm a dog person through and through.

Granny Jones - No thanks

Tarot of Dreams and all the limited editions decks from the same artist - OK, part of me really does want the Tarot of Dreams mainly because I am a sucker for gilded decks. But I brought the Gilded Tarot 6 years ago (because everybody was raving about how wonderful it was and how easy it was to read from) and ended up giving it away because I hated it. Last year I brought the Legacy of the Divine Tarot and I don't like it. I do like his Lenormand but I will never use it for reading as I don't read Lenormand and can't cope with learning a new system when I still struggle with tarot. I only brought it because gilt!
So while a part of me would love to have the Tarot of Dreams and the Gilded Tarot Royale, I cannot justify spending that amount of money on decks that I know I will never be able to read from and only want because of the gilt. OK, I am more of a collector (even though my collection is pitiful) than a reader but nope. Can't justify it.
I know enough that I really do not like computer generated artwork. The only exception is the Gilded Reverie Lenormand but part of that I think is the novelty factor as it's the only Lenormand deck I have.

And I can't be bothered to look up the other decks mentioned in this thread now.

I suppose it is quite good that a lot of the raved about decks are pretty expensive. I've spent a lot of money buying raved about in-print/pretty cheap decks, and even after I've watched youtube videos showing the whole deck, I still don't like them when my copy actually arrives. Out of my 25-odd decks (that's both tarot and oracle) there's only actually two that I utterly adore (Shadowscapes and the Druid Animal Oracle) and I try to read from them weekly. Then there's my Mystic Faerie which, while I don't adore it, it is my go-to reading tarot deck because I've had it for about 7 years and it was the first tarot deck that I clicked with and could read easily from. (Druid Animal Oracle was my first ever deck.) Then there's about 4 others that I really like the artwork on but have never read from but am planning to, eventually. The others will never be used but I don't want to get rid of them.


Well, some of you may severely bite my bum when I now put to purple paper what quite often has crossed my mind in therms of " the hunt after OOP decks"
OK; some people collect - and they will pay for items to ad to their collections, what they can afford - until they hit a "financial wall"
This wall is different for all of us.
But the amount of rare or OOP decks a person owns, point out the following facts about that member here:
How long = decades a person has been a collector or Tarot enthusiast (and was able to snap up desired decks cheap when they were in print )
How well of financially they are, that they can afford to pay a little more for what they really want.
AT is a community and these fine nuances provide status in this community :)

Someone may not post very much, but then, OH, their profile shows a fantastic and valuable collection! Wow, that person's posts are heeded.

To be an active member here and have relevant things to say about deck so and so... one neeeeds the deck!
Scans from the net alone do not really do justice...
Many people buy decks to be "in on the talk" and in on the fun we are all having.
I for example bought the Mary Ell for that reason... (Busted! :bugeyed: )
It is a community thing. I wanted to be a part of this community and read, write and learn something with all of you!
Then there is the fact, that talking about a deck and being able to use it in readings are 2 different things... Using a deck in readings for the public for money is another thing altogether.....
This is why we trade and sell decks when the talk is going quiet.
Community is also, why this is a fabulous tread and has all of us here posting, watching and reading. Everyone has something to say, why he/ she has this or that expensive deck or why not. :)


well I did write in the other thread that I really wanted the Greenwood as a ambition one day but it's not because it's OOP or a collectors item, I really like the look of the cards. I bought the Wildwood in a trade last year and it really interested me. so I would like that deck as it fit's my personality and tarot learning. Maybe I will just make my own copy from the scans online. But other than that deck I don't really want any expensive decks, no desire for any others! However wolfspirit made such an excellent point, as I become more experienced in tarot my needs and tastes are changing. I am not sure what directions I will go next.

Ironwing and Granny Jones don't seem so appealing to me in their art style at the moment, but I have dear friends here who are really into those decks! I just don't have a need or desire for them, their art and themes don't enthral me in the way Greenwood does. I think I don't want decks just for the expensive or collectors sake, I have to really like the art or have a purpose for my study in my life. I am a newbie collector though! :)