Faeries circle #8 rosesred and foxyangel


Hi Partner!!

This one could be very interesting for me.....

foxyangel :)

rosesred said:
Walking the Path[/b]


1. Dream destination
The sitter picks this card turned up. (Alternitively; the reader picks it, like all the other cards)It represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve.

2. Home
This is your starting position, the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it.

3. The clear path
This is the path you’re on.

4. The enchanted forest
Your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise

5. The winding road
The change you need to make to reach your dream destination.



Thanks for starting the thread. Hopefully something else than flying poo will reveal itself. ;) Do you want to pick a card for where you want to go, or shall I see what comes up?

My first thought was picking unity as my destination, my second was Himself, since that's my favorite card (If you never ask for the world you will never get it ;)) Since I can't make up my mind, I'm happy to see what shows up in the reading, unless you want to make the choice for me.
I do not have a specific topic in mind, but if something very specific shows up in the reading, that's fine by me.

Looking forward to this


I'm going to go and have a sleep on this one and let you know what occurs to me...

So... one general reading using the walking path spread... I will see what the faeries say as to card one... sometimes when I am asleep they come and visit if I am thinking about a specific thing....

foxyangel :) .... Hoping to avoid further flying poo!


looking forward to see your choices!

From Saturday onward, I'll have a lot of family visiting, and I'll have very little time for other things. So, the sooner you can post your destination card, the more time I'll be able to put in the reading. Sorry, I would have mentioned this earlier, but it was kind of unexpected. Hope it doesn't bother you to much. It shouldn't influence the reading, it's just that I need to do it before people start arriving. I can't focus properly when people are dying to share the news about auntie poppy's newest enterprise ect. ;)



Will do my best...

But flying poo avoidance is taking up a lot of time at the moment...

Don't worry if this takes a little while... I am in no hurry... but will get onto yours as soon as I can

foxyangel :)


Hey there partner.... One dream destination picked

"The Faery Who Was Kissed by the Pixies"

I am currently single and I really am not happy with this sitution... recently I crashed and burned when I told someone I liked them... the Tower in it's truest sense....

So i guess my dream destination is a loving caring fulfilling relationship... hence the choice I made... plus the card is really rather fun when you have a good look at it... those faeries seem to be having way too much fun in it, they are all smiling and getting on together... it's a happy card :D

Thanks in advance for this one... I am hoping it will shed some much needed light on my life...

foxyangel :)


Hi Partner,

Thanks for the swift reaction, I think it's a wonderful choice. Hope that she will provide you with the much needed umbrella. I always feel warm and fuzzy when I pick this card, she's so much fun and so lighthearted!




No life changing insights, I’m afraid. Hopefully you’ll still get something out of it. I had a very good time doing the reading. Somehow I found it a very uplifting reading.

It was interesting to see how many male archetypes showed up in your reading. I did not really address this, since there seemed to be other, more pressing matters, but it is interesting. It seemed like your experience with men in general is less than brilliant. The latest tower experience was just another example of that. This might not have changed your idea about the other sex for the better. Be ready to question your ideas about men, and to accept that maybe your view isn’t the most productive one, or even a fair one.

2. Home: 22 – The Master Maker
The Maker is pleased with himself. He forged his spear of fire, and he is ready to conquer the world with it, but for now he stays were he is. Because of this,
Locka, the horned woman beneath him, is also not able to move. She is bound by chains of her own making, by words like duty and “proper behaviour”. She fails to see a live for herself as something else then the pedestal of the maker, and she is increasingly bitter about this life. She will never tell that to the maker, though, although she does hold him partly responsible for this.

In a way, the two are one single entity. You have established a niche for yourself in the world. You created your own place, and in a way you are proud of the person you’ve become. At the moment though, the way you have been up to now might feel confining. Do you feel trapped in your own life, feeling bitter about it without seeing how you can change it? It might be difficult to see how you can change things without losing what you already created in your life.

It also felt like you have or had a very strict person in your life (I don’t know if it’s a father or mother, but it might be), whom you hold responsible for the way your relationships are turning out. Now, this might be true, but the maker seems to think that this does not matter. If Locka wants to move, he is not going to stop her. Look at him, he’s tiny! If she wanted to, she could just step forward. She is stopping herself.

3. The clear path: 17 – Himself (Reversed)
I love this card! I can have whole conversations with Himself, but very often I just end up watching him, which is a pleasure in itself. Have you ever seen Him dance? It is seriously playful, and with an intensity I never seem to find when I dance without Him. Other than that, he is off course the thing we all desire; utterly and totally personified sensuality.

He told me this time that he thought of dropping by at your house, but that he was kind of scared to do that. See, Himself likes jokes, and he was planning to hang Spiderman style in front of your window, so that you could kiss him upside-down. However, he realised that you might not kiss him back when he appeared in this weird way, and that would sadden him so much. “She is waiting for me, but her expectations make it impossible for her to recognize me. I mean, I would hardly be me if I followed expectations people had about me, would I not? I would like to be with this angel, but she does not let me in”

Even though you might seem outgoing, deep down you know that it is to no avail. Every time you meet somebody, you feel deep in your heart that this is not going to work out either. Fatalism has become a part of you. Even though a small part of your brain wants a relationship, the rest of it is convinced that it is not going to happen. Guys notice this. They figure that if you’re not even going to give them a fair chance, they might as well not try. Would you recognize mister right if he walked through your door right this minute?

4. The enchanted forest: 4 - He of the Fiery Sword
Singers seem to pop up in the weirdest places when I’m reading for other people. Think it’s their way to keep me on my toes; it’s just that my toes are getting kind of sore ;)

What ever way you choose, whether it is the clear path or the winding road, you will end up here. Your dream destination is a part of this forest, just not every part of the forest is your dream destination. You have a tremendous ability to focus on what is important. Decide what to do, not from fear but from clear knowledge about yourself. You will learn that you do have the ability to take action, to cut your losses and to trust your own inner resources and your capability of changing things. This is not going to be easy, but it is going to be so beautiful. It does require the master maker to stop waiting, and start creating again, and it also means resolving stuff on your own. There is a balance in maleness and femaleness. They are not two halves of a whole, they are one.

I got the impression that you wanting a relationship is not just about that. It is about filling a hole. Do you feel like you failed the course called ‘life’ somehow if you fail to have a successful relation? He of the Fiery Sword will help you shape your life, but how the relation thing is going to turn out is not really important to him. You’ll see how to shape your life, whether this includes a man or not.

5. Dream destination: 56 - Gloominous Doom (Reversed)
The Luminous Loon is very happy indeed, he’s smiling and his third eye is glowing bright red. He hangs from a branch in a very awkward position, and he is ready to let go. He does not feel that he is doomed to a terrible fate. He knows he does not need to cling to this fate. He can simply unclench his feet and fly away. He is ready to throw his beautiful ball in the air, since he knows he will catch it.

He asks me to tell you how you do this. “First, you try to notice how terrible contorted your position is. Then you will feel how much effort it takes to just keep in this uncomfortable position. At that point, all you need to do is to let go. Do not worry whether you are going to be able to hang on to all your achievements. Even if you loose them, you will finally be in free flight, instead of cramped on a small space”

1. Dream destination: 21 - The Faery Who was Kissed by the Pixies
The Faery kisses a lot of different pixies, and she likes each one of them. I wondered how she found so many of them. She just giggled and blushed. The big guy in the background boomed that he was really very sweet, and the imp to the left claimed to be quite the dancer. Now, I do not know if this is true. They certainly do not look the part. The faery, however, knows. She found out because she really tried to know them, instead of taking them at face value. The hairy sensitive fellow in the back smells like a wet dog most of the time, but she kissed him anyway. Maybe it was even part of his appeal.

She has no list of requirements that a pixie should meet before she kisses him. That’s why she’s meeting so many different pixies. She tells me it’s not just about love, it’s about being willing to let new people into your life, whether they are going to be lovers or friends. Be social, try something new, and the life He of the Fiery Sword will help you create will surely involve lots of love and laughter.

The pixie asked me to remind you that you can actually start new social activities. This might help to change your perspective on things.

Love, Rosesred


Hi Partner,

Hope you did not drown in poo? Everything alright?



Due to poo and fan collision at work I am doing my best with this reading... it might take me a little longer that I anticipated.... I hope this is OK???

I have only just got home after a 19hr day and I need to go to sleep in order to do another day that is pretty similar tomorrow...

foxyangel :(