Faery Seekers #5...Chronata and Tsukiyono


As I said in the other thread...
I am really excited to do this reading for you, Tsukiyono!

And I know it will be very cool to get a reading in return from someone who has a fresh perspective on the Mischievious Lot.

I know it's not necessary to choose a Guide card for this round...but I just became recently aquainted with Myk...and he wants to come along for the ride.
I imagine his mousey scrutiny and great eye for detail will be a bonus!
(I think I may have a little Myomancy ability as well!)

so here we go!

1.What Is the Source of your Truth? Arval Parrot

Ah! You are a True Communicator...he says to me!
You communicate deep truths and wisdom to the world at large.
I see you do so as the faeries do...not just in words (though you are gifted with writing) but also with pictures.
You are an Artist, aren't you?
(Myk says we actually have a lot in common here...though I'm not sure what he means by that exactly...maybe an eye for details?)

I don't know what your Art is...or your medium...but Arval says you use it to share your beliefs and truths you have discovered with others....and that you also do art for cathartic and emotional release as well.
(this makes you both a Water/Emotional and Fire/Active artist...a nice balance!)
but I keep getting that every project you engage in...leads to deeper and deeper places within yourself...and you communicate this, not directly, but hidden in pictures and puzzles.

Lastly... Your Truth, through communicating your thoughts, beliefs, ideas and dreams...this is going to open up soon for you, and become bigger.
The Faeries say...that even though you are new to this oracle...you have played in the Otherworld with them before! And that you have either drawn or written about them as well!

2. What Power lies Untapped within You? Ekstasis and the yakmuse

Well...lucky you! You got two cards here (although I think my furry little guide came in because he was stuck to the other card! It's sort of static-y in here!)
If you want to see My Guide...there is a link in the Faery Seekers #4 thread with Elf and Chronata!

I will start with Ekstasis...so free and powerful...and so beautiful! This Singer is humming a Song to me just now about Ecstacy...rapture and revelation!
You have been struggling to feel these things...I don't know if you struggle with Feeling in other areas...maybe you are a cutter...I don't know...but the Joy wants out!
Your soul is screaming to feel something...some higher connection, or some unbridled joy and passion...and I think you may be trying too hard at the moment.
The Yakmuse is here to offer the key to this feeling...why is it untapped? why can't you tap into the orgasmic flow of Joy and Oneness?

Because you want to so badly....you need to lighten up and relax...play! That is always the yakmusi way, after all! Don't sweat it...and it will flow much easier for you.
So, don't worry ...I guess is the message here...iIf you want to feel joy and ecstacy...pretend you already do, and it will manifest...whatever you do, don't focus on the darkness and the sorrow. To feel Joy...it is not necessary to work through the darkness first...in fact, great ecstacy can occur along side great sorrows too...

3.Where are You out of Harmony with the Universe? The Laume

Give and Take.
Hmmm....Are you unconfortable with recieving praise or kindness from others? Do you ultimately think that there is an ulterior motive for those who give to you?
I'm not sure what she is telling me here...but I don't think you usually have problems in giving of yourself...in fact that idea would go against what the other fae are telling me about you as an Artist.

I suspect that this is a Momentary Disharmony.

Whichever it is...the Giving or the Getting...the best way to balance this universal truth is to give away something without any strings attatched. It could be a friend or a stranger...it could be given freely and annonymously...but it needs to be unconditional. this will make you feel better about some situation in your life that makes you feel out of control. I also think it might be related to some past relationship that requires healing.

So...Give...and don't be afraid to Receive also...with Grace and Openess.

4. What do You Need to Let Go Of? The Rarr

Ah. This one is familiar to me! The Rarr is something I struggle occassionally with myself. It is tapping into your wild energy at the moment...ok... feeding off of... might be a better term! Like a little vampire, except that it is feeding back to you a potent energy that is careless and free, and utterly wild, as well...only more so!
You need to slow down. You are scattering yourself a little too much at the moment...trying to take on everything yourself, that you are not putting enough of yourself into any one thing? Does that make sense?

I almost fel that you are rushing into things right now, without looking where you leap...and there is an attitude of "whatever" here...I also see that you don't like to delegate. You need to do everything yourself...because honestly you know best how things should run...how they should look...and you are the best at making them happen.But sometimes...this will make you crazy and you don't even know it....suddenly you are scattered and drained, and your defences are down.
You have not hit that yet...but if you don't give up the rarr...that always running, partying, scattering, multitasking...doing EVERYTHING! Then the Universe will make you rest...and not in a good way.

You don't have to give up everything...but you should let other people help you with some of the little stuff right now. and then take a break. You deserve it!

5. What Kindles Your Dreaming Soul? Faeries of the Future

Here we have a clear message...you are a Visionary! You can sense the next Big Thing...whether it is pop culture, or the next world disaster...you can see it, or feel what it is going to be.
And what kindles your soul...makes you jazzed and passionate...is that ability to know what the trend will be, and to jump onto it.
A Lot of Visionaries are Artists (though it doesn't always work the other way around...)and I really get the sense that you understand Time in ways that others don't. History inspires you, the Present moment has an Eternal Now feel to it...and the Future is always a list of possibilities that you can see with some accuracy!

Well...the crackling in the air just changed...I think I used up the charge! so I need to stop. I hope this is helpful in some way to you! And I appologise if anything here was too personal...not my intention at all.
Sigh. Sometimes I just let them speak through me...but I have been known to garble the message too.

It's been a pleasure!


Hi there Chronata! :) I am excited to do a reading for you as well, but also nervous! This will really be my first time reading the Faerie Oracle for someone else. I will definitely do my best! Right now I will have to wait until after dinner though as I will have to help cook soon and I don't want to be interrupted.

I do have some time though to comment on your reading which I thank you for very much. :) Everything you said made very great sense. I should tell you that I do in fact write, paint and draw. I think I love painting/drawing the most though, but I try to incorporate writing by making comics! Also I do draw faeries sometimes, and I have also written about them. :) I think I communicate most through art and writing, because generally I am a quiet, introverted person. When faced with the question of why I do art, which comes up sometimes in conversation, my answer always is because I want to be able to share my dreams and inspiration with others. I would love it if I could give people that flush of excitement and imagination that I get whenever I read a great story, or see an image I really love. Basically I just want to share all of that with everyone. :) (by the way, my art website is linked in that little bar below by my profile link and stuff)

I just looked at your guide card. Wow! You did so well, it looks like it fits right in with the rest of the deck! Yakmuse is very cute too. I still need to find my guide. Anyway about these cards....Yes, I would like to be able to achieve my utopian bliss. :D This ties in heavily with my ability to create art for a living which I am struggling with as of late. I think I probably am working too hard at things and I need to give myself more freedom to relax, take things as they come, and not be too discouraged when things don't go quite right.

The Laume....I give, though sometimes I feel that I don't give enough, and because of this, I do have trouble taking.

The Rarr....You know, I love the Rarr. :D Anyway I am notorious for rushing into things. When I feel that something must be, I make it so with out thinking. Right now I am definitely taking on too many tasks and not being able to focus enough energy on any single one. I've branched out in my effort to make a living off of art by designing jewelry, making handmade papercrafts, doing illustration and in the meantime I try to keep up with my comics that I sometimes self publish with friends. I probably start too many projects at once, being too excited about them, but then lose energy and end up dropping a few only to feel guilty for droping them later. Yes, my creativity is very flighty.

Faeries of the Future....This really came as a surprise to me. I was half expecting it to be something related to art. :) I think I do take a lot of inspiration from history, particularly for stories. Hehe, in fact just a short while back I was taking notes while watching a special on the history channel about ancient rome. I felt some of the ideas could be used for good in a story later. I'm not sure about the future though.....sometimes I may like something before it becomes popular. Maybe it is something I need to work on and ponder. :)

Well I finished writing this just in time to go help with dinner. Afterwards I will work on your reading!

Thanks again for the reading!



I asked Himself to be my guide for this reading to help give me focus in case I started getting too Rarr-ish. He has agreed to help. :)

1. What is the source of your truth? Penelope Dreamweaver

(This card is really new to me, so please bear with me) She seems like a muse to me, her fingertips are glwoing with creativity. Muses send little waves of imagination and seeds of creativity to people. Maybe you enjoy helping others, though maybe in indirect, subtle ways. You like to spread sparkles? Overall Penelope seems very kind and helpful, but not in a Faery Godmother kind of way....more like an older sister. Maybe you are an older sister, or like to play the part of one. This activity is effortless for you.

There is something important about the wings too. A couple of them resembles Venus flytraps to me. I think maybe Penelope gets her energy through things that come in contact with her wings. I'm thinking this might be the same way for you.

2. What power lies untapped within you? The UnDressing of a Salad

You are a master balancer! You can take on many things at once and make it seem effortless and easy. I think the blue fairy actually has fun doing this, and maybe you do too. Maybe you enjoy having multiple pans in the fire because the momentum is exciting and refreshing. Overall it is an admirable quality.

3. Where are you out of harmony with the universe? Indi

Sometimes you are not sure what to do. When I look at Indi I feel like he says, what shall I do, where shall I go, big or small.... Maybe you have some uncertainty about something. In your uncertainty your wings are down and you are not collecting the energy you need which makes you lose momentum and stop.

4. What do you need to let go of? The Singer of Courage

Never had this card come up for me before and it seems like courage is an odd thing to need to let go of. Courage would seem to be something needed.

OK, this is going to sound really, really silly....but for a split second I saw Rudolph the red nosed reindeer in the singer....I think it is the slightly pink glowing red tip at the bottom and the similarity of shape between the singer and the fawn that called the image to mind. Anyway I had a thought....Rudolph had to be full of courage in the beginning, but now these days Rudolph is accepted and does his job just like everyone else. He doesn't need to be wearing the medal of courage anymore or be all fired up. So maybe the event you needed courage for has passed and now you need to tend to regular things. Maybe courage after the fact is "defensive courage" if that makes any sense. ^^;

5. What kindles your dreaming soul? The Singer of Transfiguration.

When I see this I think of the phoenix and rebirth. You like to find the new in the old maybe? Change is exciting and refreshing for you? The energy and fire given off by changes is like fuel to you. So in thinking about Indi again, it would be good to get out of any ruts. Change breathes newness into life and gives promise of new/more adventure.

Well that is all I have. It seemed a little shakey for me in the beginning but then I felt like I "smoothed out" as I got into the flow. I hope some of this may make sense to you. ^^; I would love to hear any feedback! :)

Have fun!


Thank You Tsukiyono!

I have no idea why you were so nervous...that reading was awesome! So much of it made sense to me!

I'll try and get to the feedback in a minute...

I wanted to tell you that I was just in the bathtub a few minutes ago, and that crackling energy was all over the bathroom again!
(I think I may have a Rarr problem to contend with myself!)

Anyway, The flash I got, while the Rarr rarred nearby was...I wonder what happens if you mix Red Bull and Jolt Cola?

so...there may be an extra message here for you, and that's to be carefull of your caffeine intake! It could be detrimental to your health right now!
Heh. I just love the Rarr as well...it was my choice for favorite card way back when!

I just had a look at your webpage just now! You really are a great artist! I love that style of Anime and Manga...and you definately have a gift for showing human expressions on your figures! Great Talent!
Now...I am not surprised that the word Artist rang so clear to me when Arval showed up!
Funny...I originally was going to say you were a musician...but Myk told me to look again...to change the sense from hearing to visual.
I almost thought "graphic Artist" but than I realized that no...you were more about imagination than that...but I can kinda see why I thought that, as your talent is an alchemy of skill and imagination!

The reading you did for me was spot on in so many ways!

To see Penelope Dreamweaver as the source of my truth! That made me want to cry! I love that card...but I never get it in readings...it is so rare to see her show up....but I have been a professional dreamer all my life! And yes she is definately a wondeful Muse!

I do love helping people...like a Big Sister(I teach art to kids...) and I love sprinkling faerie dust everywhere too! (sometimes literally!)

I think it's funny that you mentioned that it was unlike the Faery Godmother...because I feel sometimes that I am not much older than the kids I teach!

This was so incredible to see!
I love your take on wings...the Venus fly trap idea of absorbing what it comes into contact with! That is so me. I absorb influences like crazy and then regurgitate them in original ways. (or at least I try to!)

Fun to see the Salad Undressing here! Lately I have been lamenting that I can no longer do a million things at once...that it's getting harder to multitask...and that I really need to focus...But that doesn't stop me from actually doing everything at once! I teach, I make Art, I do Tarot, I write, I direct theatre, I create, I dream, I design and somehow I still keep it all going! (and yes, It is fun!!)

To see Indi as indicative of why I am out of Harmony...oh yes! I sometimes can't make a simple decision on where to begin...so I end up not doing anything at all! (this is especially true right now with my very messy apartment! I still have my Christmas tree up! OK...it's really a pirate tree...so I keep telling everyone that Pirate Season isn't over yet!) But this is definately a problem. Poor little Indi! He needs for me to decide where to begin and just do it!

That is a great interpretation of the Singer of Courage! the whole Rudolph thing is genius! Yes...this so makes sense to me. I spent a year dealing with fear and healing from a past job...and now that I have gotten there...and past that...I need to calm down again, and not be so defensive. This relates to my theatre and writing career. And also a bit with acting. Don't worry about the interpretation making sense...it absolutely does!

Transfiguration! What a popular Singer this one has been for me lately!

I love the idea of the phoenix...and raising old ideas from the ashes and updating them, putting a new spin on them. I like to say that no idea or project I have ever had is truly dead or done...I love to reinvent! This is a great message for me...as I do get excited about change, and I do need to stop dragging my feet, and let it take me!

Thanks again for this remarkable insightful Fae conversation!
You did such an excellent job...especailly if it is your first time reading for someone else! you definately have it Girl! There is no doubt!


I am so very glad to hear that the reading made sense to you! :D I think I definitely learned some things in the process too, and it was a lot of fun. I actually can't wait for the opportunity to do another one. :)

About the caffiene thing....I am addicted to sugary sodas, and lately I have been drinking them a lot more than I have been drinking good old water. I'll have to take care to tone it down some. :)

That's really cool that you are an artist too (you really are a multi-tasker too!). Hopefully some day I can see some of your work. :) Speaking of artwork, I am reminded I left a sketch half finished earlier...hehe

Well this was a lot of fun. :) Thanks again for your reading!


Tsukiyono said:
That's really cool that you are an artist too (you really are a multi-tasker too!). Hopefully some day I can see some of your work. :)

Sigh. Yes. I really want to someday focus on one job...but I think I may end up getting bored too quick!

I do have one thing here that shows one of my mediums...

Check out the Tarot Deck Creation Forum. :)


What great readings!
Chronata, yours was just wonderful, I loved the Yakmuse popping up too! Too cute. You have a great voice when you are translating for the Fae, and I liked the info you gave. You took some real chances with info and you delivered it well. Great flow. I learned a ton reading your reading, about delivery and flow. To start....the rest is too much to write.

And look who says she is new and nervous!
Tsukiyono you gave a really wonderful reading.
Your info was great. REally to the point, very specific, and not hestitant at all. Welcome aboard. The first reading is behind you. Great effort for a first time reading, five card spread and all!


<Kim rolls on the ground in Happy Baby pose, laughing, with little Rarr sparks coming off her as Mimi and Rodolfo fall in love on her iTunes>

What wonderful readings! I'm in a rapture of joy, and the sky so blue, and my crocuses blooming, and my daffodils budding. Chronata, Tsukiyono captured you so well. And your reading for Tsuki was so delightful -- how perfect that the Fae told you she was an artist.

I'm so happy to be a part of this group.



Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. :) I really had a fun time doing the reading and am looking forward to the opportunity of doing another one.

The crocus are blooming outside my house as well. :) I took my dog for a walk today because the weather was so nice. Lots of little fresh green things starting to peek up through the old grasses.


Lovely readings, both!

My this deck is quite something!
