Faery Seekers #4: elf and Chronata


What a lovely room we have here Chronata!
I'm so happy to be able to get a second question answered too!

Now what is your question?

Did you want that Strength spread???

I think you should use a different spread for my question, because I loved my reading with rosesred....I know you have something up your sleeve!


Your question about the Singers really intrigues me, Elf!
I will ask my Guide what he thinks spread-wise will answer this the best!

as for my question...um...I don't really have one... other than the general...Am I doing the right thing right now...am I on the right path? sort of thing...

I would love if you used the strength spread for me!
hee hee!

I will get right on this after I write up a few past lives on another part of the forum!


oooo, past lives?
I want you to do mine too! ;)

Last night I was off to read cards at the head shop which is my Friday night gig. I have a Tuesday night gig and a Friday night gig.

I stopped at a little chinese take out place, you know the kind that has just a couple tables?
It is actually a nice night out for me! A break from being a Mom and a wife...I'm just me and when I get to the store I'm Claudia the Tarot Reader.

Anyway at the take-out place I was reading the section on the Singers in the book and I was looking at the Singers and thinking about the Singers. I kept noticing these two guys who were obviously a couple of hispanic gang members. And so I got a little paranoid thinking about driveby shootings and then I was kind of laughing at myself.

Well I was looking at the Singer cards and I'm looking at the face of one of the guys, and I just knew he was a very nice person, that he wasn't bad or evil and that if I offered him a reading we would see some very nice things, things that would really touch him, perhaps transform him. I think the Singers showed me this, because I was watching them with such hesitancy, mistrust and fear! And they were being very quiet, eating and talking.

Well, I never caught his eye. I tried, but he just wouldn't give me eye contact. He must have felt me watching him, but I tell you he never glanced my way that I could see. When my food came, of course I was enjoying my curried chicken and shrimp, so I wasn't thinking about reading him as much, but I kept thinking about how nice he was. He seemed of the Fae.

So, I don't know if he was what the Singers seemed to be indicating, because just before I got the message about how nice he was, I was thinking what cards would come up to show his dark side, and would I catch that. I was thinking that should I tell people if I see dark aspects because it can be so unnerving......


Chronata's Strength Reading

The privilege of a lifetime is being what you are.
Joseph Campbell

I was going to keep the same Guide, but, The Sage wanted in, so here we are.

Your Greatest Strength:
1. The Topsie Turvets
A wonderful writhing mass of Fae are twisting around me right now!
Such a commotion Chronata!
and they are pushing and shoving trying to catch my eye and asking to be first, hang on........


-you look at things from every which way
-you are able to hold back from judgement and have a way of living in acceptance, no matter how strange
-they tell me I am not getting this right and they are not happy
-you can suspend your judgement
-you can suspend your belief or disbelief
-as if you stop time
-you mustn't worry if your thoughts are fast and furious and don't seem to make sense, they tell me that you will always eventually ferret out the truth.
-there is no reason why you shouldn't tumble whenever you want to
-play with laughing and crying simultaneously, this means at the same time...(I think you know that but this guy over here says to say it anyway)
-if ever in doubt spin yourself around several times and tumble and laugh and howl and cry and stamp your feet shout no shout yes and then clap and sing like you may never sing again and you will know what to do.

Oh my. Enough and be gone and thankyou Topsies, thankyou very much.

This is very difficult. the Sage is watching me ever so closely Chroni, and I feel like this is more important than I know!

How can you enhance this Strength:
2. The Singer of Transfiguration
Well, the Topsie were going to try to tell me this one too, so thank goodness the Singer showed up. Until the red glow from his essence became manifest they were not going to leave......
Suddenly all is balancing and the sounds in the house become as rhythmic as a symphony. The washer and dryer are playing the most lovely tune.
So to use the energy and strength of the Topsies you must tap into the energy of Nelys my dear. This is faery alchemy.
You must pull the roly-poly topsie energy into yourself and transfigure it.
I think it is like when we first become aware of a new talent, it was always there, but suddenly it bursts into form and we see it with new eyes and we love it and we embrace it, but we don't know how to own it, how to live it.
So the Topsies have been with you and you know them well, but now, you must hone your skill of using this wild eyed seeing. You must pull it into the root chakra and ground it.
Sounds like a conflict doesn't it? But with out the grounding then the Topsie just make you a little crazy because only a Topsie can be a Tospie...see what I mean?
So yes, the Topsie energy must undergo a Transfiguration before it is available for you to really Use.
When you are stretching your wings, if you can turn your wings red you'll begin to see what I mean, I think...

How you can apply it to a project.
3. The Piper
O my. This seems difficult. So Chroni be who you are.
Now I see why I brought that quote along.
Your music, the lovely inner music that is you well, it is playing, but not for everyone to hear.
Why aren't you playing that lovely tune, that ever changing ballad, that saddest and sweetest of songs, that lively little jig, all the ways that You make music, why, bring that song out to the world!
It is time!
And then the Topsies and the Singer of Transfiguration and the Piper all fly to you like moths to flame and that project of yours, and you know the one don't you, is released and now your Song is being heard by oh! so many...
What this Strength brings you:

4. The Dark Lady
Oh honey.
Something will be released. Is it a sadness? A grief? A longing? A desire? A dream that has been too long pressed against your breast that finally flies and flies and soars?
I feel like a secret, a very deep secret is teetering on the edge of making you blind with worry. that unless you reveal some part of it or of yourself you will not be able to function in the same way anymore.
So let it go now.
Do everything we talked about so that the Dark Lady does not have to hold this for you anymore.
She has so many other, more beautiful talents and you have asked her to bind this thing for long enough.
She wants to let it go, and she says that you need to be cleansed as well.
So much depends on this for you.
She won't say what, but something you want to come in has no room until you make your offering, until you sing this song.


Oh sweet Elf!

This was one emotional reading!

I hadn't expected to become emotional right now...but OH! this makes Sooooo much sense to me!
Yes...tears and laughter all at the same time!(pushy damn little Turvets!)

BTW I love your story about the chinese takeout, and the Singer and the guy who was there...That is awesome. Actually so are the Singers...and we did something very cool last night! But I'll get to that...
(oh! And a past life, too...if you want!)

First I wanted to say that you have such a great connection to your fae!

And I really love that Campell quote! I used to give out little bundles of talisman stones, and quotes after I did readings...and I remeber using that one because it had such a resonant powerful message .
And one that I needed to hear!

so the Topsie Turvets jump all up and down in a big grinning flowy mass(they have done this to me before, too!) And I get that I should look at my life...what I do and what I don't do in a different light.
Yep...I am way to close to my own feelings lately (ever since I got sick...and was haunted by Death cards...and Simone did a wonderful reading where she told me I was not feeling like myself!)
Stop time! Yes! Thoughts fast and furious...yes again! (I can't help that part really...)

Yep. Turvets can be quite surprising. I never thought of them as a great strength before...but I understand, with the help of Transfiguration...exactly what I must do! which, I guess...is what I am NOT doing now!
I am so getting a feel of motivation from them...and action!
Which is a nice message...because I have been very lazy for...well...for a while (I am pathetically still looking at my Christmas tree...which is STILL up and now gathering dust!)

So if I switch my views...open up to the turvets...and transform them (oh I love fae alchemy! Nels was very narrowly almost my fav card from the beginning!) and then I can achieve... something!

The piper...hmmm...Yes I should share what I have, talent wise...but I often am afraid of resentments and feelings of rejection. I am just now learning that other people's reactions to what I do...and what I create...have absolutely nothing to do with me, but with them. Boy this has been a long time comming! (you missed the panic I had last year as I slooooooowly discovered this truth!)
I think Wayne Dyer said...Don't take things personally...and I am finally getting that. The piper is here to remind me to take the chance and and share my other stuff...not just the art that I have focused on...but also the writing, theatre work, design. Maybe it's saying I do...finally.. need to send that resume package to Disney Imagineering, which I keep putting off every year. The piper sometimes scares me...and I feel this is a really good message that i needed to hear from him!

And the Dark Lady...oh yes. I know all about what that's about. I found myself getting a little too freaked out about a question you asked in a recent PM...and it was an honest question...but it opened up deeper sadness and repressed feelings that I had.
I don't know how much I should say about it here in this public forum...before it gets into the Way Too Much Information stage...but it involves Sexuality, repression, nightmares, karma and longing...all things that the Dark Lady keeps secret with that little smile of hers. I will Pm you if you want the gory details!

so..yes amazing reading...it opened up lots of stuff that I had not been willing to look at in an honest way (isn't that always true?)
And now I look at the present circumstances with much more hope and attention!

Thank you Elf! Thank you faeries!!!


Alright...before I begin...I need to introduce you to my Guide...
Claudia...this is Koree Kobee...
(we have played together while I was waiting, and he was very instramental in this reading!)


so...When I asked the question...why does elf keep seeing the Singers on her face? the answer (I'm not sure who spoke it, actually) came..."because she needs to experience the essence of many of the Singer's realms right now! There are messages there, that she needs to feel."

so I went through all the Singers and made a list of the ones that seemed most insistant right now.
And Koree Kobee agreed with my selection.
Not in so many words, mind you...because he is one of the fae that communicates telepathically, very much like a dog...and gives me the gist of what he's thinking by gestures and feelings, rather than direct words.

But he is a fae that is all about letting yourself feel goofy and foolish, and letting your hair down...and not caring who is there to see you being a goofball, and enjoying play.

He also reminded me to tell you that he understands the idea of taking the Initiative...and you are doing well in this area...so anyway...the reading, which I am calling tenatively the "Realms Spread"...will be in the following post.
Just need to get my thoughts, and all of thier thoughts...in order!


I too will start off with a quote that came singing into my head...it may become apparent later...

Deep Greens and Blues
are the colors I choose-
So won't you let me go down in my Dreams...
James Taylor

The Realms Spread

What is the message you need to feel right now from the Singer of...


INTUITION? The Singer of Connection


INITIATION? He of the Fiery Sword

HEALING? A Collective of Pixies

TRANSFIGURATION? Penelope Dreamweaver

So...to explain a bit about the quote...if you exclude the Oak men...(or have them hang out with the Yakmuse...)
and you take the next five fae...lay them all out side by side...you may be struck (as I certainly was!) with the intensity of the blues, and greens on the dark blue background...
these are all fae that come from the deeper well...of Dreams I think.
And they are all telling me that you are experiencing the Singers because of a deep wisdom that grows from the subconscious mind...and from a higher source.

So...in the First...the Spirit of Connection...the Oak men are telling me that you sometimes lose sight of the fact that everything is connected. The Experience of the man at the Chinese place is an interesting lesson about this, I think...because when you look at another Human Being...and know deep in your heart that we are all connected...well then fear and judgement simply vanish. Like they did in this case...and you wanted to catch his eye...because you wanted to connect with him with your love and Wisdom.

the Oak Men say your path to connecting with all Life is through your Wisdom. You are wise beyond your years and your ears! Beyond even this Lifetime. You share this ancient Wisdom with others when you do readings...and connect with people.Sometimes words and Truths just flow through you...and you tap intio that akashic record...or wahtever it is...that connects everyone together.

But you can connect with other living (and even not living) things by hanging out with the Oak Men. Don't forget to take some time to meditate in nature...surrounded by trees, and rejuvinate that feeling of interconnectedness with everything in the Universe. It happens when you can sit with your back to the old men of the oaks, and just breathe.

Intuition...well...this comes easy for you...just read what I have already written...and you can see! Once you connect with the Source energy that connects everything...you open up the vast universe of Intuitive thoughts and feelings...and you can really see the whole enchilada!

Another thing that this Singer is telling me is that you are about to experience different and new realms of your intuition...a higher experiment, it says....where you not only get feelings and pictures...but smells, sounds, and other senses come into play...and a new breakthrough with astral projection is comming too (if it hasn't already come!) Oh I am so excited for you!
This sounds like a new adventure! But it all stems from your ability to connect...and soon there are no barriors in your way...simply the freedom to experience psychic concepts in ways you have never imagined you could!

Now...Courage...This Rarr I see is veeery insistant that you play tag with it for a while. Or maybe its Hide and seek?...I'm not sure...Anyway this Rarr and I are good friends (one of the few fae I have actually seen in the real world)
and buzzing around like a fizzy whizzer! The yakmusi love to play with the Rarrs...though I often see them trying to bite the flying lights as they zoom past! I am actually not sure what the message is here...but I do feel like your courage can waver...and can go zooming about too.
Maybe you need to catch it, hold onto it...integrate it...because there may be inconsistancies there.
For many things you are the very picture of courage, bold, brave, not afraid to look or sound foolish...but there are other aspects of this life where you have placed limitations and fearfull postures.
Be like the Yakmuse...go ahead and bite that energy ball...and do not be afraid of consequences,or rejections, or limitations.

Initiation...The realm of lessons and tests and trials that must be undertaken to move to the next level...He of the Fiery Sword is definately connected to the last card in his stance on courage (it seems like all of them are connected in a pattern here, doesn't it?) So you connect with your fears...and then you actively take a stand against them. I also feel a definate energy of defending those who cannot defend themselves...and when you fight for what you know is right...especially when you fight for the underdog, or the weak...you have achieved a kind of pass through the gate to the next level or stage. I feel that you are almost there...but there is still work to be done...with your own courage...before you can take on the dominant and courageous role as the Defender of the Truths.

In the realm of Healing...you have Pixies! Pixies everywhere! Pixies dancing and pixies moving...and pixies partying!
As Pixies have to dance...you have to Heal...you have no choice.
But how to heal the old hurts and old wounds?...well, they are here to help you!
and one way they help...is to remind you of the collective...and there's that Connection again! Bacome part of the collective community...open uip to others, and you will be surprised how much they can help. All the stuff that needs to be healed in your past...others have gone through this before. If you share your heart...and open up with courage and honesty...it is amazing how the healing can begin!
Also , they are telling me that you need to heal you...so you can begin healing others in an amazing new and profound way!
They giggle...and won't tell me anymore...because they say its a wonderful surprise for you!

and finally, Transfiguration...how to transform what you have into what you need and desire.
Penelope Dreamweaver reminds you to go through the spiritual closet and look at some of the dreams you have stored there. you may have stashed some dreams in there a long time ago...but you never really put them away...they have just been out of sight for a while!
Time to dust them off...and really look at them...compare them to current dreams and future ones too! And don't be afraid if they look sort of outdated or not in style at the moment...she is definately reminding you that dreams and goals...like fashion always come back around in a few years.

Transform your old patterns and thought processes too...especially the ones in the closet that have been there since childhood. Some of them have serverd thier purpose, and now need to be remade into something that is more you...better reflects what and who you are at this moment. sometimes it only takes a bit of faerie dust, and turning a garment (or a belief for that matter) inside out...to make it more in the current syle or Mode!

So whew! That took longer than I expected! But I hope it helps! And so do the fae!


wowwy zowwy!
That was quite a reading!
And some of the Fae who don't come up much for me came up.
LIke the pixies. I was looking at them last night, rather intently. Perhaps they thought I was calling them!

Give me some time for the feedback. I have the kids today and no Daddy to play with (he's at work), so, Ive been popping in and out of the forum all day.

I want time to really focus on this so probably not 'till tonight.

Your Faery Guide is so sweet.

It was funny, because I like to pick a Fae or guide for the various readings I do. Not a significator, more a cheerleader. Well when the Sage came up for you it felt like a test! As if he were watching me saying, "Ok now. Let's see what you're made of."


Chronata, what can you tell me about the Realms Spread?
Each space asks, what about connection, intuition etc?
I've never seen it, I was thinking it is a construct you devised?


Yep. It was a spread I devised (with my Guide's help!) just for you!

Although I only used a few of the Singers (the ones whose names are thier essences) I think it might be cool to try using all the Singers at some point!