Faery Seekers Circle #8 Tsukiyono & Leo62


Hi Tsukiyono - here's the spread. Let me know what you want as your dream destination card...

You know how you can feel stuck in a situation? Sometimes there are other ways to approach a subject, but since you are looking down to your feet you never notice them. This will help you to see you are not as stuck in the mud as it seems.

Walking the Path


1. Dream destination
The sitter picks this card turned up. (Alternitively; the reader picks it, like all the other cards)It represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve.

2. Home
This is your starting position, the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it.

3. The clear path
This is the path you’re on.

4. The enchanted forest
Your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise

5. The winding road
The change you need to make to reach your dream destination.


Hi there,
I think I shall like my dream destination to be....The Faery Who Was Kissed by the Pixies. I've been thinking as of late I'd like a little more romance in my life. :) Anyhow I shall get started on your reading after I get home from work tonight.


Hi Tsukiyono
The Faery who was kissed... it is! I plan to do your reading tomorrow evening (UK time)...see you soon :)


Tsukiyono - sorry - ran out of time tonight. I promise to do your spread tomorrow. :)


That's ok. :) I'm not quite finished with yours yet either, but I'm close!


Walking the Path reading for Tsukiyono

1. Dream destination (represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve).
21. The Faery Who Was Kissed by the Pixies
You desire to open your heart. You are becoming aware that to receive love you must be open enough to give it. Although you may be conscious of wanting love on a personal level through the vehicle of a relationship, actually your heart is opening on a much broader basis than that. You may long for a kinder, more compassionate world where people treat each other with respect. You long to feel held in tenderness, not just by a close loved one, but in every aspect of your everyday life.

2. Home (the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it).
22. The Master Maker
You have achieved a level of mastery in your art and your life. The torch of your confidence and skill burns brightly and you rest on the solid foundation of all those other masters that have gone before you. You have the ability to make something out of nothing, with a little pinch of magic and a lot of hard work. You know what you can do and you know how to work comfortably within your limits. However, staying within your limits may eventually hold you back. If you continue to stick to what you know with your creations and never stray outside your comfort zone – yes, you will remain a Master at the level you have reached, but you will never know the thrill of venturing forth into new territory and climbing the next level of the spiral, becoming a student again in order to gain a deeper level of mastery.

3. The clear path (the path you’re on).
1. Unity
You are experiencing the fundamental oneness of all life, the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. This is a private, deeply spiritual experience which is difficult to put into words. You may also find it difficult to incorporate into your daily life. You sense that the white light of unity is the same fire that lights the torch of the Master Maker, but you may not yet be sure of how they are connected. This is an experience which is affecting you profoundly but has not yet taken form in your everyday life.

4. The enchanted forest (your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise).
48. A Collective of Pixies
This experience of oneness is affecting every aspect of your life. You are seeing joy and beauty in the simplest and most mundane of tasks. As these are the Pixies that are kissing the Faery, you may also be learning to feel kissed – that is, blessed – by things in your life that you have previously taken for granted. You are, or are going to be, a part of your own Pixie collective and you find great contentment in their company. The simple pleasures of being with, and being appreciated by other people, bring you great pleasure.

5. The winding road (the change you need to make to reach your dream destination).
15. The Journeyman
However, to reach your dream destination, you may have to strike out on your own. This card bears a striking resemblance to the Master Maker, except this time the Journeyman is about to step off the head of the wise one – a bit like the Tarot Fool. I feel that the head represents established tradition, a solid foundation on which you have built your creative life. But to reach your dream, you must move on and leave the familiar behind. This might be a frightening and lonely prospect for you, but the experience of Unity will give you the knowledge that there is a bigger, wider, more wonderful world out there and you want to explore it. Unity will also help you develop a sense of trust, helping you to take that first leap off the edge of the familiar and begin your magical journey. Artistically, and personally, this is a time to start taking a few risks.

General comments: All the cards have a very similar colour scheme (except the Faery who was Kissed…); dark blue and pale monochromes – very moonlit-looking. The spaces behind the faery characters were dark and undefined and I think this illustrates that you are in a place where things are still in potential, yet to be incarnated in your life. Your dream card has a very different look; warm greens and light purply-blues. A daytime card.

Tsukiyono - this reading seems to be about more than finding love, or starting a new relationship. It seems to be pointing to new horizons, to a new definition of your creative potential - and love, in the widest sense, is a central part of it. To reach your dream destination you must step out of the realm of the potential, of the dark moon, and enter the daylight world. You have mastered the night – the next step is to embrace the day.


1. Dream destination - (Represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve.)
Penelope Dreamweaver
She wants to remind you that inspiration comes from being in tune with the world around you. Creativity and inspiration is all around you, just waiting for you to breathe it in. It's also OK to take your time, to take things slowly and gently, to gestate things. Also be careful because new ideas are often birthed small, and too rough a handling can cause them to dissipate.

2. Home - (Starting position, the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it.)
It seems you have some good friends who support you in yuor endeavours. :) Friends are often a good source of inspiration, however sometimes the activities you partake in can become repetitious. Everyone still has the same opinions, thoughts or feelings, so nothing new is discovered. It's easy to get in a rut with those you are comfortable with, and sometimes when we get comfortable we care not to venture forth so much.

Do as Laochan does though, go out, go forth, find new things and bring your friends with you. You can have both the comfort of an old, trusted friend and seek out new things at the same time.

3. The clear path - (This is the path you’re on.)
Tobaira of the Waters
I can't help but think of the waters as being restorative in this case. I think this suggests you are in a reflective mood, giving much thought to your decisions, and perhaps even healing up old wounds. Currently your calm state of mind is allowing you clarity to sort through your emotions. Perhaps you are even cleansing yourself of old unwanted attachements to emerge out of the waters, refreshed and feeling new.

Overall I think meditiation is fruitful now, and there is a lot of sorting things out and formulating new plans.

4. The enchanted forest - (Your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise.)
Well it appears Indi awaits you in the enchanted forest. Thinking and mulling over things too much can lead us into indecisive circular patterns of thought. You can get nowhere if you don't make choices. It's true you might choose wrng at times, but it is better to decide and be done with it and move on. Even if it leads you into a mistake, at least you have learned something. By being indecisive and constantly at the crossroads you can make no gains.

5. The winding road - (The change you need to make to reach your dream destination.)
Lys of the Shadows
Lys to me brings light to the darkness, brings hope and help to those in need. I wonder if perhaps you are this way for others, specifically your friends. You can and want to help them through troubled times, but on the other hand you might have a tendency to neglect yourself sometimes. Perhaps you feel that you don't need the help as badly as others or maybe you even feel a little unworthy. If this is the case, do take help or ask for help when it is needed, and be sure to look out for yourself too.

Be confident, believe in yourself and in your work. Hold your head high, don't look down at your feet and mumble or be shy. Find your inner strength and let it shine forth.

Well, I hope you found that helpful in some way. :) I'll be back tomorrow with my feedback on your reading, as I want to digest it a little more. Many things seem on target though. :)


Sorry it has taken me so long to get this feeback to you. I was pulled every which way this weekend and found myself overwhelmed with things to do. Anyhow here it is.

1. Dream destination (represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve).
21. The Faery Who Was Kissed by the Pixies
You desire to open your heart. You are becoming aware that to receive love you must be open enough to give it. Although you may be conscious of wanting love on a personal level through the vehicle of a relationship, actually your heart is opening on a much broader basis than that. You may long for a kinder, more compassionate world where people treat each other with respect. You long to feel held in tenderness, not just by a close loved one, but in every aspect of your everyday life.

I've definitely been noticing a change in myself that seems to correspond with what you said of this card. Besides deciding that I might like to try my hand at romance again I feel as if there is some sort of potential stirring in the air around me.

2. Home (the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it).
22. The Master Maker
You have achieved a level of mastery in your art and your life. The torch of your confidence and skill burns brightly and you rest on the solid foundation of all those other masters that have gone before you. You have the ability to make something out of nothing, with a little pinch of magic and a lot of hard work. You know what you can do and you know how to work comfortably within your limits. However, staying within your limits may eventually hold you back. If you continue to stick to what you know with your creations and never stray outside your comfort zone – yes, you will remain a Master at the level you have reached, but you will never know the thrill of venturing forth into new territory and climbing the next level of the spiral, becoming a student again in order to gain a deeper level of mastery.

This makes sense for this position. I've been really focusing on my artwork this past year, year and a half. It consumes a lot of my energy and leaves me with little time for other pursuits. Also lately I've been kind of feeling a little artisitically restless, and talking with friends about art has made me want to broaden my horizons a little more, so I am undertaking a few new projects that are somewhat out of the scope of my usual work.

3. The clear path (the path you’re on).
1. Unity
You are experiencing the fundamental oneness of all life, the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. This is a private, deeply spiritual experience which is difficult to put into words. You may also find it difficult to incorporate into your daily life. You sense that the white light of unity is the same fire that lights the torch of the Master Maker, but you may not yet be sure of how they are connected. This is an experience which is affecting you profoundly but has not yet taken form in your everyday life.

This really makes a lot of sense. I can feel right now that there are certain connections in my life, but I'm not certain exactly how they work together, but I have come to a few conclusions on a few of the loose ends. Eitherwise you are correct, it is difficult to put into words. ;)

4. The enchanted forest (your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise).
48. A Collective of Pixies
This experience of oneness is affecting every aspect of your life. You are seeing joy and beauty in the simplest and most mundane of tasks. As these are the Pixies that are kissing the Faery, you may also be learning to feel kissed – that is, blessed – by things in your life that you have previously taken for granted. You are, or are going to be, a part of your own Pixie collective and you find great contentment in their company. The simple pleasures of being with, and being appreciated by other people, bring you great pleasure.

I think I've always been able to find joy in some of the simpler things, though perhaps I have been noticing them more again lately. For example when I was on my way home from work one night, the usual interchange that I would get on teh highway at was closed, so I had to find my way to the next exit down and in doing so I discovered some interesting landscape and learned a little more about the side of town I was on.

5. The winding road (the change you need to make to reach your dream destination).
15. The Journeyman
However, to reach your dream destination, you may have to strike out on your own. This card bears a striking resemblance to the Master Maker, except this time the Journeyman is about to step off the head of the wise one – a bit like the Tarot Fool. I feel that the head represents established tradition, a solid foundation on which you have built your creative life. But to reach your dream, you must move on and leave the familiar behind. This might be a frightening and lonely prospect for you, but the experience of Unity will give you the knowledge that there is a bigger, wider, more wonderful world out there and you want to explore it. Unity will also help you develop a sense of trust, helping you to take that first leap off the edge of the familiar and begin your magical journey. Artistically, and personally, this is a time to start taking a few risks.

This makes a lot of sense as well, especially with how it seems to tie in with the Master Maker. I guess I need to get out more, broaden my horizons and stop being so confined to any particular one way of thought or what have you. Heh, I guess it's time to start a new journey. :)

Thank you very much for this reading Leo62, it has been rather insightful. :)



Tsukiyono said:
1. Dream destination - (Represents where you want to go, what you want to achieve.)
Penelope Dreamweaver
She wants to remind you that inspiration comes from being in tune with the world around you. Creativity and inspiration is all around you, just waiting for you to breathe it in. It's also OK to take your time, to take things slowly and gently, to gestate things. Also be careful because new ideas are often birthed small, and too rough a handling can cause them to dissipate.
I like what you say about taking care with new ideas and not handling them roughly. This is very helpful to me right now, because I'm just starting work on a new novel, and I'm trying to be more adventurous, take a few more risks. It's going well, but it's also a little scary and your advice to take things gently is very relevant. I hadn't really acknowledged that nurturing side of Penelope Dreamweaver - or myself for that matter!

Tsukiyono said:
2. Home - (Starting position, the place that you might be unwilling to leave since you’re so used to it.)
It seems you have some good friends who support you in yuor endeavours. :) Friends are often a good source of inspiration, however sometimes the activities you partake in can become repetitious. Everyone still has the same opinions, thoughts or feelings, so nothing new is discovered. It's easy to get in a rut with those you are comfortable with, and sometimes when we get comfortable we care not to venture forth so much.

Do as Laochan does though, go out, go forth, find new things and bring your friends with you. You can have both the comfort of an old, trusted friend and seek out new things at the same time.
This card reminds me of 2 of the cards in your reading - the Master Maker and the Journeyman - they all show one creature on the head of another. I like the fact that Laochan is moving forward, and you are right about getting too comfortable with the same old people and being stuck in a rut. I have been feeling like I want to meet people who share my interests and passions, rather than being around people who are easy to be with but not very challenging...

Tsukiyono said:
3. The clear path - (This is the path you’re on.)
Tobaira of the Waters
I can't help but think of the waters as being restorative in this case. I think this suggests you are in a reflective mood, giving much thought to your decisions, and perhaps even healing up old wounds. Currently your calm state of mind is allowing you clarity to sort through your emotions. Perhaps you are even cleansing yourself of old unwanted attachements to emerge out of the waters, refreshed and feeling new.

Overall I think meditiation is fruitful now, and there is a lot of sorting things out and formulating new plans.
You are right, and this is very similar to the advice I received in another recent reading on AT. Yes, I do need to reflect and meditate...in fact when I look at this card, I feel a sense of longing for the calm and sense of peace that radiates from it...Time to stop being a headless chicken (Indi!) and do some serious reflection. I have been doing this, but in bits and pieces, and I think it needs to take a much larger role in my life.

Tsukiyono said:
4. The enchanted forest - (Your destination if you do not change your course. You could get hopelessly lost here, or find a wonderful surprise.)
Well it appears Indi awaits you in the enchanted forest. Thinking and mulling over things too much can lead us into indecisive circular patterns of thought. You can get nowhere if you don't make choices. It's true you might choose wrng at times, but it is better to decide and be done with it and move on. Even if it leads you into a mistake, at least you have learned something. By being indecisive and constantly at the crossroads you can make no gains.
Haha. Yes, I can fall into that trap. Sometimes things come to me very clearly, but when I get conflicted, I do end up like Indi, dithering around for ages, changing my mind, not coming to a decision. I've been in this space many times in the past year, when the path ahead has not been clear to me and head and heart have been at odds...there is an element of fear here, fear of making a mistake and getting it wrong; your advice here is spot on!

Tsukiyono said:
5. The winding road - (The change you need to make to reach your dream destination.)
Lys of the Shadows
Lys to me brings light to the darkness, brings hope and help to those in need. I wonder if perhaps you are this way for others, specifically your friends. You can and want to help them through troubled times, but on the other hand you might have a tendency to neglect yourself sometimes. Perhaps you feel that you don't need the help as badly as others or maybe you even feel a little unworthy. If this is the case, do take help or ask for help when it is needed, and be sure to look out for yourself too.

Be confident, believe in yourself and in your work. Hold your head high, don't look down at your feet and mumble or be shy. Find your inner strength and let it shine forth.
I found this card rather puzzling at first. But after looking at the card and re-reading your interpretation, I think it's about allowing Lys to help me rather than playing the part of Lys for others - a trap I tend to fall into very easily. Again, your interpretation is perceptive - and very welcome!

Thank-you for an insightful reading, Tsukiyono. I apologise too for taking so long to post feedback.

I'm glad you found my reading helpful. I'm a beginner with the Faeries Oracle, still at the looking-everything-up-in-the-book stage, but the cards do encourage intuitive leaps and your reading seemed really clear and really positive. Good luck with your artistic endeavours. :)