favourite divination oracle


I love my Magical Mermaid and Dolphin cards....!!!!!... and my Wolf Song Cards...


I try to stay away from non-tarot decks; I'm afraid, in addition to my taroholism, my bank manager wouldn't survive it.....;)

However, I do have a couple. I love and occasionally use the Fairy Ring oracle, by the same people who did the Sacred Circle tarot deck (sorry, it's late here, can't remember their names).
Although the book is excellent, I tend to ignore it when I use the cards and just go with the images as I see them.
For some reason it's very much a springtime deck for me.

I also use the Soul Cards (I at the moment, I'll move on to II soon) every night: I pull a card out and put it on my nightstand as a dream card, something to meditate on while I fall asleep.
Often I will feel I haven't finished with a card after one night, either because it is very attractive or the opposite, 'unpleasant' and difficult, in which case I'll keep the same card for a number of nights, until I feel i'm finished with it for the time being.


I like The Sacred Geometry Oracle by Francene Hart and use it to pick a card and draw the Sacred Geometry therein in my own picture. Gives me a bit of a nudge of inspiration, as well as just having beautiful art.

I recently traded for The Flower Speaks which has really clicked with me. I did a collage using the Bleeding Heart card as inspiration with a word from the dictionary, and scanned it in and added a poem I wrote, a very rewarding exercise.

Several of the cards have deeper personal symbolism to me, particularly the Christmas Rose card. We have many of these plants in our garden which gives it meaning too. Strange little deck that I never would have bought but it just hit me when it came up for trade and I consider it a real gem. I like art done with coloured pencil as this deck is.


Man, this is way too hard a question!
I have about 60 oracles...and I love most of them for different reasons and different readings!
hmmm...but if I had to choose a favorite for the moment?

Madame Endora is high on my list...with the Soul Cards, Celestial Wisdom, and Medicine cards for today rounding out the list of ones I use most...

But Q-cards and Morgan's Tarot will always be favorites as well!


I really only have the one oracle deck - Healing with the Angels - its a nice deck to use but I can't use it like a tarot deck so i tend to just do card draws with it or just read the leapers. I like the artwork, the angels are just so beautiful and the readings always seem to mirror what I feel or just give really good advice.


I have two...

One that I just keep for collection purposes...the AstroTarot, big cards and a funny kind of fortunetelling aspect. I like the illustrations for their Victorian fine art engraving feel...and flowers.

The one that I'm starting to use with interest is the French Yi-Ching, which are Grimaud's I Ching cards with rather delicate and old fashioned Chinese style paintings. It seems to combine for me the idea of Asian landscape paintings and old fashioned translated poetry where landscapes, animals and water scenes depict wave, wind, nature and the internal mood of the person making the poem. This set makes me feel I can grow to understand the whole complexity of 64 x 6 levels of meaning.

Mari H.


I like the Haindl Rune Oracle, though I use the pictures mostly for meditation.

I have a some sets of stones I've collected that I use for divination, including a set of thirteen more-or-less round white pebbles (flint nodules, tiny geodes, water-worn quartz, etc.), one for each Moon of the year.
I recently began studying the I Ching, and made my own set of cards to use in constructing the hexagrams, as an alternative to coins or sticks.



Well for a while now, I've had two favorite Oracle decks.

Faeries - Froud, and The Tao Oracle.

I like to use the Tao Oracle for more serious in depth look at things when it is really needed. Not to say that the Faeries are not serious, they are - very much so.. I just prefer the Tao instead at times.

~ Amaya

Kyrea Gold

I recently picked up the Tea Leaf cards and am having a lot of fun with these.

there are a couple hundred cards so I bought a small tote bag on ebay and i keep them in there, shake it up and draw cards that way.

i bought mine from amazon.com and wicce.com has a few pictures of the deck:



Healing with the Angels is my absolute favorite, I have a very strong connection with the deck and use it for my guidance every day. I also have healing with the fairies but am not connected to it as much anymore since I work so much with the Angels.