Few readings available...for nxt hour or two


Romance readings only.:heart::heart::heart:

I'll be using 3 cards and each card's placement will have a meaning.

Card 1 = What you want from X......Card 2 = What X wants from you.....Card 3 (center) = what's between you (the connection between you both that could be helping or hindering you and X's connection)

I will also be using housing placements for each card to see how it works.....so i will be choosing the houses first and then placing the cards in their houses.

Feedback obviously required :love:


Could you look at L and i connection.



Can you see between me and K please?

Thanks :)


Can you see between me and E, please? Thank you :)


Could you look at L and i connection.

Okay your the guinea pig for the houses system i'm trying out, if it doesn't make sense in yours then i won't carry on using them.

1. Ring (snake)......2. bouquet (house)......3. ship (child)

So you're wanting with L a proper commitment, but as this is in the house of snake then this would be that things are not so straight forward in this being able to happen and i think you may know this deep down...maybe also your keeping your desire of actually wanting something proper with L to yourself ?

L id say is feeling distance between you and him for whatever reason, but id say he does miss you in a way because as ship is in the house of child then this is about a sort of page cups thinking about someone.

Between you and L we have a connection in a nice way as i can see there is attraction here on both parts and a very caring energy also, nothing too romantic and lovey dovey but just like you both feel comfortable around each other, you both sort of know each other.

Quint does again bring back in the snake, so things between you and L are not going to be quite plane and simple...also with the snake i'm thinking that maybe there is another female around him and you could be the "other woman" causing these complications between you.


I've never given positions to Lenormand cards but I'd love to see how it works!

Could you please do it for my new romantic interest and I? Thank you :)



Can you see between me and K please?

Thanks :)

1. rider (anchor).....2. moon (book)......3. bear (star)

Your wanting some sort of movement and for things to move forward with K, but movement you are wanting is just not happening, things are stuck they've sort of come to a grinding halt.

K seems like the one who calls the shots with you, and i think he is in someway trying to protect himself from something....this could be that he doesn't like to get close to someone, or as its bear it could be that he's your boss at work, which is causing him to be like he is with you.

Connecting you both, we have secrets, and these are either about reputation, so someones reputation could be at stake if this got out maybe....or it could be romantic ?

Quint is coffin, so id say things have already ended, or things between you are just not going anywhere, and things will die off between you if they've not already.


Okay your the guinea pig for the houses system i'm trying out, if it doesn't make sense in yours then i won't carry on using them.

1. Ring (snake)......2. bouquet (house)......3. ship (child)

So you're wanting with L a proper commitment, but as this is in the house of snake then this would be that things are not so straight forward in this being able to happen and i think you may know this deep down...maybe also your keeping your desire of actually wanting something proper with L to yourself ?

L id say is feeling distance between you and him for whatever reason, but id say he does miss you in a way because as ship is in the house of child then this is about a sort of page cups thinking about someone.

Between you and L we have a connection in a nice way as i can see there is attraction here on both parts and a very caring energy also, nothing too romantic and lovey dovey but just like you both feel comfortable around each other, you both sort of know each other.

Quint does again bring back in the snake, so things between you and L are not going to be quite plane and simple...also with the snake i'm thinking that maybe there is another female around him and you could be the "other woman" causing these
complications between you.

1. Yes i would like a proper commitment with L. BUT he's holding a grudge against me. It seems I've hurt him by not getting into a relationship with him in the past. Also i am keeping the desire for something proper with him to myself. No one knows but the forum lol

2. I do believe L misses me. He is on my social media and he constantly checks it. He also has banter with me there. But we don't contact each other. He put the distance between us because he is mad at me.

3. Yes L and I had a very loving and sincere connection. It wasnt overly romantic but it was sweet and fun. Thats what I'm trying to get back to.

4. I do know L has a woman in his life that he goes back and forth with. Right now they are not together. But i think he still has feelings for her. Also like i said he's upset with me for not getting in a relationship with him. He feels rejected and hurt by this.

Reading resonated.
May i have some advice. I want to give up on L but my intuition is telling me not to. That this connection is worth fighting for. I know for sure his relationship with the other woman isnt healthy and he needs to get out of it asap.


Can you see between me and E, please? Thank you :)

1. bear (mice) .....2.key (man).....3.anchor (mountain)

You are being quite anxious with E making you appear to be a bit co-dependent in a way, i think you can come across as bit too overbearing sometimes with him.

E seems to have gone really distant with you at this point he has his barriers up and he is rejecting you...he may not be replying to your txts or call etc. But going on what i've said about you, then this could be to do with how you've been with him. As things have been sort of weighing him down, and he doesn't feel like things are really going to improve.

Hmmm between you is a bit strange...maybe you can enlighten me lol ? So there's a man between you both that's connecting you :confused: A guy who has found out about something maybe ?