Five-Card Spread Reading


Hello everyone. I am college student and I started reading lenormand cards for myself about three months ago. Recently I did a five-card spread for myself, and my question was, "what am I mean to be doing in this life? What am I destined to do in this life?" This might sound a little vague or silly but I really wanted to gain some insights or guidance about what and who I'm meant to be (in another word, what my natural gifts are), if there really is destiny.

My card spread is the following (In the order from left to right):
16 Stars, 32 Moon, 26 Book, 7 Snake, 14 Fox.

This is only a single time of spread and it might not be accurate (plus I'm also just a beginner), I have interpreted it myself carefully but I would really appriciate any interpretations and help from you guys! Thanks a lot!


sorry...i missunderstood u are seeking for a sitter


This is just my opinion...I don't think lenormand is good for a question like this. I notice lenormand only look at a small window of our time on earth.

Plus make sure you ask one specific question as you ask the cards....these cards are very literal in your questions have to be very literal

**As I said that is just my opinion of this divination tool.***

Your question wasn't precise enough... "what am I mean to be doing in this life? What am I destined to do in this life?" This could be many different would have made it more concise...such as "What am I destined to do as a career?"....

I think you need to make your question more clear to the cards to get the perfect answer....these card combinations can mean a million things just because the question I don't think is precise enough. I tried translating it and I had trouble because I think the question should be asked more clearly.