forgive to let go of karma


I was thinking about karma and the idea of there is no seperation,,
no creator who judges.
however then where does the idea of "what goes around comes around" come from? it is supposed to be a cosmic law such as "love conquers everything"
with the idea of karma
i have heard of some questions.
1. who first created karma for some one at some point must of did something to create it.. some could argue biblically that it was cain when he killed able..
or perhaps the two first couples who ate of the first fruit of knowledge that that first karma is still coming around..
but that has to be wrong for after all they only ate a piece of fruit so any such karma from eating any fruit would of been quickly dissolved.

2.doesn't it just create the old circle?
you hit me,, my brother hits you,, your brother hits my brother,, my mother hits your brother, your brother hits my mother,,
then in the next life,, i robbe you ,, you robbed me,, my friend robbs your friend,, your girlfriend robs my girlffriend..

then at some point we all said let us make an addendeum to cosmic law that says punch buggy returns doens't have to come in the same form..

so from some past live issue,, i smack your dog,, and you burn my hand with the coffe by accident,, sooner or later i return that and return it again and agian while you are wondering why the hell i am so accident prone to your foot with my shoe..
and sooner or later you fall and elbow me in the ribs..
and it starts to escalate..
to i kill your sister,, your kill my mom in the next live who was my sister in that life.. never mind that both were by accident..

some more addenumbs get added .. one big act can cancle out many little acts..
change the present and you can change the past..
but first you have to let him hit you.. in order to equal out the balance.

it is like trying to manage a big big big ball of yarn which can never been solved due it own nature.

while i am discussing it..
there are a group of beings called the lords of karma who i guess have the job of managing karma
they have the ability to clear karma for the most part , sometimes telling a person that they have to do this or that before that karma can be cleared.
the ideal is if enough people clear an major act such as murder, or rape..
it will be removed from the planet when enough of the karma of its citizens are cleared.
that makes no sense to me,, unless we are talking planetary karma.. and we giving our karma to the planet..

so i was thinking of all this while pondering the idea of seperation and forgivness..
then i was thinking this karma business,, the creator must of made that rule...
til which i recieved sort of like this .

"when a person does something they feel guilty so they make a situation where they can absolve the guilt,, however since they feel more guilty then the act itself they make themselves martyre themselves to that guilt ten fold. "

but what about past lives?

"all lives exist together so one act in the past changes the future you understand currently but we tell you that one act in the future changes the past and both acts can change the present..
and one act in the present can change the past and the future..
it is all one"

so the answer is forgiveness?

"we know you are studying the ideals of forgiveness and so in terms of karma..
yes for the first seperation made you realize the illusionary (here we are moving past what I originally realized but been thinking about since) ideals of hate, anger, all that the creator is not..
and in doing so you hate everthing, yourselves, the creator,
and in doing so you all feel guilty..
this is why jesus said they hated me first .
for you all hated the creator and yourselves first.. remember there is no levels of life,, no soul growth for it is eternally perfect.
yet how can perfect beings hate?
simply they can't so your mind that realized the illusionary ideals imagined itself split off from its own essence,, it own soul.
and in the ideal of punishment, judgement, consquence and there is not enough for all ,, you made the ideal of karma to live by.
consider the ideal that a person who has it all will lose it all for that is cosmic justice and law.. or so you beleive..
that a person who is all poor will one day be rich but only for a while ..
for you have made that cosmic wheel that buddha defeated to become an enlightened being.
and that jesus set roots in the ideal no judgement just forgiveness and acceptance. "

and so to put this in pratice.
the question must be asked.
well if that is all true how can i ask forgiviness of my brother who is holding such a grudge against me that he shall make some karma for me ?
even if forgive myself and everything..
and that ideal make me mad so i am no longer forgiviness.

let us first look at jesus..
when they were angry at him he forgived,
when they hated him,, he forgive them.
the ideal that they were trying to make karma to him was disolved by his forgiveness and his awakened mind.
buddha could accept karma from another for he knew that karma didnt' exist..
masters can willing take on karma for another because masters know that karma dont' exist..
and so while they take it on for the person who is usually their student
the student grows enough to come back and ask for the karma back for they feel guilty..
and so makes the karma grow faster.
this is in reference to most human masters who claim to be able to do that..
yet the true master will tell them when the person come back for the karma..
there is no such karma it was just your mind that had to let it go.

to put this into pratical applications in our lives.
we know that eating lots will come back to hunt us in obesity..
is that karma ? using my own example here for i am curious as well.
what it is a physical symbolism of karma personalified..
meaning the process is a symbol of karma and how it can be stopped.
simply eat as much as your body wants and no more..
to put it that way..
this would seem to be teaching do what you must then more right ?
i.e. get your revenge and no more.. hate for what you need and no more "
remember that we made the process of eating for in our soul esence we do not have to eat at all.
and so the process of eating itselves creates guilt in most cases,,
the animal we ate,, the evolutionary cycle of growing plants cut short as we eat them.
some argue god put them there for us to eat,, why should we feel guilty.
which is a good question and the answers lies within your own person.
those who feel guilty not at eating .. but for eating when no one has any.
not at eating meat from an once living animal but just eating
because in their past lives they starved to death..
yes but dont' people eat til keep their bodies grounded aka incarnated earth angels..
and in doing so feel guilty for not being able to be grounded by themselves.

only forgivness can beat karma which is an concept that is beginning to take hold in the consciouness of the world.
an act of ammendment can cancle out the karma of the past..

1. forgive yourself for everything.
there are things that you feel one can neve forgives themselves for doing,, and it comes back in looping thoughts..
such as pushing a kid down when you were kids,, smacking your brother when you were a teenager.
to walking past the homeless person without giving them money..
for what would god think ? (old judgemental god)
what would the angels teach ?(messenges of that old judgemental god)
what does your guides say ? (teachers of level of seperation)
what does society say ?(poltically correct hyprocites?)
of course in examining these questions in those concepts i am judging as well.
so you see it is a circle eheh.

but the answer is forgiving yourself and you forgive others right ?
but it is so hard to forgive one self..
even now as i close eyes things from the past come up ..
and fanasties that i feel guilty for even thinking..
and the answer i can only come up at this point is from analyze that or was it this.. the sequal anyways when billy crystal talks about grieving..
"it is a process"
and so it is with forgiving..

and so forgive everything else ,, everybody for it is all reflections of yourself..
usally the person must start with god itself..
i forgive you god for taking away my grandfather.
i forgive you god for punishing me..
to which creator will say
i didnt' take away your grandfather,, i never punish you "
however in order for a person to reach the point they can hear those words..
they would have to do a lot of forgiving..

now we come back to others ..
not forgiving you..
and in their withholding of forgiviness one can once again feel guilty and undo that work..
"you can never be forgiven for what you did "they might say
even for a simple act of telling a secret..
of not being there due to circumstances beyong your control or so we believe.
for we both know that our own souls create that circumstances for us to learn forgivness and speed up the process of letting go of karma.

but what about the major crimes..
murder, rape, holocrust,
we want some people to go to hell, to be punish, for what they did.
if i mention forgiveness here..
what does it bring up..

all the issues of past lives,, all the issues we will live through,, and all the expereinces we have lived through in this live as we exist at once.
for murder...
all the times we have murdered and been murdered in any form,
for rape..
allt he times we have raped or been raped in any form
for holocrust,,
not to bring up the anger that comes form that..
but in truth as we have anger at the universe.. we are doing that very thing right now..
and so forgivineness in all forms..
of course we forgivess as much as we can for we are human ..
neal donald walsh says one path is not better then the other..
as there is no relgiion..
so while a person may forgive in a christian manner,, one in a buddha manner..
it matters not in what content we have to do it..
such as one person may give it to the universe in order to forgive..
and one gives it to god in order to forgive..
but .. we are not forgiving in doing so..
explanation will be given in a moment..
what is important is the first step of saying we no longer want to deal with this..
now in giving it to the god.. we still imagine that god will send down punishment as he sees fit..
that the universe big cosmic law of karma will take care of it in ways we could never concieve ..
or so we imagine..

and so we come back to forgiviness..