Frankendecken; Instructions & General discussion


I'd love thinner than the 75 micron per side but finding a supplier of matte pouches is hard enough - finding even thinner pouches might be nigh on impossible....


Wendywu said:
He only does one sheet at a time, and then the paper can't start to mis-align. Slow, but methodical :)

I only did one sheet at a time, And I very carefully placed it up against the edge so they would all go in the same, but still, after a few the image seemed to drift...

It's probably me doing it wrong or something.


Probably isn't. I have the same problem with my great big laser !


We've got one printer in the loft that he says is better than the one down here. Why is it in the loft????

Ah - because he can use the syringes and inks to refill the cartridges in the downstairs one. Now I understand! I wish I knew these things without having to be told ...


Hip hip hooray! Updated threads . . .


Yee har he is in the Orient ! (OMG sushi.... With pineapple I hope !))


Looks like Frankie wants to see floating Starbucks chairs and tables in Singapore!
It is raining cats and dogs over here!!!! One sheet of white!

Nite nite :)


Yay! I'm looking forward to hearing/reading all about your adventures with Frankie, nicole!


Hurray - he made it safe and sound all that long way! It seems to have made him even Frankier .....


You know - by the end of his trip he may be positively too Frankie for his own good. Scary.