Ghost & Spirit ~ King of Pentacles

Lil Red

There is a spirit watching over the forest. He wears a hat with a long white robe. In his left hand he holds a staff with a pentagram in his left shoulder (In here I find that he is rooted in his spot as well standing firm not moving an inch). His head turns to his left and he sees a person standing. Is it a friend or foe? He does not know. Curiosity is what keeps him in place, blending with the roots to not be seen.
I find the spirit a guardian of the forest and will let anyone in if they have no hidden agenda. If the person does havd a bad intention than it is most likely the spirit would "throw" the person out. This is his forest and he would not let anyone endanger it.
The person standing rides with his brown horse but rest to look at the sunset as the birds fly north. It looks like he had a long day of work and is ready to kick off his shoes and rest.
I can picture this man heading home to kick off his shoes so he can sit back and watch tv. :joke:

In this card, I get the sense of watching one back as well their is a third party at play. Then their is the security/bodyguard image I get from the spirit while the man I get the sense of peace.,r:28,s:0,i:171&tx=40&ty=92


He seems wary, hiding, wrapped up in the roots of the tree. As if he is so entangled in the earth that he cannot escape the earth. Hiding from the Grim Reaper, and becoming that which he hides within. I'm reminded of the scene in "The Lord of the Ring" when the hobbits are leaving the shire and hide amongst the roots of an ancient tree. The Nazgul is close, and if it catches them, they are doomed.