Gonna learn Thoth if it kills me - Minors


Kat, and anyone else who is actually peeking in here:

FWIW ...after many hours (seriously ...and how wacked out is that) of contemplation, I think the Kings are Fire...and I think the Princes in Thoth are Kings in a way... they are the ones Uncle Al brings in to knock up the Queen and start the family unit again... so I look at this card as fire of fire...

I have spend hours with this and when I lay all the courts out, and try to juggle astrological and elemental correspondences this is how it works for me. Of course I may be arse backwards.. won't be the first time :)


Do we have to re-name this thread then?

Gonna turn the Thoth into Rider-Waite if it kills me. :laugh:


Aeon418 said:
Do we have to re-name this thread then?

Gonna turn the Thoth into Rider-Waite if it kills me. :laugh:


well this old dog is trying to learn new tricks but it don't come easy ;)

Always Wondering

nicky said:

well this old dog is trying to learn new tricks but it don't come easy ;)
Nicky, take heart. I have been reading on this subject for over a year now and I have finally realized, in a way, I am not ever going to truely get it. It is yoga for my brain. I stretch it and and bend it until I think is will surly snap, or has snapped. :confused: I don't think it comes easy for anyone. The result is I have (or maybe someday :laugh:) a healthier mind as a result.

In regards to the court cards, it has helped me to think of them as father, mother, son, daughter. Especially in relation to the name Yod He Vau He.

Book of Thoth, page, 150

The prince is the son of the Queen (the old King's daughter) by the knight who has won her; he is therefore represented as in a chariot, going forth to carry out the combined Energy of his parents. He is the active issue of their union, and its manifestation.

Scion has written some intresting stuff on this, but now I can't find it. :(

But keep in mind, also page 150-151 Book of Thoth
The relations between these Four Elements of the Name are extraordinarily complex, quite beyond the limits of any ordinary treatise to dicuss; they change with every applicaiton of thought to their meaning.



Always Wondering,

Thanks!! If AC thinks they are extraordinarily complex, then I am thrilled to be only halfway confused :)



Ace of Cups

For reasons that are not altogether clear to me, Harris has placed three interlaced rings (the same as those that crowned the Hierophant's wand in Atu V) on the front of the cup. This symbol, which Crowley described as "representative of the three Aeons of Isis, Osiris, and Horus with their interlocking magickal formulae" is not to be confused with the more complex Mark of the Beast, which we find on the Ace of Disks and Five of Wands. One can only speculate why Harris was moved to apply this symbol to the cup.

I think they stand for a sort of mystical primordial swamp of energies which is contained by this womb/chalice. It could contain all the aeons, or at least the potentials at this point.


Ace of Cups still

Been rather rl busy so my Thoth has been a tad delayed... but I have my card on my computer desk and today it struck me as the rippling waters and the cup appear to be the ground/earth/womb with the reflecting scalloped rays above blasting out into the universe..the line between the rays and the water looks almost like a horizon. It reminds me of the myths where the Goddess was the land... and thus to thoughts of Binah :)


2 of cups

Venus was born from the sea, and Cancer is cardinal water so I see this card as very positive and cohesive. Which also goes nicely with the idea of balanced relationships. As Cancer is ruled by the moon, which does not give out it's own light but uses reflection, we have a symbiotic relationship.. an additional argument for the idea of this card being about duality and partnership.

Very pretty card :)


3 of Cups

Mercury is about communication, the mind, logic, in Cancer's watery emotional realm. Three is creation and synthesis. On the tree we are up above the abyss in Binah (Mother) - more emotion.. I can see all of these pouring all over this card. As the BOT warns this card can get to be too much of a good thing...Nice place to visit but beware or you may end up in Hell a few months each year.



This card should be better than the BOT claims. Chesed in Briah, Moon in Cancer, both seem very comfy.. the moon rules cancer afterall. The only way I could understand AC was to think of four being stable and firm and the watery feel of this card would not want to stay in a fixed four state for long.

This quote from Regardie "Unbalanced Mercy is weakness and the fading out of the Will" also contributes to my understanding of how this may be too much emotion, water, fluidity, etc to stay for long.

And from the Pythagorean tarot (which may be off topic but has oodles of insight IMHO) The relationship has matured; it has been tested in many ways and found to be stable, but also wears some battle scars. The early excitement is tempered by "reality," bad as well as good memories, perhaps some regrets, and unfulfilled dreams. But it has been strengthened by shared experience and growth, and much water under the bridge. Unfortunately, because of its stability, the relationship tends to be taken for granted, and so it may lose its excitement and become boring. Though the relationship is comfortable, its stasis sows the seeds of emotional dissatisfaction and prepares the way for future change. Though there may be little to complain about, there may be a feeling that something is missing.

Off to the five and what is sure to be worse...