Good books for learning Lenormand


Can you please advise for some good books for learning Lenormand?

I am searching on Amazon but I cannot really get the grip of what would be useful.


For roughly $30, you can get the Treppner course in English, in PDF format. Google treppner, and you can order through paypal.




Oh... And... I suppose there's also the Secrets of Lenormand Oracle by S. Steinbach...


If you know Spanish, there is a Spanish author. If you know Russian or French - many. What languages suit you?


Language - English only.

I read some reviews about Lenormand books and it seems that there are not so many in English. And those are not even so good.

I wonder if this is true, maybe you know some good ones...


Thank you, Ronia.

Do you know a place where I can read a thorough introduction to Lenormand.

Everything on websites and blogs I read seems to start from the middle of things, and I got the need to read a good introduction but I cannot find one.


I'm not sure what you mean by "introduction"... Both websites have the meanings of all cards. Serena has sample spreads (the most popular too). From then on you learn all meanings you want or you just get an idea and move on to see how the cards will speak to you. This is not Tarot. You need to get familiar with the cards and the images, with the spreads if you like and start reading. The blogs provide valuable information on combos and manifestation in real life. Unfortunately, all websites I know with good combo information are either French or Russian. You can also read our Grand Tableau thread here or the Daily draw...


I'm not sure what you mean by "introduction"... Both websites have the meanings of all cards. Serena has sample spreads (the most popular too). From then on you learn all meanings you want or you just get an idea and move on to see how the cards will speak to you. This is not Tarot. You need to get familiar with the cards and the images, with the spreads if you like and start reading. The blogs provide valuable information on combos and manifestation in real life. Unfortunately, all websites I know with good combo information are either French or Russian. You can also read our Grand Tableau thread here or the Daily draw...

Sorry, maybe I had to be more specific. By introduction, I meant how were they created, when, by who, more on the history part.

Anyway, can you please indicate some good French sources (books/blogs etc) you like, I have a good friend speaking French.


Well, considering she may have designed or may have not designed these Lenormand cards we use today, it's doubtful there is a good source, I don't know such one. LOL Many people claim to be authors but none have proven anything. Her biography, her memoirs - you van google them on the French google and that's the best source about her life. Her fortune-telling though is surrounded by mystery and she wanted it that way. :)

Good sources are available on meanings, combos, etc. But on the history of cards that may have never been designed by Mlle Lenormand - not really. In difference from Rider Waite's Tarot, for example, Mlle Lenormand's cards have no such clear history. In fact, she may have used simple playing cards, 36, and her own divination system applied to them.