Gothic Tarot of the Vampires- 0 the Fool


This card shows two childern, boy & girl, standing atop a building of a large city. They stare into the night, half out of wonder, half out of fear. Behind them their shadowsshow them yo be Kindred, recently embraced, but as children must they learn the laws of the night & of their new powers. This is a new stage of existance for them, & they at it through the eyes of children.

This is what I see in this card.


This card is one of my favorite. It's a card of the unknown... the shadows of the children are what they are about to become, what's hidden inside. They must eventually make peace with it, embrace it or it will destroy them. It shows the power of the hidden/unknown. But notice even though scared...they aren't running from it, almost like they know there is no use to run. It must be faced.
It almost seems the whole deck is summed up in this card... it's kinda weird, and scary sort of, but I'm really drawn to it. It will be different and challenging, but really worth facing.


They are innocent right now. Their shadows shows they will become more street-wise as they experience life. Right now, they must face the the night. They have to get over their childhood fears.


The card is shown in all “shadow” colors. A light from an unknown source shines up at the pair, bleaching all but dark colors and bright blue/white shades from the moment. It’s like the glare of a camera flash. It’s that moment when you realize your life will never be the same, whether it’s a big or little change, your reality has shifted and the distorted shadows show the change. I think it’s interesting that the girl appears to be looking up and the boy appears to be looking down.

It really is all about perspective, I thought the pair were in an alley!


Yay -- I love this deck..

They just started in the aly. there is clutter all around impieding thier advancement. They look in wonder at what lays before them. The two shadows on the wall look inimdiating-- But are they could it be that the shadowns are larger than life because Shadows are sometimes more tha what they seem. Are the shdows vampires becacuse we see the gripping hand or could it be someone they know.

The tone of the card is very muted -- blues, blacks and whites. -- there are four barrals in this images It just struck me when i was just looking at it.

The boy seems to be a little to confident?


I've seen the look on the boy's face on my teenage son's face. It usually means he's thinking fast and hard. I think the boy is very self-assured, the girl is as well but she seems more watchful.


Does anyone want to do the Magician next?


I'm game for whatever approach you all want to take. I'll just be really happy to get through the deck. One thing I do have trouble with is the Metaphor thing... I just get confused on some of the cards, and maybe in general with it.


I say go for it. I'm new to the tarot forum so I don't know the protocol. Do we take turns starting the thread or does one person volunteer to start them on a regular basis?


We will work on a card until I have a post where some one expresses a desire to move on , then I will begin the next card, going in order.