Green Man Tree Oracle - Matthews


Have just got this deck. First impressions: the cards are lovely, and the book also looks useful. I stumbled across the deck when looking at the Matthews' site and couldn't resist it, especially since the artist is responsible for the Druid Animal Oracle which I love.

Am looking forward to using it.



The Green Man Tree Oracle

I have this oracle too. I'm a sucker for anything about trees. I love the cards, they're like the trees in the Wizard of Oz all gnarled and with faces and symbols in them. Good book too. The card quality isn't bad either. Something that I always worry about.

I have the Celtic Tree Oracle too. But I think I like this one better.
Enjoy, and let us know how your readings go. Mine have been very interesting.


This is the first I've heard of this deck.
Do either of you know where we can see some scans?


Hello lark, I agree the cards are beautiful. So far I have just been reading through the book and staring at the cards: I think it is interesting how sometimes a face jumps out straight away; other times it takes me a while to find it.
Woof, I have had a look for some scans and can't find any I'm afraid. The best I can do is the Matthews' own site: there are some teeny tiny pictures of the cards on this page

The cards are somewhat oversize, there are 25 of them. The deck seems to be around the £10 mark here, and I have seen it for under $10 in the US so it seems good value.
