Grimaud Arnault (Lequart).. wooOOOhoOo!!


Grimaud Arnoult (Lequart).. wooOOOhoOo!!
I am just tickled pink after winning one on Ebay France!!!

I have wanted a deck like this ever since I saw this post here:
(I think that one is the Lequart edition, a little earlier, before they became Grimaud. I notice a difference in that there are no Roman Numerals on that version, but mine seems to have a IIII on the side of the four of cups. Are there many other differences between the Lequart Arnault and the Grimaud Arnault?)
I LOVE the strange colour scheme.. I also like how it's described on the Camoin website: "The colours are completely eccentric and their taste is not very pleasant." lol

I thought for sure that lots of people would bid, and that it would be very expensive.. since the condition of the cards looked so good, it seems like such an interesting deck to me, and I haven't seen others for sale (or maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places?)... but I was absolutely delighted when the auction ended and I was the high bidder, and I thought it was a steal at just over $300 dollars... after all, oop Baba decks from just a few years ago sell for more.
I have never owned an antique deck before, but I've been drooling over all my historical reproductions the last few years and dreaming I might someday have something genuinely old. I'm very excited!

Since I'm having it shipped to a friend in Canada to avoid difficulties with the Uruguayan postal system, I'm not sure when mine will actually be in my hands.. maybe June or July when some of my husband's family travels and can take it back here with them.
In the meantime, I'd love to hear from others about this deck.

Does anyone here have this? Are they actually quite rare, or is it just that nobody talks about them enough? :p

By the production date and tax stamp, It looks to be from between 1898, and 1917... but I've heard that sometimes later decks still used old stamps.. do we have any way of knowing how long this deck was actually in print?

For those that have them.. what do they feel like, thick or thin cardstock? What are the backs like?

Has there ever been a reproduction of this deck? I couldn't find any info about such a thing, but I'm a bit nervous at the possibility of having just spent more money than I actually have on some little-known photoreproduction from the 1970s or something. It looks legit, and the seller seemed reputable, but it's the most I've ever spent on a pack of cards before.


Congratulations, Rasa! such an absolutely gorgeous deck! i am swooning, as i am sure you must be! :D :heart:

Please post when it is finally in your hands!

i am not able to answer any of your questions about the deck, as i really have no idea...but someone with more Historical knowledge than me hopefully will be able to shed some more light on your wonderful win...;)

Blessings of peace and prosperity,
MoonGypsy xxx


Thank you for sharing my excitement, Moongypsy! :)

I managed to find the answers to most of my questions buried in several old threads... although I think this deck deserves it's own thread :p

That really long post about all the different Grimaud Marseilles editions has info and a few pictures.. (deck 17 and 17b).
All the majors are scanned here:

Apparently, the backs are plain brown, the cards are quite thick (but not really big), and there were some around into the 1920s.
I also learned that there was one with gilded edges (I don't think mine is), and that sometimes the copyright is in Italics, and sometimes not (mine is not Italic). I don't know which is the older version, but maybe the Grimaud copyright stamp could be compared to regular old Grimaud Marseilles from different times and see if it's italic or not?

I'm still not sure about the differences between the ones stamped Lequart, and the Grimaud version.. I notice a couple of differences in colours, from the couple scans I've seen, and there are roman numerals on some of the Grimaud pips but apparently not in the other.
I have heard that the line drawings are different but haven't seen an example. I wonder if any interesting visual details were changed, and why?


Rasa, those scans have me drooling all over my keyboard...:p
Oh this deck appeals to me sooooo very much! Please post as soon as your deck is in your hands! i really am so very excited for you!!! :thumbsup:

Did you see this in your searching for info?çon#Online_Deck_Images_-_links

Thanks, Moongypsy!

Here are the pictures I have of my actual deck, if you want to drool some more:

I will post once I have it in person, but I'm not sure how long that will be... probably July, blah.... I don't think I've been this impatient to receive a deck for a long time!


Oh thanks for those...*drool* The colors in this deck really appeal to me so much!
This is definitely one of the loveliest of all the lovelies, IMHO, i must say!:love:


What a beauty. Congratulations!


Ooh lovely.. The colours are gorgeous. Congratulations!