New spread I came up with for a relationship


Hello all, while I was in the shower I was thinking about my boyfriend and I and where we stood at the time. Three days ago we had a little argument and some thought came to my mind about how I felt. I got a clear vision on how I could do a spread dealing with both him and me. I dont believe that this spread is out there, but if it is I have no idea. I used my new Pierre Madenié deck for the first time with this reading and I have to say WOW. What a reading. I have attached a pic of the cards that came up and I will describe how this spread was made. Please feel free to give me your input, they are very welcomed. I would like to know if this spread I made up is working or not. Also, if you guys want to use it and see how it works for you that would be cool. The spread is a bit similar to the Tirage on Croix. Except that I am represented by the left side and my boyfriend is at the right, the card that links him and I is in the middle.

First Card: I place one card in the middle (this represent me), then I do the same for the right side (this represent my bf).

Second Card: card represents my past (this cards is left of me), then I place on on my BF side.

Third card: This is my future (this goes in front of me) then I place the future card on my Bf side.

Fourth card: This represents my higher being ( this cards goes on top of me), then I place the fourth card on my BF side.

Fifth card: This represents my lower being (this goes under me), then I place the fifth card under my BF.

Sixth card: This cards represents the link between my boyfriend and I.

Once the cards are placed, I being to turn them over once by one. I begin from my side, I turn over the middle card which represents me, I then do the same for by BF. I continue to turn the cards over one by one alternating sides Until I turn over the sixth and last card.

My Reading: It was very interesting to see that on my side all of the cards were major cards. My BF's cards were all minors and court cards.

I am represented by La Rove De Fortune and he is represented by the Ten of cups. I am actually at that point where anything can happen with him. There are a lot of things that I like about him and there are some that I do not. I am waiting for something to move the lever and see where the wheel turns. He on the other hand knows what he wants and he has told me that I am it. He has experienced different emotional things due to the fact that he is a bit older than I am, but he is aware now of what he wants and what he does not.

I am guided in the present by the experiences I have lived in the past and the strength I have gained from those experiences. Internally I have this strength, but this can also be a protective barrier in my present that does not allow for me to give him a chance? His past was guided my his emotions and wanting to pursue a balanced emotional life. He was maybe too careful with his emotions of too careless? This is shown by the Cavalier de covpe.

My future looks like there is a complete balance in all areas of my life. This is achieved by the higher and lower forces of my being. My higher self is represented by Le Soleil. This cards tells me that my higher self is one of warmth and friendship. A desire to be a positive and loving relationship. My higher self is one of selfless. My lower self is represented by Le Jvgemeny. This can mean two things, aether I am not looking at myself and judging myself honestly when it comes to how I feel towards my bf. Or I am expecting to much of myself and not being fair to myself. His future is represented by the ten of coins. This I see as financially balanced. This is achieved by his lower and high self. His higher self is one of beauty and cultivating delicacy, the six of swords. His lower self is the seven of swords which is most changing and very active. He want to act but is stuck somewhere in his mind. He is trying to cultivate beauty from his intellect but his intellect might be stuck.

The card that links both him and I is L'amovrevx. This is a hard one to read because there are so many things driving him and I, yet his cards are more settled, they are smaller in proportion to those on my side. I am not sure if this cards is telling me that true companionship does link us or is it false hope and emotion? Is this card a positive or negative due to the fact that My side is more driven by a lot activity and action where as his is more on the reserved and quiet side.

Any ideas are welcomed. Hope this spread makes sense to you guys. Thank :)


I really like your spread, Jhernandez. I often do a similar kind of reading for relationship questions, using separate piles for each person to draw a card for each spread position.

To me, the Lovers card being the one that unites in the middle is just perfect! To me, the Lovers card is all about disparate forces coming together to create something harmonious.

I also notice that you both have 10s in the middle of your reading! To me, the number 10 is the cusp of a cycle, the in-between phase where one thing has ended but the next has not quite started. A transitional phase.

I might look at the 'lower self' cards as something cautionary (I interpreted that position as like a challenge or weakness, as opposed to a strength or asset in the above positions?)... The Judgement card to me is about tying up loose ends and make resolutions, but as a cautionary card in a relationship reading, I'd interpret it as be careful not to rehash past problems which are no longer an issue, or to try to recreate a past state of the relationship when it's evolving and changing as we speak.
His 7 of swords talks to me about strategy and intellectual maneuvering.. like nitpicking or overthinking.

I see a contrast to both of those in the cards above, because the Sun for me is about seeing each other clearly, and the 6 of swords shows balanced and clear communication.
So being very in touch with each others' reality and direct about it.