grounding and centering before readings


There are enough times when the cards which turn up are the one you "fear" . And you read and re-read . Thats what probably happened to your friend. You do need to be calm when reading. Like reading for a third person.


Sometimes it helps me to just do some relaxation techniques, particularly the ones where you literally shake out the tension in your body and make it loose and relaxed. My mind often tends to follow suit.


Now I see why some books I read suggested to do relaxation, meditation before and after readings.


That's a ritual

I've been following this thread and the one thing I get a kick out of is everyone saying they don't have rituals ... and then explaining what they do!!

Anything you do repetitively, that gives you a sense of focus or direction, is a ritual. Maybe not the arcane wrap your deck in lavendar and walk in a counter clockwise circle three times type of ritual. But it's a ritual none-the-less.

Let me give an example:

Every morning my alarm goes off at 6am. I get up shower, shave and brush my teeth and get dressed (always in that order). I then go downstairs walk the pup, comeback inside start my breakfast, pack for work, eat my breakfast, kiss the pup goodbye and walk out the door.

This is my "Morning Ritual." It helps me focus and get ready for the day ahead. If, for some reason, the pattern goes off. (not hot water, dog is beig stubborn, ran out of milk and coffee) I am more likely to forget something or have an anxious day.

All a ritual does is focus your energy.

And we all have 'em.

My 2 cents.



My best tarot ritual is getting out the cards from their bag, shuffling them slowly - I found out it was in time with my breathing - and if I'm reading for someone else, handing them over to my querent to shuffle, while we talk easily. These actions will ground and centre me in a few minutes. I also make sure I'm not dehydrated.


i was going to make a new thread on this

but decided to do a search to see if there was one from before.

when I use the tarot i dont' center, i never understood the concept,, i kind of in my mind associate the two together, grounding and centering.

so my previous method for grounding was

1. connect to the earth through my root center
2. bring up the energy of the earth into my body
3. then I would connect upwards and bring the energy down into my body and fill my body with light

my changes to it , due to studying the divine will series is

1. I connect to the light (which for me i like to picture above although the light of the creator is within us and all over us )
2. bring the first way of divine will down , which is red like our root center of the highest vibration and use that to intiate change.
3. bring down the second will which is the will to unify and is supposed to help us increase our vision, it si the colour of orange like our sexual center
4. bring down the third will which is the will to evolve and connects us to the universal mind , it is of course colour yellow
5. bring down the four will, which is the will to harmonzie and see beauty everywhere it is the cololur green
6. bring down the five will, which is the will to act and liberate, it is the colour blue
7. bring down the six will which is the will to cause, it is the colour indigo after all what we see is what we build
8. bring down the 7 will which is violet and the will to express, expres our divine self and the will of the creator.
when i do the divine wills i send them to the reading so i say let this reading reflect the will to unify and let it reflect the will to harmonzie for example.

note you don't have to try to include the light body center, for it is a 525 course from orin and daben
the light body is the soul of the chakras
9. then i start with my light body , which is nua the first light body center located generally where the root center is
10. start with the dena , which is the second light body center it correspond to the second chakra
11. start with leow , which is generally where the third chakra is
12. start with the heart light body which is ranthia
13. start wi tht he lgiht body treao , the thraot one,
14. start with the light body piah , which is in the middle of the third eye, the back third eye, the two ear centers
15. start with the light body renware which is the crown center light body center
16. start with the light body center which is in the thymus area ,
17. start with the light body sa ha, which is the upper and lower stomach
18. s tart with the light body vee, which is above the crown center and is like a funnel downwards.
then i start with the spiritual team
19. i start with my higher self,
20, i start with my soul
21, new addition start with my divine self
22, connect with all the guides i have (they are in a circle of light dancing around me )
23. connect with the angels
24. connect with the archange angels
25. connect with the ascended masters
26. then i focus on perhaps ascend mary, or jesus, or st germain
27. then i connect to the all, the source as much as i can.
28. then i pray that i do the best reading i can. help me give the best i can.

then i start shuffling the cards, content that i am shielded (all that light and love must be too much for any low levle entities ) and i am as high vibration as possible (unless i go veggie lover which i am not yet ready for ) for the reading to commence.


epvitale said:
I've been following this thread and the one thing I get a kick out of is everyone saying they don't have rituals ... and then explaining what they do!!
<grin> Murry Hope wrote a whole book on what you managed to say in one post - good work!


HOLMES said:
when I use the tarot i dont' center, i never understood the concept,, i kind of in my mind associate the two together, grounding and centering.
Grounding is connecting with the earth, with reality and with your body, and includes such things as "snapping out" of a floaty state of mind.

Centring is sinking right inside of yourself, often disconnecting from your body and the world around you in the process. I've always wondered how people can do both at once - they're almost opposite. Both valuable, but opposites.




if the person uses a process that does both for them, then it is possible :)

Professor X

Good thread.

I have noticed that whenever I get distracted by something or dont maintain focus my readings wont make any sense what so ever.
Now when I read I put my full concentration into it I see that my readings go so much smoother.

Concentration is truly king.

I also noticed that whenever my hands arent clean as well I dont connect with the cards and the readings go all over the place.
I have learned I need to be settled and have my hands clean and feeling good. Sweaty or dirty hands just wont do.