Grounding Techniques


Hi everyone. I understand that reading for others can cause issues for the reader if they aren't properly grounded. (Come to think of it, this is probably likely to happen to anyone who isn't grounded, not just readers!) I find that this is a problem for me, but most grounding techniques I've read about seem a little convoluted.. perhaps unnecessarily so..?

What I'm trying to find is a no-nonsense fairly simple method of grounding.. one that's useful for beginners and experienced "grounders" alike. Anyone and everyone, your thoughts, experience and advice - please give it!!


Well the one I was told about (I don't use one !) is easy enough. A little salt on your tongue, the end !


Well the one I was told about (I don't use one !) is easy enough. A little salt on your tongue, the end !

Can I ask why you don't use one? I'm still fairly new to this and want as many opinions as possible.. :)


Hi everyone. I understand that reading for others can cause issues for the reader if they aren't properly grounded. (Come to think of it, this is probably likely to happen to anyone who isn't grounded, not just readers!)
Being ungrounded behind the wheel of a car is more of a worry. Don't laugh - it happens to a lot of people a lot of the time. It's a wonder more people don't die on the roads.

What I'm trying to find is a no-nonsense fairly simple method of grounding.. one that's useful for beginners and experienced "grounders" alike.

I take a deep breath, right down into the belly.

That does it, every time.


interesting about the salt, Gregory. Never heard that one!

I like to plant my feet flat on the floor and close my eyes for a minute, breathing deeply and imagining roots growing out of the bottom of my feet and deep into the earth. I do this grounding technique often - even if I'm not reading. I can be a bit of a space cadet--so I need all the grounding I can do! :laugh:

Actually, as an empath--it is really important for me to do this before reading anyone, or even going out in areas where there are a lot of people. Especially if I am going to the doctors office! lol.


interesting about the salt, Gregory. Never heard that one!
Tasting the earth. Grounding.

I like to plant my feet flat on the floor and close my eyes for a minute, breathing deeply and imagining roots growing out of the bottom of my feet and deep into the earth. I do this grounding technique often - even if I'm not reading.
Yes, there are fancier methods, but the deep breath thing works, and the OP was looking for something simple.

As an empathy, try it. You'll find it really works, and it will save you a bit of time. And no one need know you're doing it if you are in public.


Connect with the earth by quickly opening the chakras and visualize the base chakra earthed by a rope or chain going into the ground

Very quick and easy and keeps you from floating off :D


Can I ask why you don't use one? I'm still fairly new to this and want as many opinions as possible.. :)
I dunno really - I just never had any issues starting to read.... Maybe I just find all these things a bit "overthinking" ?


I feel my stomach. Like mentally, just think about your stomach and feel it in your body.


But once you practice a few times you'll find it puts you right back in your body and keeps you in your own energy. Also, if I get an opportunity I coach the querent through a short grounding exercise. Usually 3 deep breaths. That helps me a TON too because their own anxiety doesn't go everywhere.


I actually start every reading with a prayer that calls for help from higher consciousness, asks for protection from unwanted energies and includes instructions to plant a tendril into Mother Earth while we ride the ethers. But sometimes when I have been doing a lot of readings, I take a break (even when there are people waiting), I get up and walk outside and try to walk in some real grass if possible, or just shuffle my feet on the ground and feel the earth. It also helps to eat something.