growing interest in druidry

Al Si'ra


I consider myself as a very spiritual person but don't ask me which path i'm walking on..'cause i can't name one..
I just trust in the course of nature and universe and karma and free will as well..i believe that we are -each of us are the creators of our reality..BUT i think there are other forces as well sometimes-beyond our physical earthly perception..
I've read many books on the issue..and druidry attracts me a lot..i was also interested in wicca once-but then it did not feel suitable to my needs so i kinda put it aside..What fascinates me is the idea that we are all magicians at various levels-who use *energy* to manifest reality..that is why wicca caught my interest in the first place..and now druidry..but the thing is i am too lazy to follow any traditions or rules so nothing really suits me..but the question is-do we really need to follow some group of rules in order to practice some path?
Yes druidry is a huge interest for now;but i am not sure if i should be really following anything..i am kinda blank about it..So any help-any suggestion or comments is appreciated- i guess i just wanted to express my feelings about my spiritual path which seems ..*i don't know what* :)



You have an outer body the world and people meet. You have an inner self, your spiritual body. This grows as it is nourished by what you think, read, encounter and do. This inner self grows to become the "tree of life" that nourishes those around you.
I can understand your feeling of "just not quite fitting" because there is only one of you and if you are being true to yourself, that is the way it is.
When we join a group of some sort, any sort, there are always rules and regulations of practice or thought. People insist you think the way they do and force upon you their values.
I call myself a "free spirit" and intend to stay that way. I am in this world and God is showing me this world both in my every day life and in my spiritual life. He is showing me His world ! Yes, it is a bit like being a butterfly taking a sip of this and a sip of that and moving on. You are learning while you are doing that and will become who you are meant to be. Never let anyone put chains around you and tie you down spiritually.
Inside us we live alone. This is our spiritual life. In this world we might have children and obligations and relatives and the whole kit and kaboodle but inside us we only have ourselves. No one can take your thoughts away and no one knows what you are thinking either so in that way we are totally free.

I hope this helps you a bit and you can figure out that there are many who are the same as you. Druidry sounds very interesting but am not sure how you would go about studying that.. thought the knowledge had been lost ?
I very much enjoyed reading the original writings about Gaia.. have forgotten the man's name now but the first work was wonderful the rest of the books I saw were just knock offs. Kind of like either reading Carl Jung directly or reading what people wrote about him. Carl Jung was searching for God as well and found Him in his years of study of Psychology.
An intelligent person follows a different path than some others do. Not everyone thinks about things and you do... sending this post with love...memries


Spirituality is not a feeling, it's a practice.

Druidry is very attractive...

I think, whatever path one chooses to walk will come with spiritual discipline and exercises. Spirituality is not a feeling, it's a practice. By discipline I don't mean whipping yourself like the medieval flaggelants :eek: - I mean that you must be ready to invest time and energy and intention into developing a daily practice (even if you invent it all yourself and call it Al Si'ra's path), with regularity.

Why? Several reasons. Because there are times in your life when you will need your spirituality more than others. If you don't have a practice, you won't know what to do. There are also times when you might feel flat - never mind, just keep at the practice, the feeling will follow. Spirituality is not a feeling, though it can open up your heart to the most extraordinary feelings. But there is also something else: the more you practice something with meaning and intent (yes, even those days when you don't feel like it, and would rather stay in bed longer or watch a movie), eventually it starts paying back - the open heart, the strong energy around some people - that did not come overnight. Even very gifted people have to practice that gift, or it shrivels. It's like a musical only get to pick the fruit of music when you accept to practice.

Good luck in your path - whatever you choose, and including if you choose to invent one for yourself. You might find you need to experiment for a while before settling on anything - don't beat yourself up for that. You're young - if you don't experiment now, when will you?

Personally, I'd encourage you to explore the mystical traditions of different cultures and see what they have to bring you, and you them, and slowly develop your own practice, bringing it into your daily life in an organic way. What Memries wrote is right. No-one else is you. Only you can find that path for yourself and make it meaningful. That's probably the most natural, "druid"-like way of going about finding your own path, even though it's a great deal less comfortable than having someone tell us what to do and how to think.


Yes you are right Al Sir'a I think we all have within us the archetype of the Magician. We are learning or attempting to use energy in a constructive way. For you it may well be the path of Druidry. That may be the way and the process for you to be creative enough to use that energy constructivly. All spiritual practise has at its core a connection to the 'Divine' through love of that Divine and love of ourselves and others. All belief systems seem to have four elements to them-Spirit, Mind, Heart and Body. Each part has its ritual and practise. There is no right handbook it seems; you walk the path that seems the truest one for yourself. As you look for a belief sytem you will start to discover your real identity and align yourself with that.
Druidism, broadly speaking, was the religion of Britain and Gaul; Druids were the priests who worshipped in sacred groves and had reverence for the powers of nature. It seems to me that a lot of what is said about Druidry is romantic hindsight. You can find out about the ritual and practise through Pagan belief books and sites on the web.
It is my suggestion that you get or look for a something called 'Ideas and Beliefs' and read through the myriad of human thought and action and something will ring true for you. You don't even need to put a label on it except that you are looking for a personal philosopy and how to put that into action for yourself that is credible for you.(you probably already have the basis of your own philosopy on life you just need to balance your boat) Take the best and leave the rest is my advice... and question, question, question and enjoy the journey. ~Rosanne


*walks in with staff, sickle and pink fluffy robe* Ahhh you didnt think a druid would conform did you?! ;)

Druidry is my path after spending my years of too-ing and fro-ing. Infact I still do too and fro only druidry is my central point if you were. Druidry opens you to look at anything and everything you can to find wisdom and perspectives be it the bible, the bhavaghad gita, the koran etc.

Do you want to follow the original Celtic religion?! Well I know nothing of that, and neither did the Celts IMO. They had a way of life that we would call religious, they just saw it as the way. Was it Druidry as we know and love it? Nope. Modern druidry tends not to recreate that of yesterday, but focus on using the essense of druidry and working it for today and tomorrow. This makes druidry a flexible spiritual path.

IS druidry a religion? Not in my book, but others do see it as such. Again druidry is what you make of it. Do we have rules? Not really, I know a few Christian druids because druidry can be a wonderful Earth based spirituality/perspective. The only we rules we have is love, respect and honour each other (though someone said theres an unwritten rule about drinking mead hehe).

However I'm mostly talking about OBOD druidry, Druidry that has been developed and spread from the UK in the last 50 years or so. Druidism is a completely different thing in my opinion, being based on an American society that desperately seek a religious rather than spiritual stand point, and feel secure in following the 'olde celtic faith' rather than admitted they follow a constantly evolving path.

Have you checked out the OBOD website? or even the OBOD message board full of members and none members theres a lot of food for thought be you druid, witch, christian or whatever else :)

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Good luck in your search!

Al Si'ra

Hi Guys!! thank you..your input means a lot..
I will not quote the bits since all of what is said had equal impact on me..

I am exactly the way you have described now..I've began this journey with holy books at 13 then went on and on..learning new things each day..conversations with God was my first book ever a huge inspiration that changed my life..I think that is why i am a "free spirit"..that book was everything about freedom..I refuse to follow strict rules it's true..taking a sip of this and a sip of that..well i have a central belief that is probably not going to change but then i want to expand on it..for now my only practice is getting informed on spiritual beliefs-reading many books every month (since 13 -i have a huge library haha:D)..Thank you as you have supported me on my free ways lol.!
Once again you are of full of wisdom..thank you..the reason why i want to expand on my belief is i want to see some results coming back to you've explained..there are days i just have to lean on my spirituality-and since i don't practice-i sometimes feel that i am floating in the air..feeling flat..i know that things are going to be fine..thought creates..but then..i just wish i had some support system and if i would do some kind of practice then i would have built that support system for myself..I feel the lack of it..i have to admit probably it's time that i should begin to take baby steps and do something-at least meditate!! You know the saddest thing is.. I don't meditate now -i used to-so i know how it's done..and i can teach anybody about it..and if i would have spent my 5 min everyday now i would be a professional on the stuff..AND i've began meditating's only 2 times for now-but i see the difference i see how my psychic abilities have opened up even's very sad..well but better late then never.
That connection to the Divine is where i want start my journey from..i have the connection but i want to strengthen my bonds with's just that i don't exactly know've hit a very good point..all the religions and spiritual belief is aiming to achieve that connection and strengthen the bonds...but then each has a different way of doing i guess that is what i am looking for..the most suitable way!And it's true that for some reason i want to develop a philosophy and while doing that i think it would be nice to at least have some back-up to help me on my journey-so at this time in my life i kinda feel the need to *belong*at some point...i know that it is not's that illusion of being apart from eachother and i don't want to belong completely-part time maybe lol? but it would be nice to head to somewhere-some source-some practice when in need till i get to be a full hermit lol :D
Hi Inanna!!
I've said that before right? I just love your fun and positive kinda inspire me to go out to nature whenever i see and read your post somewhere..Do you remember the ladybug friend i told you about? Well that ladybug came back with presents-and i just knew it!!..i mean she truly talked to me then..then there is this tree story i can't forget..umm..yes the trees have answered an ongoing question in a symbolic way which came out to be true..I kinda see that nature wants to talk to me but then i am ignoring them..That ladybug has inspired me once again to look for more..can't be a coincidence..So i am owing my ladybug friend to do some searching and get back to her lol..
I don't want to follow the original celtic religion i've read about it and's a bit too much for me-too religious i think..As you've said i want the essence of it..but not exactly sure how i should blend it with my own..I am going to check your links as soon as i eat something lol..
Thank you..and expect some silly questions anytime :D

:love: and hugs


Sezo - it's very interesting, what you wrote! Maybe I could call myself a Jewish Druid ;) - except that I have not been initiated into Druidry. But I do find it a very compelling way of life and spirituality. A while ago, I read a book called The Voice Within the Wind, by a Druid called Greywind (I found it on the OBOD site, I think). It's not about the rituals, but about the metaphysics of Druidry. I found it a very enriching read. I didn't agree with all his historical conclusions, but I found his exploration of metaphysics, truth and service as part of the Druid Way made me think and opened up something in me. It also made me understand why so many people drawn to tarot are also drawn to Druidry (or Wicca or eclectic paganism).

Passages such as these: "The goal of the Druid is not to better their self. They do all that as a matter of course, but solely as a means to an end. To be a Druid is to work to place the Truth against the World with the intent of making it a better place for all."

Later he goes deeper into that notion of Truth and Service, and defines Truth: "Truth has to be felt with the heart as much as it needs to be understood with the head, something that requires us to cultivate a sensitivity to what is about us that is increasingly uncommon in today's world...Furthermore, Truth is sensitive to time and place. It is relative, dependent on the metaphysic from within which it is being expressed. This is not to say that there are no universal aspects, things upon which all people agree, but Truth as we experience it is not absolute. This makes it both subjective and objective at the same time [...] Truth is not something that can be limited to language...for Truth is to be found throughout the much wider world of our being. It applies to our actions, to our behaviour, to our thoughts, to all the ways in which we live our lives and to all the places in which we live them" (my italics).

So it is with truthful behaviour, action and thought that the Druid serves the World.

He also said something that resonates particularly strongly, and that I don't see discussed (or reflected) often enough here on AT, though in the real world it is a growing movement: "For a person to say they want to pursue nothing but a spiritual path is to ignore the fact that the spirit does not exist in isolation. We live in a material world, not to escape from it, but better to understand it. Our work here is to integrate spirit and matter more fully and concordantly...This also holds for the person who declares they want nothing to do with politics. That is impossible. Politics is about the way in which we order our priorities in respect of the resources necessary to to the maintenance of our being - be that material, spiritual, communal or personal. Our every action is political and has resonance in the community in which we live."

I have often thought that the greatest political books were those written by great spiritual leaders, of any tradition. Druids - all pagans - are often politically engaged in the Green and Peace movements. It's part of their spiritual practice.

Another thing I found interesting about this book, not living in England any longer, and in any case being from a different "tribal" background from its author, is how adaptable his metaphysic is - pretty much as you describe Druidry, Sezo. That does not mean it's wishy-washy. Rather, it has the flexibility to take root anywhere, whatever your background and country of origin. I say that because I seem to remember (from the Narnia thread), that Al Si'ra is in Turkey, and therefore far away from a Celtic land (although apparently the Celts came from the Middle East/Central Asia).

My own path is very eclectic. I drink from the water of many wells - and I am glad to do so. I find much refreshment and opening in a book such as Greywind's, which not only teaches me something new, but also subtly acts to change my behaviour and actions. Likewise with the Tao Te Ching, with the closer study of the Torah in Hebrew through the eyes of Kabbalists, and the wonderfully inspiring books of Starhawk, the American Jewish Pagan, who is so engaged in trying to make the world a better place through her spirituality. In fact, I remember that when I first read Greywind's passage on Truth, I thought of Starhawk.

Anyway - back to Al Si'ra! - Good luck with your path. You are on one, and it's your own, and that is already a wonderful adventure. I have read some of what you write about Tarot, and I know you for a wise and seeking person. It's wonderful you have found your way back to meditating. We all fall by the way-side from time to time. The important thing is not to stay there - to get up back on that path, just as you have done!


Thank you so much Al S'ira for saying those lovely things about my posts :) I do try to let my wonderful self shine through.

Reading Wee Free Men (by Terry Pratchett) the young witch in the story learns to blink and then blink again - to look and then look again. Thats what druidry can be for me. I see the tree and then I look at it with my whole of my being, open my eyes to everything not just what I'm meant to see or hear. Then all sorts of wonderful things happen be it a tree, the bible, somone picking their kids up from school etc etc :D

I havent read that book Helvetica but heard very good things about it! Druids seek truth, and like to speak our truth but in a very open way. My truth may not be the same as your truth, but yet its valid and should be loved honoured and respected. It seems wishy washy to read about it, but when you talk to someone that really listens to you, its a marvellous and precious thing.
Druids also love service, to the land, to our community (or tribe :D ) and to the wider world (which with modern technology blurs with tribe as well). To serve means we are humble, and if you are humble you will always be pleasently surprised by the world. You dont get many 'arm chair' Druids hehe.

So you fell off the road Al Si'ra, no problem! The ditch like the road can teach us many things in life, everything happens for a reason, trust the process n all other druid waffle, I mean Wisdom ;)

Hugs and oodles of blessings,


inanna_tarot said:
The ditch like the road can teach us many things in life, everything happens for a reason, trust the process n all other druid waffle, I mean Wisdom ;)
ROFL. I'll remember that next time I'm lying in a ditch ;). I like my waffles with jam and my wisdom with a cherry on top :p

Al Si'ra

Helvetica; yes it's true i live in Turkey far away from the celtic lands...i remember watching Merlin and Arthur when i was 2-3 (some old disney animation)and i was so drawn to celtic myths and Avalon itself beginning from that age.. and then some day when i got 19 LOL i wanted to do some research on my background-my roots..i am not actually a Turk or asian by blood-i am a Circassian and they are entirely a different group than the asians as you might know..when i continued my search i learned that they are related to celts not asians..and it was the strangest bit of info. that i have ever learned of myself..but probably explains the strange hair color i got's reddish brownish something..i was dying it to black or blonde..and now i am proud of it no dying anymore :D
My father is totally aware of his roots and background and he is a free spirit as well-he has no clue about religions or spiritual paths and no interest in searching-and he loves living in the nature-we live in the city yet our house is near the sea with green surroundings and we have lots of cats and lovely.. so i guess it just comes from within or the coded DNA and genes i guess :D....and when he was young he also had this ability to see spirits and now he shuts himself down..what a shame..! He says " when i close my eyes and think of nothing (hey we call it meditation LOL) after some time i begin to see strange's scary so i don't do it anymore"
