Halloween Lenormand

Le Fanu

I saw these on facebook and instantly knew something wonderful was afoot.

Please say that this is going to be a real, available, buy-able Lenormand!. I love your style tarotmama and I can already feel you going a long way. Wonderful, wonderful creation...

strings of life

Like. Love. Want! Whenever :). These tease and seduce the senses.

Keep it up, and let it flow. We can wait (or maybe not :laugh:). And, don't worry about needing to finish designing a Tarot deck first (again, we can wait) in order to prove yourself; you already have. Your style is unique and stands out from the flavor of the month, no doubt about it.



Sinduction said:
*sigh* I'm going to have to learn how to read Lenormand now, aren't I? And I did so well staying away from your other one. :D
LOL! I tried to stay away from Melissa's first deck too, but in the end I couldn't resist, and now I can't get enough of the Lenormand, just love it! :D


These are lovely, please say you're publishing? Oh course, no rush :)


Now THIS could push your own deck from it's pedestal in my personal Olympus.

PLEASE get it ready to use for my favourite holiday!!!


Awesome! Me wantee


Um...Yea... I'm gonna need to have this!!! Will it be ready by Halloween? :D

Well, you posted the pics! What did you expect? Lol! Seriously, you must print this for us. :) I love it!!!


jcwirish said:
Well, you posted the pics! What did you expect? Lol! Seriously, you must print this for us. :) I love it!!!

When it's done, I will try to print it for you, yes. By Halloween though??? No promises!!

Honestly, I expected people to say, "Oh gee, another Lenormand. Yawn." So I'm quite tickled that you all like it. The cards are getting a little more demented as I go along. It's quite liberating to work on after watching Sesame Street all day long... :bugeyed:


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oh, man this is fantastic!!!!

I love the Moon cards, both, though I may be partial to the first...it's so hard to say.

And that Man card made me laugh out loud, for real. The Rider is truly awesome, gorgeous. I love her.

This is going to be another fabulous deck from you, Tarotmama. You have such a sharp eye for images.


Woah! Demented is a good word! lol That moon with the tongue is downright hair-raising! You must have an amazing variety of Victoriana at your fingertips. I just love the vintage look of your decks. They go well with oracles and tarot. They maintain that mystique. This is a deck I see being used by a gypsy at a carnival, back in the turn of the century or early 20's, who insists on having her palm crossed with silver...

And proceeds to tell you things she could never have known...
