Harmonious Fives

Grip Dellabonte

Summertime. Things are supposed to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n in the summer. They aren't. I never learn.
But, at least I have a free moment or two to try and get these done...

Five of Wands: In this picture there are five wands going in opposing directions - that would fit with this card being about conflict. Four of the wands look like they could possibly have been affected by the cherubs' pulling action on the flowervine...they look like they are about to tumble to the ground.
There are three cherubs on a grassy patch and growing next to them is a large plant with bell-like flowers. The cherubs each are pulling on a vine that either was originally part of the plant, or was added to it so that they could pull on them.
It is unclear what they are trying to do. Are they playing? Are they working together? Are they all doing the same thing so that nothing is getting accomplished?
And the question it asks is "How can I stand out?" The answer is, ultimately, that one learns to stand out by entering the fray and sizing up the competition.
This is what Thirteen wrote in her Card Meanings in the Learning Section. I think there's a bit of that here. They are doing the same thing so no one stands out. But they have all joined in, so maybe one or all are sizing up the competition.
Fives are often difficult for me to grasp as I'm learning how to read. This card is fairly stark to me.
Still, I would say that the general meanings hold true. Whatever the project one is working on, there is conflict. Some aspect may not have been thought out properly enough.
Individuals could be at cross purposes.
Or, one must take a stand and try something new. Coming up with a new slant in the situation may ease the conflict.

Five of Cups: "Spill the wine! Dig that girl! Na na na na..." Sorry. Just some free association when I first saw the card....
And she does seem a bit trippy.
"Oh, my...I am lost and full of regret! Ooh! A penny!"
Enough of that silliness!
There is a pretty woman in a white/pink gown and wearing a tiara (or crown, or some-such) walking stoop-shouldered.
There are two children holding the train of her flowing gown, watching her. She is carrying a wreath in her left hand, and crooked in her right arm is a green leaf fan with white flowers attached to it.
She has come down the steps of an edifice. The children are still on the steps being very attentive to her. They almost looked concerned, or is that my imagination?
There are two goblets over her head, and three spilled ones to the right side of her.
The terrain she is in is mountainous and green.
I see this as a woman who was left at the altar. She is distraught, hence her posture and the concerned children.
The wine is spilled because her dad paid for it, and didn't want it to go to waste, so people were asked to enjoy the reception food anyway whilst the jilted one collected herself! Really! He was protecting his child...
But the people have gone now, so she feels able to leave the church finally.
As the card of regret, we see the emotion pretty clearly displayed in this card.
But also, another part of this card is to remember what we still have. We have lost something, but we have retained something else.
Perhaps her groom was worthless. So, she retained her freedom. It may not seem like a good thing now, but later when the emotions calm...
So the thrust of the card is the same.....could we be focusing on what we lost instead of what we have? Is our focus misplaced? What can be gained be the event we just experienced? What insights can be taken from this event?

Five of Swords: This one is tough. I've looked through all the resources I have, including picking Thirteen's "brain" in her notes. I don't see how this card applies to anything I've read.
Is the man in orange a bully? Doesn't seem like it. The other man does not look physically hurt at least. He actually appears to be resting.
Did the man in orange get the upper hand by crossing over the fence first? The other man doesn't seem all that concerned about it. His pack is beside him so he doesn't seem to be in a hurry.
From a psychological viewpoint the man in orange is in the higher position but that's a bit of a stretch for me. This card honestly has me flummoxed.

Grip Dellabonte

Five of Pentacles: Back to the flower people Walter Crane liked so much. But I like them, too. These three are pretty....peonies?
There are five coins over the heads of the three flower ladies.
They are on a hill trying to hold their ground in a very gusty windstorm. Leaves are blowing all around them. I guess it could be rain as well as wind...
One lady is huddled inward trying to brace herself from the force. One is kneeling, shielding her eyes with her left hand and looking to the left into the distance. Maybe she's looking for a sign of the storm passing. The lady in the foreground seems to be the most stable and strong. But she is also trying to hold on to a blossom, either for grounding or to keep it from getting blown away. There is a little bud planted between them. Are the three trying to protect it?
I get the feeling of a nest egg...someone hit by an unexpected financial crisis, and trying to protect what they've managed to nurture to this point.
As with the traditional card, I get the clear feeling that while this is a storm, it will pass. You just have to hold on.


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Keavy McGee

Two Months?!?!?

Two MONTHS it's taken me to get back to this thread...aargh, how is that possible?!?!? But I'm here now, so off we go again...hope you're ready to rock once more, Grip, as summer is over, autumn is upon us, the kids are back in school, and...well, you get the idea ;)


Harmonious Fives, take 1

Ah, the challenges of the fives. After the relative stability of the fours, comes the unstabling aspects of the Fives. Fives relate to the Hierophant; they bring us teachings we need to continue to grow, sometimes welcome, sometimes not.

Swords ~
Two men in casual country wear - long-sleeved tunics, knee breeches, stockings and shoes, hats. One is crossing a fence with his rucksack over his back and appears excited to be on his way; he looks back at the other, who is seated dejectedly on the ground, possibly ignoring him. The first figure is dressed in red – a warm colour; the second is dressed in blue – a cool colour. They are in a mostly hot dry environment with little vegetation except for a large bush in the center right foreground; a jagged path emerges from behind the bush and zigzags into the distance; a windmill punctuates the far left horizon. 5 swords float overhead, 2 facing right and 3 facing left.

One is engaged in changing his situation - he is taking steps, i.e., climbing up two steps and over two fence rails; one is immobile - ankles crossed, chin in hands - and appears to be stuck and unmotivated to make a change, so he remains where he is.

While this is a five, it has a lot of two energy in it. Two men, two approaches. In a reading, I would wonder if the Querent were the figure crossing the fence for adventure or the one staying where he is. The active figure is energetic and passionate about his journey; the passive figure looks pensively to the left, to the past. Since Swords represent thoughts and ideas, I wonder if he is ruminating and maybe obsessing about the past and is therefore unable to take steps toward his future.

In the traditional RWS this is sometimes called the card of defeat. In this case, the man in blue is stuck in his mind and has defeated himself. It will take a jolt to get him to stand up and take action.

Chalices ~
A young bride dashes from a church in anger or disgust, her two young flower girls trying to maintain her train. She is bent over and hurrying away from the building. In her left hand is a wreath of lilies and in her right arm she carries a leafy bouquet. Three spilled chalices are in front of her on the grass; two filled chalices float overhead. There are tall green tree-topped hills in the distance. It is a clear, cloudless day.

This is traditionally the card of spilled milk; looking at what is gone instead of what remains. However, in this case what has been spilled is red, as in wine or blood, which would suggest that this is a loss that is very emotional and filled with passion – which could be love, but also anger or frustration.

This does just remind me a bit of the Cinderella story, dashing down the steps of the castle, and leaving behind a shoe in her haste. The point being that Cinderella had not completed her task. This young woman has not left the church with her groom, so again, the actual union has not taken place. Unfinished business.

The red liquid from the chalices suggests blood has been spilled, and as this is the suit of feelings, it indicates that whatever has been lost was very close to the heart.

Wands ~
Three naked little cherubs on a grassy knoll, pulling the ropes of a healthy multitude of bellflower blossoms depending over the five floating shillelaghs. It looks loud, cacaphonic. And fun!

This speaks to me of teamwork, everyone ‘pulling’ together to accomplish a single task, i.e., make music. They feel to me as if they are cooperating, yet this is the traditional card of conflict. It also means healthy competition, so perhaps the five cherubs are competing to see who can play the loudest or best tune!!

Pentacles ~
Once again, the image on the disks changes, this time neither a five-petaled flower nor a crowned ruler. This is merely a full, golden, half-smiling face, possibly the Moon or Sun, but if Sun, without rays. Three women depicted as poppies atop a small hill are being battered by a fierce wind and rainstorm. Their legs and arms are bare and they are wearing poppy leaves as tunics. One is bent over from the force of the storm, one is on her knees looking back over her shoulder, and one has her back to the gale and is trying to prevent a 4th blossom from being blown away. Three leaves are blown past them above their heads.

The storms of change are blowing through the Querent’s affairs and s/he is currently unable to face the storm, except for one brief glance. A lot of energy is going into remaining upright and withstanding the storm but as yet, no direct action is being taken. While the storm is reasonably fierce, it also has a sense of springtime and the sudden, flash storms that are unnerving (and sometimes even refreshing) but don’t do catastrophic damage. This looks like it is just passing through, although because of the rain, there may be some emotion triggered as a result of these changes.

This card seems to suggest the Querent “batten down the hatches” as there are stormy times ahead and she may get “blown away” or overwhelmed by a situation or situations. Since this is Pentacles or Coins, the storm would affect him/her in concrete, practical ways, such as the potential loss of a job or of income, loss of possessions, etc. But because this is a 5, this is not a permanent condition. Things may be rough for a while, but ‘this too shall pass.’

I'm off to read your original words of wisdom, Grip, and further my edjumakayshun, as Umbrae says!!



Grip Dellabonte

Hey there! I am ready to go again! Just was waiting for the all clear.

I need to re-read all this, then I will answer, and then I will take on the Sixes.

We'll get this deck finished yet, Keavy! Maybe others will pop in with their takes on the cards as well....(;))


I´m still here,too..:D

Grip Dellabonte

Hey, hemera! Brilliant! I am so glad! Well, jump in then, will ya?! ;)
Watcha think of the Fives?
I know I messed up already with the Five of Swords. NNEERR! Keavy got that one. I see it now. I had such a block!
Well, gotta run and take two heathens to school. Will be back and post on her responses later today.
But you respond if you want to, and if you want to get really risky and start the Sixes, hey! Fine with me!


Grip Dellabonte said:
But you respond if you want to, and if you want to get really risky and start the Sixes, hey! Fine with me!

Oh my! Nothing as frisky as the sixes for me please :D [grabs her heart pills]
You go ahead with the sixes and I´ll just lurk here and throw in a comment every now and then, ok? I´ll keep an eye on you two,see? Somebody´s gotta do that,too, so I can volunteer. :D

Grip Dellabonte

Bwaaaak, bwaaaak, bwak, bwak, bwak...I'm making chicken noises at you, hemera! Heh, heh!

Fine, then! ;)

Lurking and commenting is good, too.


Actually.. I was thinking... [listening to the the chicken noises inside my head...] :D

that I could do sevens or eights or something that comes a bit later. (I´m too busy at work right now but I know I will have more time, say,within a month.)

Keavy McGee

hemera said:
Oh my! Nothing as frisky as the sixes for me please :D [grabs her heart pills]
You go ahead with the sixes and I´ll just lurk here and throw in a comment every now and then, ok? I´ll keep an eye on you two, see? Somebody´s gotta do that, too, so I can volunteer. :D
ROFL, hemera :) You are too funny!!