Has anyone ever?...


NorthernTigress said:
That was me. I took my favorite cards from the Ciro Marchetti decks and created my "Legacy of Gilded Dreams" deck. I even did a few readings with it, but the fact that the standard ToD was a tiny bit bigger than the others irritated me, so I took it apart again. (I'm too much of a coward to Trim, especially such a small amount.)

I still have the list though, so I can re-create my perfect deck if I ever need it.
:lightbulb: Legacy ... of ... Gilded ... Dreams ...



Well, afterr 7 hours of scanning, adjusting so they are the same size in paintshop pro and printing, I am now the owner of a 96 card tarot deck of my favourite images from the decks I own.

They are 5.1" x 3" inclusive of title at the bottom. titles for majors are not coloured, wands are a shade of red, swords shade of yellow etc.

They now need cutting, corner rounding and laminating. What a rush. :D :D

I will have an add up later but I think I used 23 decks in the end. Where some cards had a unique interpretation outside of the norm I considered using it and having an extended set of Majors, thus the extra 18 cards. The nice thing about doing this was the fact I could also include some of my images from my deck (being produced with Ravenswing).

I think because it is on the same card and has the same titling, even though the images are different it really does look as one deck and not a patchwork of many. I just wish I had considered doing this years ago.

Some decks were more used than others (78 doors proved a surprise) and there were decks which only had one card. Overall?? I am tired having had this go through my head all darned night but I am so pleased with it. With regards to usage, I attend a Wednesday morning spiritual group meet where we always draw a few cards for consideration at the start of the lesson. I find I draw a couple from one deck, a couple from another and so on. With this deck I will just use the one deck and stop the flaffing around....lol. Otherwise, it is very much for private / personal use only and not really for public use. This way I am also happy with how the courts look. I feel I have got the energy of each personality represented in a way it will work seamlessly when next to other cards.



What a lovely use...

...I came across one of my mad mini-franken-decks..they were all calendar or mini-images...such as an old Visconti Tarot calendar combined with Romance of the Rose images plus puzzle pieces that had 21 of the majors of the Amerigo Folchi's Ferarra Tarot and Mantegna mini-scans from the extra cards in the LS version of the deck...none of the cards were minors!

Unfortunately my favorite decks aren't standard mini-size. I want LS Crystals, LS Romantici, enlarged LS 1001 Nights images and...and...and...oh, pooh.

Someday I'll have the time and computer things all hooked up...or a tarot-card service-on-demand just eager to do my divination bidding!



Well, after approx 9 hours of work in total, the deck is complete. I am so enjoying just looking through it and appreciating how the different styles, imagery etc have blended together to form my very own pathwork creation. The spiritual group meeting is tomorrow so it will be my first opportunity to use it for myself. I was hoping to pimp a deck (a different thread I know) but haven't got any that lend itself to that sort of creativity. I guess this filed the void :) as I was itching to have a go at personalising something. Just wish I had thought of doing this years ago, but I guess now is the right time. The current collection of around 50 decks is one I feel comfortable with as being a working collection, so all the images were chosen with that in mind.



Shadowdancer, well done on creating a workable deck. I'd love to see it, use it...


here are a couple of piccies of the pathwork deck I have created. I have to say they are NOT blurred in real life - that was down to me trying to photograph them this morning in less than ideal light, so some camera shake on my part.



  • Img_7069.jpg
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  • Img_7072.jpg
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shadowdancer said:
with all the decks in their collection, put together a hybrid deck made up of their favourite cards from all decks?

I have put together a hypothetical shortlist of what cards from all my current decks would / could go into this 'master' deck. It is an interesting exercise and not as easy as I thought it would be.

I was surprised to see I struggled to find the 'jump out and hit you between the eyes' Strength card, and a small handful of courts also caused headscratching. Yet other cards it was a case of 'eenie meanie minie mo' to narrow it down.

My collection has halved in the past 6 months or so, and it would be interesting to see if cards from those traded decks would have made the shortlist. Having said that I am happy with how it is going so far. It is a fun exercise to consider which cards would be chosen and why. Certainly isn't from any one genre or art style so far, but I do like to see some real personality and character along with some great story telling. Looking at the majors so far, none can really be classed as the typical RWS but do have links with the system. And it does look cool :D


I SO love that idea! I don't have enough decks to do that, right now, of course, but I KNOW I'm going to be collecting decks as years go by, because I am one of those collector types.

What's interesting, in a personal journal, I've taken to including images from various areas of interest when I post, and just this morning, I was looking for some online images of The High Priestess. I came across two that I liked at the site I was browsing, but my own deck was not included in their collection. I know that I can find it here, as I have visited the link in a thread here on complete deck collections being shown online. This also brought me to the realization of how well I'd chosen my deck because so far none of the other decks I've seen actually appeal to me in the way that my deck does. :)

But when I do start my collection, that will be a goal down the road!


Shire, you are just beginning and you have a Greenwood already?
You're finished collecting :)