Haunted by Nightmares


Finally, I got some sleep last night--only to wake up in the midst of a nightmare!! What's going on? I need some feedback on this dream--very strange.

I dreamt I was given an assignment by some "higher" person (like the head of a company, or the head of a city/state/country, not sure) to be a messenger and carry two "packages" to a couple of consumers. I went to see a woman who ran a business of growing special, exotic animals. She handed me two "packages": one, a baby alligator (it was tiny, the size of a coin); the other was a "special" fish, the same size. She put each in a separate containter, filled each with this murky, icky, algae-like green water. She said, "These two are VERY special and the two people who bought them are very powerful people; make sure you get these two to them in the best possible condition, no matter what!"

So I started on this journey, carrying the alligator (which by now had transformed into a spider--I don't know why) and the fish. As I progressed on my journey, the containers that these two creatures were in started to become damp, then leak. I was so worried that they'd run out of water and die before I made it to my destination. My journey went on and on...I kept checking on these two, and they kept growing and growing. I guess this was showing the passage of time. I even filled up the containers with a little fresh water--which I'd been told not to do--but I didn't have any of the green, icky water...so...I took a chance.

I reached a city, and came across two tall, model-like blonde women. They were dressed in expensive clothes and furs. I asked them if they knew who "Jonathan Foz" or "Jonathan Fox" was and where is Studio City (which, btw, is a city in the Los Angeles area, where I live). The women looked at each other like I just asked them something stupid; one of them said, "You are in Studio City. To find Jonathan, you have to go..." and she gave me directions. I was there in no time.

I came to the destination; the spider/alligator thingie at this point was rather huge. There was an instruction card for me to drop it in the "big water pit". The place I was at looked like a personal, animal zoo. I dropped it in the pit/container...the water in there was was clear. But the minute the alligator/spider thing hit the water, the water turned murky and green...and suddenly, the water filled with many, many safari-like snakes (they were colored like the African deserts..in golds, browns, and khaki colors). These were perhaps water snakes, because they were swirling around and around in this water. I freaked out, thinking I'd just killed the alligator/spider by dropping him in the wrong container. I took a big ladel and kept swirling the water around, looking for the spider/alligator thingie; couldn't see him. And one of the snakes in the water sprung up and almost bit me. It was freaky! Then the snake came out of this "pit container" and started to chase after me; it could move really fast. I finally threw the ladel across the room and it chased after it.

I then went to this Jonathan guy; I said to him, "Here, I have your fish". He took the pacakge from me, looked inside and said, "Oh, it's beautiful!". The fish was fully grown, and was the size of an Atlantic salmon. I was glad he was happy with his package. Suddenly, he put the fish on the ground, went into a room and called, as if for a pet, and this HUGE snake, with red/black/white colors came slithering out and this guy said to the snake, "I have a special surprise for you". As I stood there horrified, this snake approached the fish and ate him up in one, big gulp! I looked at the guy and said, "OMG, he ate the fish" thinking it was a mistake. The guy said, "Oh I know; that was for him. He loves home-grown fish." I was thinking, "That's so cruel; the poor fish! How extravagant must this person be to have an expensive fish delivered, have it grow in the process of its destination, only to have it eaten in a second by this monsterous snake?"

Then the guy said, "That's my favorite pet. I spoil him rotten." Then the snake started to approach ME and I was frozen in fear. I told the guy, "Please don't let him come near me" and he said, very casually, "Hey, don't be scared" but I was!! So finally this guy called the snake away from me, and like a dog, the snake responded and went to its "room".

Then the guy paid me with a big check; I believe whatever he paid was twice the amount of what it'd cost and he said, "Keep the rest for you".

In any case, the dream scared me. Snakes and alligator/spiders, and fish?? I don't know what it means, but I woke up pretty shaken up. If it matters at all...I'm a Pisces, the Fish. I don't know if that's even symbolic in the dream, but there it is.

Then I went on to dream about this girl who kept chasing after this guy who had a girlfriend already, but I think that was random, left-over dreams. :D

So....any thoughts on this crazy business called "dreaming"? I don't know that this dream has any significance, except that it was so detailed and so long, I thought it must be somewhat important....

Feedback would be much appreciated!

GA :)


While reading your post, I had to wonder if you're in a position at the moment where there has been a deception or a betrayal towards you; particularly from a female who's close to you.


Juddcatsgirl...tell me why you think that. I'm interested for a reason, but I don't want to color your opinion with my info before I hear more...



Ah GA - There are some powerful Symbols here!! :)

Snakes are or can be symbols of treachery, but it depends on what they are up to in your dream. The transformation of the spider into snakes (and more than one of them) - many snakes can mean a situation of self sexual confrontation. This may come in the form of passion, lust, temptation, betrayal, options. Snake energy is about moving above and beyond. A strong healer through dreams though also a symbol of inner turmoil and anxiety. Medicine cards also suggest that the snake is the cycle of life death and rebirth - this comes in the form of skin shedding or change/transmutation. It says that through the exceptance of all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation or 'shedding of your old skin' and create a better more powerful presence on many levels - physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is represented on some level on the Wheel of Life.
Because this symbol in your dream was born from the spider - are you returning so an old rut or fear of putting yourself in a worse situation. The symbol is transformational and cannot stagnate. Change may last for ever but the process of change itself can be swift if you surrender to the higher purpose and donot fear the snake. In your dream you are scared of the snakes approach - fearing it will demolish you just a the snake ate the fish - does this mean that you are resisting change to the point of leaving it in the hands of otheres to control? Change would devour you type of thoughts. This is a realistic fear but an irrational one possibly? Or is there a situation of temptation about to come your way through the words of someone who has the gift of a forked tounge. You are resisting in some way - two sitiautions: Both require you to be aware and not make rash desisions. Change and tempatation. Snakes can also be seen to be the cause and the cure of the ailment - homeopathy. Seek some natural cures.

Also the Goddess Artemis carries a snake!

On another level, The person who had control over the snake (in your dream)can be quite a gossip monger - you may find a time you may need to defend your morality and principles against others - standing up for yourself. Interestingly - the snakes didnt bite you - good thing! You will overcome any opposition in this realm, you will succeed in being able to turn the tables. Keep an eye out for anyone around who would like to put you in an uncomfortable position and make you squirm. Nasty piece of jealousy! The colour of the snake do give some indication of the personality type: Red is about tempers being flared and angry responses - it asks you (or another) to curb tempers in 'this' situation, black is a dark or moody personality.
The size of the snake is percieved by you to be 'bigger' (huge) than you could fend off or handle. This makes me think of the last dreams and the way in which things seem to be amplified or disproportional as well. (You did handle it though in your dream)
The colour of the smaller snakes can represent money, just to let you know - so it may have something to do with a deal gone wrong.

The Spider is a strong symbol of femine power, but mainly it is seen as a weaver and a transformer. This is because the spider is constantly creating the web to catch nourishment. The nourishment needs to die before it can be ingested, so that the spider can live again to spin her web, and the cycle continues. In the dreamstate the omen is a good one. It is the continuation of the cycle of success. Intuitively, I am feeling that you have the ability to be successful in your doings and also it has an accumulative effect. Because it changes into a spider though I see this as a possible self sabotage or a crossroad in the process of things. The spider has many eyes and can see the same thing in the same way many time magnified. One aspect of the way things are being viewed, is a hologram of the same thing magnified many times over.
Spider is also the weaver of dreams. Working with your dreams is a healing right now. Creating dreams, creating a vision. Spider warns not to become intangled in the web of illusion or sitting there waiting to be someones fodder. Spider asks you to use a creative approach to remove yourself from the web, as she knows that not all who land in it remain stuck.The web is not a fate, but a intricate puzzle - which she asks you to solve. Spider reminds you to create as she does. Write your dreams down - dance, move, plan ahead. She also gently reminds you not to forget that you a part of a larger and interconnective web.

Intuitively - there is a situation that may arise which you may feel stuck in - but you will see your way out of as long as you attend to it creatively.

The Aligator can represent a time in which you need to show caution and be alert. You need all your senses. There is an interactive dance of transformation which requires some sacrifices.

The Water in your dream is very interesting - another symbol of transformation - life death rebirth, as above so below. The waters in your dreams are multifaceted - leaking - green - clear - transforming - replenishing - refilling - rehydrating - you are searching in the water of life where the transformation and multiplicity is happening. You dont find what you're looking for but something else comes out at you in this dream and chases you - until you you distract it to go and attack something else. You escaped the snake (see above stuff on the snake - I think this represents a close call of someone who could have caused you grief, but you were able to steer clear of).

The fish seems to symbol some type of sacrifice - something that you hand over (possibly your power in some respect - or something that you care about) to someone else who abuses this because they can. There power is tied up in money - not morality. The fish also can represent the life force and reproduction. This may also represent a promise made - the size of the fish may determine how large the promise was. Something that you trusted maybe taken out of your hands. It has been misrepresented to you and maybe used for purposes other than you initially thought. A deal gone wrong. I would think this symbol would be a warning of sorts - like the four of pentacles - hold on until your absolutely sure and that may mean seeming miserly but for you to hand this over - someone needs to give you a bloody good reason. A bit at a time.

Overall, I think the dream says to be vigilant and stay on your path. Form a plan and stick to it. Keep creating the future for yourself and looking ahead. Be aware of those around you at this time and dont be mislead or decieved. You may be transisting through a time where personal change is imminent, but you are being distracted by other worldly things. There is a air of illusion - which is not giving you a clear vision - there are those around you which are also changing their skin - their form. This all seems to be very interactive and changeable, but there seems to be a challenge ahead - which you can overcome !! Being aware of the 'Snake Charmer' and the 'Money Dealer'.

Im sure someone else should add to this as I am aware (I think) - through the last reading - of some stuff thats coming up might sound similar. Also there are other symbolism in the dream that needs addressing - such as emotions which you experienced.

I will pm you also GA. Keep the light around you and call on your Guides too! :)


GoddessArtemis said:
Juddcatsgirl...tell me why you think that. I'm interested for a reason, but I don't want to color your opinion with my info before I hear more...


It was just a feeling I got more than anything. I really can't explain it, but I got the feeling that you've been betrayed by someone close to you, possibly by someone you called a friend and trusted with your secrets, only to find out that they've used these against you. And maybe I'm off the mark but I'm sensing that perhaps this betrayal involved your lover.


Juddcatsgirl...well, yeah, I've been betrayed. I guess some in my life have betrayed me by taking my feelings for granted. I think that's probably one of the worst betrayals, in my book. I've been betrayed by several people--but the most prominent one right now is my ex, yes. Good call...



GoddessArtemis said:
Juddcatsgirl...well, yeah, I've been betrayed. I guess some in my life have betrayed me by taking my feelings for granted. I think that's probably one of the worst betrayals, in my book. I've been betrayed by several people--but the most prominent one right now is my ex, yes. Good call...


I know how that feels. Nothing worse than been betrayed by someone you care deeply for. I'm a great believer in Karma GA, and basically what goes around comes around. So they'll get theirs in the grand scheme of things.

As for the dreams, perhaps you could face the person who has betrayed you, face to face and tell them how much you've been hurt by them. If you can't do it face to face, write a letter to them but don't send it. Burn it in the light of a candle and then let the ashes blow into the wind - allow the universe to deal with the problem. Not only will doing one of these give you closure, but it should at least set you on the road ahead to healing your heart. And you shouldn't have any more dreams involving snakes (yuck) or spiders (double yuck).



Just using another dream of yours for practice, same thing applies to what I said about the other one.

I dreamt I was given an assignment by some "higher" person (like the head of a company, or the head of a city/state/country, not sure) to be a messenger and carry two "packages" to a couple of consumers. I went to see a woman who ran a business of growing special, exotic animals. She handed me two "packages": one, a baby alligator (it was tiny, the size of a coin); the other was a "special" fish, the same size. She put each in a separate containter, filled each with this murky, icky, algae-like green water. She said, "These two are VERY special and the two people who bought them are very powerful people; make sure you get these two to them in the best possible condition, no matter what!"

I would say the assignment would require some sort of commitment from you in the dream, from what I have read briefly, it seems to indicate travel which is associated with your life path and transformation, so I would imagine what you should feel committed to in your life. But as the dream goes on, I guess I will probably change my mind. The woman who is “higher”, just say that she is your boss, so in your dream she would be standing in for anyone with authority in your life or your own inner sense of duty or obligation, so this dream could be suggestive about your attitude towards power: either that of yours or of others. You are taking 2 packages in the dream, in which case 2 means duality, two sides of something (male/female; left/right; yes/no), also communication or relationship. The packages can stand for some hidden potential within yourself that you have not fully explored. The package could symbolise an event or emotion that has taken place, but which you have not yet explored the importance of. I would say that the fact that the woman has given you the package to give to someone else they that symbolises that there is some sort of offer from the woman to another. I would be more inclined to think that the woman that is “higher” would be a part of you, so I guess that could mean that you are the one offering something of yourself to another. I would say the exotic animals could be seen as representing an enemy or an uncontrollable force. Alligators symbolise a cunning enemy or obstacle to your progress, by the fact that the alligator is so small, that this obstacle to your progress is minimal (I know you said that there is only one, but I thought that it would be interesting to mention this anyway, if there are more than one alligator in your dreams, beware of new ventures or business dealings. Dreaming of fish in a general sense means that you are getting in touch with our deeper selves and our search for a higher self or spirituality. Here is an important thing to note, if the object, that is the fish and the alligator, are small it may indicate that it has little importance to you, or it may indicate that you are vulnerable of “feeling small”. Since the water is mucky would indicate that your emotional life has become bogged down in some way, if this is the case you need to introduce some new element in to your life or find a new emotional outlet that will allow things to flow more freely again.

So I started on this journey, carrying the alligator (which by now had transformed into a spider--I don't know why) and the fish. As I progressed on my journey, the containers that these two creatures were in started to become damp, then leak. I was so worried that they'd run out of water and die before I made it to my destination. My journey went on and on...I kept checking on these two, and they kept growing and growing. I guess this was showing the passage of time. I even filled up the containers with a little fresh water--which I'd been told not to do--but I didn't have any of the green, icky water...so...I took a chance.

The spider in the dream can signal a desire to be productive and creative, or it may suggest that you are feeling caught up in or smothered by the emotions and conflicts of those around you. Spiders were thought to symbolise powerful maternal or female figures, they are considered lucky in a number of Eastern cultures. The journey in the dream means your passage through life. The fact that you have dreamed that the alligator transformed into a spider would more than likely mean that you have experienced feelings of confusion, you are dealing with major changes in your life in which your actions can impact on a current situation, you may be entering into a new physical, emotional or psychological state that is making you confused about this unfamiliar territory or uncertain about what has been transformed. Do not be concerned with this change, as it is a natural progression, it suggests that once your accept this is true, you will feel more in control. The fact that the containers are leaking, then I would guess that something is revealed without authorisation, more than likely this is telling you that you are feeling “drained”, in which case you need to take care of your health. So I guess if the green icky water means that you are feeling bogged down with your emotions, then I guess dreaming that you are filling the containers with fresh water to replace the green icky water would probably indicate that you may be finding some calm and tranquillity, or is at least telling you what you need to do to help you let go of your “baggage”. So, I have mentioned that the fact that when you started out what the spider and the fish symbolises in your dream seemed to hold little significance to you at the beginning of the journey, but as they are growing then they are gaining more significance for you in your life, so the fish symbolised your getting in touch with your higher self or at least spirituality, and spider as mentioned at the top of this paragraph.

I reached a city, and came across two tall, model-like blonde women. They were dressed in expensive clothes and furs. I asked them if they knew who "Jonathan Foz" or "Jonathan Fox" was and where is Studio City (which, btw, is a city in the Los Angeles area, where I live). The women looked at each other like I just asked them something stupid; one of them said, "You are in Studio City. To find Jonathan, you have to go..." and she gave me directions. I was there in no time.

Since the city is where you live would indicate that you would feel comfortable with doing things the way you have been since childhood. But at the same time, as you had to ask where this Studio City was could indicate that you are looking for a new direction in life and that you may be forced to rely on the advice and kindness of strangers in order to find your way, as would also be indicative that you had to ask the 2 women directions and who the man was.

I came to the destination; the spider/alligator thingie at this point was rather huge. There was an instruction card for me to drop it in the "big water pit". The place I was at looked like a personal, animal zoo. I dropped it in the pit/container...the water in there was was clear. But the minute the alligator/spider thing hit the water, the water turned murky and green...and suddenly, the water filled with many, many safari-like snakes (they were colored like the African deserts..in golds, browns, and khaki colors). These were perhaps water snakes, because they were swirling around and around in this water. I freaked out, thinking I'd just killed the alligator/spider by dropping him in the wrong container. I took a big ladel and kept swirling the water around, looking for the spider/alligator thingie; couldn't see him. And one of the snakes in the water sprung up and almost bit me. It was freaky! Then the snake came out of this "pit container" and started to chase after me; it could move really fast. I finally threw the ladel across the room and it chased after it.

Alligators symbolise a cunning enemy or obstacle to your progress, spiders may suggest that you are feeling caught up in or smothered by the emotions and conflicts of those around you and were thought to symbolise powerful maternal or female figures, which are at this stage are huge symbolises that it has a large importance for you. Dreaming of a pit is a reflection of your fear of falling or becoming trapped, the fact that it is water, it would indicate that this would be you don’t want to be emotionally trapped and that it is big would indicate that this has a big significance for you. On the other hand, could symbolise the fear of a symbolic “death” of some relationship or phase or your life, it could also represent the ruts or holes we make in waking life. So by the fact that the water was clear, which means calm and tranquillity, but turned into the green mucky water after the alligator/spider was dropped into the water which symbolises what has been keeping you emotionally bogged down is your “baggage”, by the description given to the alligator and the spider, respectively, one could be mistaken in thinking that it represents some female presence in your life that acts as an obstacle to your progress, I guess! Snakes can be seen as being associated with deceit, trickery and temptation, and as this is in water I would imagine that it is someone you have or have had a relationship with. Dreaming of gold colours would indicate that one is ambitious in accumulating wealth or that one has a “golden opportunity” for knowledge and power. Murky colours like brown and khaki tend to be associated with confusion or anxiety, it could signify depression to dream of these colours. Brown is and earthy colour, it can represent the stability and nourishment of the soil, it can either sustain us in a positive way or be hostile and “bog” you down in a muddy hole. The fact that you have stirred the water in the pit in the dreams suggests that perhaps you should think about a situation in which your risk being dragged down or held under, there is a definite need for you to empower yourself. What the snakes represent in the dream would be representing a major fear – your shadow, or hidden self – that has grown to a huge proportion and causes terror and a feeling of being a victim. The fact that you have dreamed about feeling guilt about dropping this alligator/spider thing in the wrong container which you thought may have been killed by the snakes could reflect some guilt towards something that is going on in your life.

I then went to this Jonathan guy; I said to him, "Here, I have your fish". He took the pacakge from me, looked inside and said, "Oh, it's beautiful!". The fish was fully grown, and was the size of an Atlantic salmon. I was glad he was happy with his package. Suddenly, he put the fish on the ground, went into a room and called, as if for a pet, and this HUGE snake, with red/black/white colors came slithering out and this guy said to the snake, "I have a special surprise for you". As I stood there horrified, this snake approached the fish and ate him up in one, big gulp! I looked at the guy and said, "OMG, he ate the fish" thinking it was a mistake. The guy said, "Oh I know; that was for him. He loves home-grown fish." I was thinking, "That's so cruel; the poor fish! How extravagant must this person be to have an expensive fish delivered, have it grow in the process of its destination, only to have it eaten in a second by this monsterous snake?"

The colours of the snake might be important: black can signal the need to explore the darker or deeper side of your nature – your subconscious mind, it can represent depression or even death of an idea, an aspiration or a phase of your life. It may be a good idea to ask yourself if there is anything lacking in warmth or colour in your life, or whether you are hiding something, it suggests uncertainty about an aspect of yourself or your situation or can signify grief or mourning of something that has or is about to end. It could also suggest an aspect of yourself which are undeveloped or hidden; white can represent purity, birth, joy and enlightenment, it is seen as a new beginning rather than an end, perhaps you need to make sure that you have balance in your life; red is the symbol or fire, passion, masculinity, aggression, danger, violence, blood, conflict and anger, it screams out to be noticed and as such you need to heed the warning. So, in this I see the fish as being food for the snake, and food is a symbol of nourishment of the body, the mind and the soul. As fish is meat, meat is associated with flesh and as such is a symbol of physical gratification.

Then the guy said, "That's my favorite pet. I spoil him rotten." Then the snake started to approach ME and I was frozen in fear. I told the guy, "Please don't let him come near me" and he said, very casually, "Hey, don't be scared" but I was!! So finally this guy called the snake away from me, and like a dog, the snake responded and went to its "room".

I really don’t know what to say about this bit, I think that I have covered it in when the small snakes chased you. I will say by the fact that the man called the snake away from you, and then the snake went to its “room” may indicate that you will overcome what is hindering your progress.

Then the guy paid me with a big check; I believe whatever he paid was twice the amount of what it'd cost and he said, "Keep the rest for you".

I would imagine that he has given you the more money that it has cost you, meaning that you have gained more from this experience or dream than you think!!
