Have you been Cubed yet?


It will take me a long time to get through this place, but I haven't found this subject & think some of you would like this, sorry if it is a repeat of another thread .
Secrets of The Cube
The Ancient Visualization Game That Reveals Your True Self
by Anne Gottlieb and Slobodan D. Pesic
"Some think The Cube may be an ancient Sufi teaching riddle. Lost for centuries, it reappears in times and places where the soul most needs to know itself."
There is 6 questions that you have to answer in detail & then you are told what you have explained about your life.All the people I have tried it on has liked it, so if you see the book anywhere check it out. Anyone who likes divination I'm sure will enjoy!
Also in the book they tell that Marco Polo may have played this game!



i love how you can read thru parts of the book and get an excellent idea of what this is all about hmmmmm
would make excellent xmas gifts....

thanks !!!!
for the link and info


I'm so glad you brought up this book, Ros!

I'd read this book a couple years ago and posted The Cube game on the old, old, Chat forum that is now closed and archived. If you click on the link that DolphinPrincess provided and once you're there click the link to see an excerpt from the book, you can play the game yourself. I think you can only look at the Forum Archives if you're a Subscriber, though, so I apologize to those who can't reach the following links! :(

How to Play

What it Means

I would suggest that anyone who has not played this imagination game should GO DO IT NOW!

What are you doing reading this when you haven't played yet?

I mean it!

You'll ruin the game if you read any farther without playing!I posted another thread with what The Cube game really means. You can see how to do the entire game on the Amazon Link

This is you last chance! Because you can only play this game ONCE!

Well, you get the point. ;) Hee. I just love that "you can only play it once" part. It sounds so intriguing that you almost have to go play, doesn't it? })

Anyway, my favorite description of someone's desert from the "What it Means" post above is from Tempestfire, who thought she was supposed to imagine a dessert...not a desert! :D It was so cute...there was a cheesecake cube and a ladder made from chocolate and caramel! Yummy!

Thanks again for bringing this up again, Ros! (And thanks for the link, DP, so everyone can see how to do it!) I'd forgotten about it, and I'd love to see the deserts of all the new folks! There's so many more people here now than when it was first done.

So what were your deserts like? I'll try to re-post mine from the other thread, too.




It was fun but...

OK, I just took this test and it didn't work for me.
BUT: I just spent the weekend at Joshua Tree it the Mojave desert so that's where my descriptions of the desert and the flowers come right out of. The cube is one that I believe I've seen somewhere as an installed art piece: about 6 or 7' square white plastic with black lines breaking it up into 9 smaller cubes. The horse was a pretty paint horse in full saddle and tack but that's cause that's what I saw this weekend. Oh, and I went to college with the ladder: it's a long story...

By the way, the desert southwest US is wonderful! If you haven't been you should go! (But not in the summer.)
