Making Pendulums

Shadow Wolf

How would I go about making my own pendulum ?
Would I have to find a crystal the correct shape or do I have to
find a way to shape it !!!!


you can tie just about anything to a string and use it for a pendulum. there are no rules.

as clear quartz is a great transmitter of energy, thats what i made mine out of. they naturally have a nice pointed end, no need to shape it. i wrapped the end with wire, and made a kind of loop to attach a string to. that was it, simple, and it works beautifully!

Aura Wolf

*Sighs dreamily* Ahh....I can't wait for my pendulum to arrive :> I'm so eager to try it out.


Shadow Wolf,
You'll probably have great results with a pendulum you made yourself...
I've made a few pendulums for friends and one for myself, so that right there tells you it's pretty easy. :D
Any crystal or pendant that is well centered will work; add a sturdy chain, a pendant for the "handle" (optional), and there you go!