Simple Spreads/Layouts: Any Specific To Runes?


I'm sure they're out there--spreads just for rune casts...?
Not tarot spreads adapted to runes; but rather, rune spreads unique to only runes.
I'd like to learn just one simple layout that is distinctive to the character and lore of runes, so that it is entirely different from my card readings.
In my search on this topic, I did come accross the 24-rune cast.
I tried this cast, and I really liked it; however, it requires a lot of time. I'm hoping for a shorter, simpler layout so that I may also include tarot and I-Ching insight in the same sitting.
So, is there such a thing?


Click on this Link and scroll down. The three prime rune casts (spreads) are there.


Most excellent, Umbrae...
Thank you, thank you very much!