Healing With The Angels Oracle Reading


I'm really sorry if this is on the wrong board, I wasn't sure where to put it.


That's the spread that I used. My question was conserning a conversation I had with a guy pal of mine. We've been friends for almost a year now and have grown fairly close. The cards drawn are:

1. Reversed Answerd Pray
2. Nature
3. Soul Mate
4. Balance.


Hi Aithnea, I am going to move this to the Oracle Decks Forum. This one is for Tarot only, the other encompasses the full suite of other divination decks.
Don't worry about making 'mistakes' :) and I am sure the many Doreen Virtue fans (and I am one) will be glad to help.


Hi Aithnea,

I know you posted what the spread looks like, but it would make it easier to help if you told us what each position in the spread means, if there were meanings assigned..

Thanks :eek:)


Usually when I do a reading I let the cards tell me which spread to use. Normally it's really easy to figure out what the cards are trying to tell me. But this time it's really confusing. The only possible meanings for the position of the cards that I can think of is: 1. The Present; 2-4 Possible outcomes.


... i'm trying to remember these specific cards from the deck...

i'm not really sure here - as i don't know what your conversation was about or what you were asking the cards about that conversation... this may make no sense, but i'll give it a shot.

Soulmate - soulmates do not have to be 'romantic'.. but i get the sense that the feelings in the friendship run deep.. and perhaps you (or him) have been hoping this could turn into something more..

Answered Prayers Reversed - perhaps there is some merit to this relationship moving forward - but it hasn't in the present.. there is a delay or still some blocked energies...

Balance - a need to remember that the foundation of this relationship is friendship - and if it were to change to something more, always keep that foundation.... also, do not let this relationship consume your life... ..

Nature - hmm, this one threw me.. perhaps you get some of your energy from the outdoors and nature.. and the angels are telling you to spend some time there - perhaps meditation - and questions you have may become clearer....

even if this doesn't help - leave the cards go for awhile.. things may begin to happen that , in retrospect, will help them to make sense...