offering jesus readings with my soul tidings cards.


even though i consider the soul tidings cards to be tarot with some extra cards. the makers do not so it would be moved here eventually eheh.

ok how this works is you ask a question. and i give you the jesus spread for issues, or revelations spread for guidance .
i am not sure how many people to take,, let us say five for now for the hierophant. :O)


Hello Holmes, may I be your first guinea pig please?

My question is:

(A difficult one!) I would like to know what is needed of me in order to successfully keep all the 'things' in my life up-to-shape. I have many 'things' and responsibilities, so I just would like some guidance (Revelations spread sounds good!) as to what I need to do, who I need to be, what is needed of me, etc.

Do you need any other information?


BTW: What is the Jesus reading? It sounds really interesting.


for kiama.

My question is:

(A difficult one!) I would like to know what is needed of me in order to successfully keep all the 'things' in my life up-to-shape. I have many 'things' and responsibilities, so I just would like some guidance (Revelations spread sounds good!) as to what I need to do, who I need to be, what is needed of me, etc.

i read the soul tidings card as if jesus himself was telling me the word of each card.

0. soul postion
ten of eagles, (ten of wands) the new conventent reversed (of eagles)
the ten of eagles dropped out when i was shuffling. and given what you are feeling with the things and responsiblities the card image speaks for itselfs. it shows a woman in the middle of two people yelling at her, and she can't handle it.. the subtitle is words. in the normal tarot you are full of spiritual burdens.. but here you are being pressured by the influence of your freinds, families, and lover.
the new conventent reversed, says you are ready to move forward to understand your soul and your creator better,, but the ten of eagles is holding you back for you can't hear the divine voice within.

1. god will (your higher will if you prefer)
the blood reversed (death reversed) and two of doves(two of cups) reversed,

the blood is telling you to realize that we are all the same inside,, and that is the divine spirit that we each have. to hate another is to hate yourself.. and to accept another is to accept yourself.
the two of doves says to love the personality isn't the answer.. but to love the soul and the highest aspects of the personality is part of the answer..
to love a person who faults you can accept without your relationship being empty should reflect your love of their soul as well.

2. the issue,
seven of eagles(seven of wands) freedom,
it is your connections to the world that are holding your spirit down you feel. this speaks not of breaking off all ties to the world and walking around with just your clothes on your back like the prophets of the old testment.
instead to ask for the universe to help you move forward, to free that which no longer serves you to return to the universe for other people who need it. (that is an good ego excerise as well , if you want to pm i can share it with you from the book jesus path)

asking reversed,(four of pentacles reversed)
to ask the universe to help is not selfish but your divine right as a child of the light. the masters says we can not help you unless you ask, for we can not interfere in your free will. to pray is to ask ,,, to mediate is to recieve, to help others is to give..
all requests of the spirit is a prayer of some sort, there is no shame for us.

the cheerful giver reversed (of the eagles)

give not grudgingly ,, and recieve help from us not grudingly for we would not ask you to go to the world along without our help and guidance, and you knew this before you left to the school of earth. when you see people in need give freely ,, it is within you ,, just let go of the ego needs for now and let spirit.

gentleness. eight of the doves,
remember the child gentleness with living things when they are small,, that is how you are to approach everyliving thing.. for the universe was created out of love and not force.
everything has a vulnerability,, and when people say"why do you act like that ,, you didn't hurt me " they come from the fear that they could be hurt,, and want to hide it.
let not those words affect you .. for the gentle heart is the wise heart.

our caring father reversed (eight of light reversed)

to reconcile with the male god , is to harmonzie yourself with both goddess and god and to realize they are aspects of the whole.
the god is not judgemental,, those are fears used by the church to control people.. and the original leaders of the old testment.
the caring father is like a gardener who tends to his garden every day , spraying the negative bugs from bitting us,, giving us fertilizer to grow.

sowing and reaping, (ace of eagles, or wands )

your challenge is to take action in your life, to remember as you sow the seeds of love or war,, so shall you reap the benefits of either seed. since it is upright it is for you to sow the seeds of the postivness and to say i do not want the negative seeds before my path.

peace reversed, (ace of light reversed)
to recieve our blessing is first to find peace in your life, and remember that temperance is found through peace ,, harmony comes through peace of opposite forces,, and cooperation of allied forces.
to embrace those your love with an open heart and say yes i want only peace between us.

9.revelation for you ,
gratitude reversed (of the light )

to give thanks to the goddess,and the god , and the spirit is to thank yourself for a job well done.. it is not our egos who want thanks, it is the natural law of gratitude for love,,
it isn't a equal exchange for the rule of the earth energies.. we come from higher then that.

and so with that we leave you to ponder, and let the good things come for you .


I'd love a reading if your willing

My question:

I'm wondering where my life is heading right now. Because I'm so young (21) I'd like to know what I should be going to school for? What career should I be aiming for? Also if my boyfriend will still a part of my life?

Thank you


i would love to have a reading from you...if you would want to...about my path, my life path right now, i'm a bit lost about the direction...about my life purpose...

thank you very much in advance!!!

with much of love,



Please may I have a reading on my life's purpose? If we're choosing spreads too, I'd like to go for the revelations version.

Many thanks.


Relationship Question

Well, hopefully I'm #5. :) I'd love to know what the future is for my relationship with TRN. If we have a romantic future with each other. Thanks. :) I'll leave the choice of spread up to you.. since it would probably be a relationship spread.



i was wondering what is the most improtant question that you asked (i answer one question for a reading) and so my life is heading right now,, what i should be going to school for, and what career should i be aiming for..
they are all related, it is clear that you need some direction and so that is the question i will ask :O)

looking at the spreads i decided to try an insight spread.. for while insight can be provided , it is an reminder, that the oracle can give you insight and signposts to follow yet the power remains with you ,, and recall that when you do not follow what you love to do for a career ,, you will be unhappy. (some people love to work on cars for example, good thing too for i dont know nothing about cards eheh, and the same goes for gardening and you get the idea :O)

then there is the other option , mic foley , wwe champion for a few times, had to go to school while he was training to be a wrestler to have something to fall back on. that is always a good thing.

0. soul position,
trust seven of light reversed

in the picture jesus is walking on water holding his hands out to peter saying have faith, but peter when he took the risk , lost his faith before he could reach the master. although he didnt' drown, (like he went down halfway into the water and so he retained some of his faith)
this story tells us that even though we may of lost some of our faith in the universe, or your ideal of god.. we still have a bit of faith. on the soul position this card is reminding you to open your heart up to your soul and the answers will be provided. for too long have you denied your true self

1. challenge.
the good sheperd reversed.

this card tells me that you have the capaticy to be a greater leader of men,, yet you deny that within you. in the picture the sheperd is holding a baby sheep in his hands while the rest of the sheep follow behind. do you resent responsbility when you crave it?

praise and worship . (three of light)
you have been taught to show your gratitude and worship the masters. it is good to show gratitude and respect,
the source is made up of both female and male force
you have a great heart and so the light has been coming to you (light as meaning spiritual growth and love of the world as a brother )
when you praise the god as the ultimate power ,, it is a remainder that we are part of the source and we have power ourselves to make our own reality . and so co creating with the force of love will bring to us praise as well (well done great servant the master will say ) for while we serve ,, we are not slaves :O)

3. issue
harmony , 3 of doves,
when all instruments work together you have a harmony. and that is a lesson for all things in life..
all family members working together creates a harmonious family,
all workers working together create an excellent productive work force.
and so that is the true issue for you ,, and lesson. as a person who posses excellent leadership potential , it is essential that as you delegate,, you lead like an conductor of an symphony. or they will be like instruments playing their own version of a song. and that creates discord.

4. revelation.
3 of thorns, depression.
in order for you to move forward as a leader , it is first necessary for you to heal yourself emotionally for until you do , any issues you have will come out into the place of work.
and remember that even though you may not be a leader for some years.. as part of the team you may create discord with your depression.. and that will displease others and create a negative view of you. the pictures shows an apple alone with some dying flowers. so the surroundings are depressing and you are not.. so make sure your enviroment that you decide on yourself is what appeals to you (you know those job tests they do at school my test said i would make a excellent counsellor or something along those lines, but i hate to work outdoors, so here i am helpin people with my tarot doing counselling in a way :O)

5.the key
ace of thorns reversed loneliness
it is inportant for you to remember that you are not alone.. even if you pick a career where you work along , let say an artist for example. it is the destructive artist who works alone,(you know the depressed artist who can only share from his self through his art ? hermits do that a lot )
but an artist who can share with the world, and work with other artists has a more furfilling life.
(take me for example before i came to aeclectic i felt so alone,, no one understood me , but since i came here i learned so much , and i no longer feel like i am alone a big world )



for rostie, the three card trinity spread

what is her life purpose old master jesus.

0. soul postion
cheeful giver,

your life purpose is to help those who are in need. the picture shows a friendly woman in blue helping an old man in agrey robe..
yet as i look at the card it transfroms to see a freindly businessman woman in blue giving a homeless man a sandwhich out fo the goodness of her heart.

cards that popped out so they extended your cheeful giver postion of the soul.

god is love, (jesus is on a cloud)
you may see god/goddess as ultimate love yet remember that heaven isn't in the clouds , it can live within our hearts once we let that ultimate love inside.

TWO the door (high priestress)
a young child (to me looks like a girl ) is openin a door , she is dressed in purple reflecting the violet flame of the seven chakra behind the door is the dove of touched by angel and an ascended master.
the high priestrees reflects a person who knows secrets.. but also a person who is studying the secrets.
for you, it shall be revealed when you are ready by the masters and the spirit if you but open the door.
to open the door is to be a child again in belief and let go of your adult beliefs of science mind. (but remember keep reason and common sense eheh )

1. the blessing
the word

for you understand the word of the source, it isn't found in the book written by the leaders of church but within your heart , and it is written there by your spirit through connecting to the divine spirit.
that is your blessing in this life time .

2. revelation
confusion reversed (the tower reversed)

be not confused great heart of the spirit ,, for as you decide to let the tower fall ,, and the ambition to build a tower to the creator ,, you will see that he has alwasy been with you ,, building what you will every brick of the way ..
the confusion you have is in the discernment of each religion influence upon you ,, instead of seeking out the universal truth among them.

3. the inspiration.
the crufication (hanged man )

whatfor did jesus die ? in the course of miracles he says it was the ultimate example of foregiviness of one enemies , for they have whiped him, thorn him, streched him and starved and dehydrated him,, but he said forgive them for they know not what they do ..
(what he really said has been lost but his spirit says that was in foregiveness he died without karma )


for sunflower

Relationship Question
Well, hopefully I'm #5. I'd love to know what the future is for my relationship with TRN. If we have a romantic future with each other. Thanks. I'll leave the choice of spread up to you.. since it would probably be a relationship spread.

0. soul postion,
one of eagles,
sowing and reaping
a message from your soul that you help create your own relationship and you have power in your relationship to help it or to sabtoge it.

the blessing. (2, 4, 6, 8 are you , 1, 3, 5, 7 are him )
1. prophecy reversed,
he is avoiding his own psychic nature, and spiritual self at the core,, and possibly scared of your own studies into it as well.

2. miracles
you have the ability to see miracles everywhere as a confirmation as the presence of the divine , and as well feel the call to find the magicful feeling in all things.

the challenge,
3. relationships reversed (two of light )
it is quite clear that he is relationship challenged and doenst' know how to go about it. and perhaps scared of the commitment as well for there are two kids playing on the street just babies

4.teacher (emperor)
you feel it is your nature to teach him all you know , and all you experience, you feel that is your challenge,
yet a deeper challenges remainds to see him as being able to decide for himself what he believes in,, and more importantly to exact his own free will, he wants you to respect that.

the inspiraton
5. four of doves, patience
you feel hopeful for he is patient with you, and the relationship , and you see that as a stepping stone for a full flowered relationship

6. prayer reversed, (five of light reversed )
you don't feel inspired to ask the universe for help in this relationship .. kind of like we shall fall or raise on our own accord.
the universe is telling you it is ok to ask for our help in your relationship . for you can access a higher wisdom.

the manifestation.
7. thorn in the flesh
you feel sorry for him, he is a good man but he is the wounded healer, or good man who is hunted by his own demons. and you feel only you can take the thorn out .

you see the good in him, and the good in yourself, moreso , you are now discovering your talents and wonder how that will affect the relationship as you empower yourself.

harmony , three of doves.
a reminder that in order for any relationship to be happy there must be a harmony between you two , a two way relationship .
and anything else and it will fall.
your relationship will suceed as long as you work together (sometimes that feeling you get when you do stuff together gives a hint of harmony )
yet remember that people who fall in love at work , fall out of love when they find differnt jobs.. or a couple who are guitarist and singer,, fall out of love when they get differnt gigs and follow their own career for that leads them to be seperate for to long , leaving the spark to fail .