health reading question, swords cards


if you had the 4 of swords coming up for someone repeatedly in readings what would you think? i mean these cards were constantly repeating for this person. now, factor in the 2 of swords, and the 3 of swords. what could that signify? i see it as a heart attack or heart disease, by-pass surgery? anyone have this come up where someone did indeed have heart disease, or heart surgery, exploratory like angiogram, or actual surgery? any other ailments that swords could represent? has anyone ever seen cancer in these cards? any feedback welcomed.


I don't do health readings but in retrospect, I've heard of swords meaning surgery before. It wasn't done to predict it beforehand, though.


thanks grizabella. was wondering, what type of surgery? was is exploratory surgery say for cancer, or actual surgery for heart disease? or another surgery?
i don't do readings for anyone on health issues. but, one reading i did do for a friend strongly indicated that this person that she was estranged from, still cared for, was ill. this was the first time the cards indicated a health issue so strongly, and it seemed a serious one. i just told her what i saw, but i felt very uncomfortable doing so. i guess she will find out the story in time. thanx for the reply.


I think doing health readings really is a 'no-go' zone. I know you said you were not actually doing health readings, but given that you've posted two separate posts on a similar topic, I'm guessing you are really trying to figure something out. I think if there are health issues involved it's just best left to the professionals (ie. health professionals). I don't believe there is any one card, or combination of cards, that is going to definitely mean surgery, or heart attack, or specific ailments. I just don't think it works that way. Others may disagree of course.

This thread was started awhile ago and although it relates to a pregnancy reading, you might find some of the opinions interesting. It's definitely worth reading through.

Best wishes.


I think this person knew about the danger and was told to take things easy, but they didn't and now the situation is more serious and perhaps life threatening and could require surgery. It could be relating to the heart but I don't think so. (too obvious with swords through a heart) I think the person is regretting not heeding the doc's advice. The good news is, they now see the seriousness and are ready to do what needs to be done.

That's how I see the 4 coming up repeatedly and then the 2 and 3.


yes, sinduction. i think they are heeding the docs advice to rest. maybe surgery and recoup in the 4 of swords. i still think its heart disease. i was wondering why would you think its not heart disease? you said the swords going through the heart is to obvious. isn't that what would first jump out and come to mind? and, taking it easy would be more in the vein of heart disease, not pushing oneself to hard. can't see cancer in this one. just wondering about not seeing heart problems in this.


I'm SO not comfortable with this kind of health reading. I mean, you say that the 4 of Swords kept coming up for readings with this person. Were they health readings? You said you didn't do health readings so I'm assuming it was maybe a general reading. So....for me, if the 4 of Swords kept coming up I'd just say the person maybe needed some rest, or time away from a situation or a person. If the two of Swords also came up then maybe I'd think they might need to make a decision, or are trying to regain some sense of peace after difficulty. If the Three of Swords was also there then it could be that they are making a decision to separate from someone and that some sorrow may be inevitable as a result. And I'm sure that different people would see completely different things from that combination of cards. It will depend on the reader, the deck, etc. So why be so focused on finding some negative health connotations from this? Also, if she was estranged from the person....then if you are reading on that person's health issues then it's a third party reading, which is hardly ethical at the best of times, let alone when health issues are involved. I honestly don't think you can get a specific health diagnosis from a set of tarot cards. I'd just leave it alone. Just my opinon.


Here are my thoughts (just a couple of pennies' worth :).)

First, taking cards out of full readings and asking others here to comment on what they think those cards might mean is probably more of an exercise in futility than anything else. All the cards of a spread work off each other to form a full reading. Pulling them away from supporting cards is like reading a sentence out of context.

But to take your question as you posed it, if this were specifically a health reading for a third party, I would have to agree with sapienza. I would never touch a diagnostic-type health reading myself--for anyone--(the phrase practicing medicine without a license comes to mind very quickly), and the fact that this appears to be reading about someone who has not expressed his "permission" to be read for...well invasion of privacy comes to mind, also. One's health is pretty personal stuff...

But what it sounds like is that you started doing readings for this friend about her past relationship--probably about what he thinks about her or the relationship now that they are apart or something to that effect. And then, the Four of Swords kept coming up, soon to be followed by the Two and Three. If that is the case, I would likely not have gone to there being a medical facet to it at all, necessarily. It could be that (since Swords are about thought processes and conflict among other things) that he has put thoughts of the relationship on the back burner for now--not that he has forgotten about your friend, but he is in the process of regrouping with hope of starting anew elsewhere. Then when the Two and Three of Swords begin to appear, as well, in subsequent readings, I would think that the Two could indicate that he is trying to regroup by sweeping his true feelings under the rug--but they are really still churning down there. The Three, then, would suggest to me that he really needs to talk this relationship out with someone because he can't truly get over it without expressing whatever residual anger or hurt still exists.

You're regressing from the Four back to the Three and the Two. Just that makes me feel that he has to retrace his steps somehow to be able to come to terms with the end of the relationship.

Now, take into consideration that this reading is actually your friend's reading, and think about whether or not those things really apply to her and not to him at all. Perhaps, she is the one who needs to get him out of her system and is finding it difficult to do so...

But, again, without the whole spread and positional meanings, if you had assigned them, my comments are just things to think about...not really about the cards and spread you drew for this situation at all. Just musings on an early Monday morning with only a half cup of coffee in me so far. :)


starrystarrynight said:
my comments are just things to think about...not really about the cards and spread you drew for this situation at all. Just musings on an early Monday morning with only a half cup of coffee in me so far. :)
Darn good for half a cup! What happens with a double espresso? ;)


LadyofHearts, as pointed out, you are confusing us.
(1) You say the reading was for a particular person, but seem sure that these cards are about her friend. Why are you so sure about that?
(2) You say you don't do health readings and we're guessing that this reading wasn't about this man's health, yet you're sure it is. Why?
(3) You seem to have decided exactly what it means. in fact, I'm mystified as to why your'e asking us at all what it's about when you seem to have decided, no if's, and's or but's, that it's about a heart attack/surgery. Why?

If it's her reading, why are THESE cards about him? Let us in on why you think this. If these cards are about him, why are they about his health? Let us in on why you think this. If they are about his health, why are you so sure it's about his heart? Let us in on why you think this.

And if you're absolutely sure the issue is this person's health, why are you asking us to confirm it?