Help with the Temperance card please


Thirteen said:
I like this too! How many of us--or people we know--keep doing the same wrong things over and over again, stubbornly refusing to see or believe that it just doesn't work?

It's one of the hardest lessons to learn/teach, and yet one of the most important. It not only transforms the mix (and the outcome), but it transforms the one doing the mixing.

In addition to this statement, it means that one is also doing whatever it takes to heal a relationship. If the person was doing something wrong several times or even once, they are taking time to set things right. Now whether they become successful with that, that is a different story, but they are making the effort to bring harmony in to the siutation.

Twilight Sky

Perhaps it means moderating behaviors. Relationships need compromise. A “my way or the highway” mentality make it close to impossible to achieve harmony. Sometimes we think we have it all figured out. We can be selfish and expect another to bend to our ways. Temperance is about the middle path. There is a sense of maturity with this card. Knowing the truth of the situation and realizing what works and what doesn't to achieve the desired outcome. Use your experiences to draw knowledge and learn from them.

Liz C

This is just a few thoughts off the top of my head. Keep in mind I've just restarted my tarot studies after many years absence :)

Perhaps with Temperance we need to put aside our own ego and our own self-interests, and look at what the situation needs to heal, and then work towards that. Since the card is about working well with others, I think perhaps there needs to be a lack of egoism, and seeing what is needed from a 'group' (or 'couple') perspective.

There is a need for forgiveness (versus resentment and anger), humility (versus ego), and temperance (versus extreme behaviour or points of view). Healing with love and kindness.

Perhaps you will both need to meet in the middle. Each person may have to blend, meld, and certainly be flexible. Water flows and is flexible.


I see the man in the 4 of cups in the Vic. Romance deck and despite all the attention he's getting, he still isn't happy.


Liz C said:
Perhaps with Temperance we need to put aside our own ego and our own self-interests, and look at what the situation needs to heal, and then work towards that. Since the card is about working well with others, I think perhaps there needs to be a lack of egoism, and seeing what is needed from a 'group' (or 'couple') perspective.
I think this is a very good point. I'm reminded of a celebrity chef who was so focused on talks and tours and television interviews to promote himself that he neglected his restaurant, which failed and closed.

The scientist who focuses on his ego, on being known, getting aclaim, having people fawn over a scientist who probably isn't going to create that new, miracle elixer. The scientist who is in the lab, hiding away and working morning and night at his chemistry set, he's the one who will find it...because that's all he's focused on and searching for.


Melanchollic said:
The Summa Theologica lists several aspects of Temperance: chastity, continence, humility, gentleness, mildness, studiousness, and of course, moderation of food and drink.

I usually interpret the Virtue Trumps to suggest that a given Virtue is needed, so this can suggest there is a quality of intemperance: unchastity, incontinence, pride, uninhibited wrath, curiosity, and excess of food and drink.

[...] Do you still have feelings for him? They may need to be 'tempered'.

Do you hold uninhibited anger toward him? Humility may be needed?
I like this approach, of saying - if the Virtue's appeared, it must mean I, the other, or both of us, need more of it... And then asking the pertinent questions (of which I've quoted only two) - and then, of course, taking action! It's not so far apart from what Liz C writes. Different perspective, but the approach of openness to learning and adjusting is the same.

In the Mythic, Temperance is Iris, a messenger between the gods and mortals, who teaches about developing a balanced heart and keeping a healthy flow of feeling going through the right mix of love, acceptance, humility, openness and joy - all qualities mortals need in order to receive divine guidance (and in broken relationships, divine guidance is very helpful! ;))

Nancy K - you make a very good point. Temperance also points out that in relationships, both of us must meet half-way. If one fails to do that, the relationship limps.



Change the tune. Try a new choreography.



Glass Owl

nancyk said:
I keep getting the Temperance card in relationship readings for my ex. I always have thought of this card as having patience and "blending" until you get it right. Any other thoughts?
This card has only turned up for me twice. Once in the position as "advice" and once as my current state. Both of these readings were regarding a legal proceeding. As it later turned out, I did quite well. I kept my cool and kept my emotions in check while, on the other hand, a friend of mine got so emotional that she had to leave for a few minutes and it hurt her credibility as an objective witness.

Perhaps this card is suggesting that you may need to keep your personal feelings in check in order to work together, especially if there are children involved. Or maybe it is a bit of a warning that changing yourself too much to please or get along with someone else can result in losing a sense of yourself in the process.

I really like Toni Allen's card meanings--I refer to them a lot. The following is some content from her section on the Temperance card.
The angelic side of Temperance is about looking after each other, getting the ego out of the way and not looking for instant gratification in the material world.

The more human side of Temperance is the struggle within each and every one of us to constantly balance emotions.

I call her the *fake it till you make it* card, for in truth if we are working at keeping the emotions in balance then they are not in balance at all. She represents our ability to say *I’m ok* when we feel more like crying and ripping our hair out in a fit of anguish and despair.

Events come along and trigger dramatic emotional reactions and we lose our sense of *I AM* which The Emperor represents. We use phrases such as *thrown off balance*, feeling *out of balance* and *needing rebalancing* to try and describe this sensation of feeling lost and emotionally knocked sideways."

In readings Temperance describes the client putting on a brave face and presenting an ego mask of being *ok* even when they do not feel ok. Just think of how many times you’ve walked into work first thing in the morning feeling upset, or maybe a little unwell, and yet still managed to smile at your colleagues and get on with your daily duties. This is the power of Temperance, to set aside ones emotional burden so that one can continue life. There is a time for one's own sorrow and a time to maintain a pretence so that one may deal with issues appropriately. These are the two urns which Temperance pours the water between.

These are the same two urns which the woman in the Star card empties out. I take it to be the same woman, the same feminine side of our nature, which experiences an unburdening and freeing of the emotional ties which bind us to a repeat emotional cycle of having certain events trigger a negative response within us.

When Temperance is seen during a reading the questioner is never truly depressed, but more aware of what has upset them and how they might deal with it. For some people Temperance is their type. They go through their entire lives agreeing with others in order to keep the peace and always say that they are fine when in fact they do not feel *fine* at all.

When Temperance is seen reversed then it means that the cracks are starting to show and that the individual is no longer able to maintain such a good pretence. It’s that moment in the street when you bump into a friend and when they ask *How are you?*, you respond with *I’m fine thanks*, and they come a little closer and say quietly, “Are you? Honestly? You don’t look too bright today.* Our cover is broken, the truth is out, the mask is pulled away. In many respects it’s the first sign of a healing taking place, because only once others can see our vulnerability are we able to cry for help.

All the while Temperance is upright we are viewed by others as capable and strong, not wishing to be interfered with. Only once the water starts to spill, a small tear is seen creeping into the corner of our eye can we gain support.

For many Temperance is a temporary state, a way of coping during a hard time. Once the path is easier then one can drop the cups and let the waters flow and true emotions abound once again.


I have two experiences with Temperance:

1. A friend of mind was obsessed with discovering the key to winning at the horse races. He was actually doing quite well and had won some money but this only encouraged him to keep looking for the 'perfect system'. He sat for hours in front of his computer in a very small, dirty office...surrounded by racing guides, scrap paper etc. I don't think he had taken a shower in a week. Finally, he started getting very, very nervous, imagined that he was very ill etc. It looked to me like he was starting to break down mentally. He asked me why he was feeling so horrible so I did a two card reading:

Temperance reversed and the Devil

The racing system. He was obsessed with it, couldn't put it down. This was causing his system to become unbalanced. Once he put it aside he started to feel better.

2. I was outraged about something, very, very angry. I was flying off the handle and coming completely unglued. I asked two questions about the other person involved:

What are his fears and anxieties about me? Tower
Why he has those fears and anxieties? Temperance reversed

He could see that I was extremely upset and feared that something very explosive would happen as a result.

So, for me the card means balance, control, everything is in synch. Reversed and that balance is upset...obsessing about racing systems, extreme anger. In other words, a distinct lack of moderation.


Thank-you all for your comments!! What insight you've given me.